Meet the Team – Kris Strutt
What will you be doing at Basing House?

Kris Strutt, working on the EES Theban Harbours and Waterscapes Project –
Hopefully some survey, geophysics, and exploring the amazing landscape of the area.
What you are hoping to experience at Basing House?
A good, strong, eclectic team of people doing what they do best.
What’s the unique thing that attracts you to Basing House?
The amazing archaeology, and definitely the tea and biscuits.
What you do when you’re not at Basing House?
Move from survey to survey in Europe and elsewhere, write and teach.
Useful links
Kris’ staff page at the University of Southampton website:
Kris tweets as @kdstrutt
Kris’ website:
Filed under: Kris Strutt, Meet the Team Tagged: kris-strutt