Meet the Team – Adam Chapman
What will you be doing at Basing House?

Adam Chapman
Hopefully, what I’ll be doing at Basing is to try and relate some of the historical accounts to what we can see on the ground and to provide some historical context to the archaeology, particularly with regard to the period before the Civil Wars.
What you are hoping to experience at Basing House?
Er? Rain, cold, sunshine, tea and biscuits.
What’s the unique thing that attracts you to Basing House?
The opportunity to get away from my computer and spend some time with books and buildings
What you do when you’re not at Basing House?
What I’m paid for:
In other words, editing local histories of England and producing training material and trying to make the whole process as accessible as possible while trying to sneak in my own research on the side.
Filed under: Meet the Team Tagged: adam-chapman