Meet the Team – Chris Elmer
What will you be doing at Basing House?
Basing House is open to the public on most days when the excavation is taking place and so we thought it would be worth providing some activities for visitors to get involved in which help to explain the site and archaeology in general.
I will be leading a number of creative student workshops to get the students attending the excavation to provide a number of engaging activities for visitors over six days of the Dig. We will be able to use resources provided by Basing House (for their own Educational group visits), but also create our own approaches to working with the public.
What you are hoping to experience at Basing House?
I always look forward to the positive experience of working in teams to create a resource for the public which can then be seen in action. I hope all students working on the Dig, and any other volunteers who want to help, will enjoy putting together and delivering the drop-in activities for visitors.
What’s the unique thing that attracts you to Basing House?
Being at the site itself and the opportunity to do some digging, as well as the visitor activities, is something I’m looking forward to. Having worked at Basing House on and off for over a decade I still find the site a special place to visit, a place where the past feels very tangible.
What you do when you’re not at Basing House?
I’m now researching Public engagement and archaeology at Southampton University having spent close to 20 years working in the Heritage sector.
Filed under: Chris Elmer, Meet the Team Tagged: chris-elmer