Pour fermer les abattoirs, il faut les ouvrir

Le 13 juin 2015, aux quatre coins du monde – Ă  Paris, Bruxelles, Berlin, Londres, Istanbul, Delhi, Los Angeles, Toronto, MontrĂ©al – des citoyens se sont rĂ©unis et ont marchĂ© pour revendiquer la fermeture des abattoirs.

Mais les abattoirs ne se fermeront pas de leur propre grĂ©. Pour faire fermer les abattoirs, il faut d’abord faire ouvrir les yeux et les cƓurs des gens. L’ouverture des cƓurs est le seul espoir pour les indĂ©nombrables victimes innocentes, impuissantes, sans voix, sans droits, qui souffrent horriblement et inutilement, partout au monde, tous les jours, Ă  tout moment.


Photo: Jo-Anne McArthur, The Ghost in Our Machine (avec permission)
Comment ouvrir le cƓur des gens?

Avec deux faits fondamentaux que la plupart des gens ne savent ou ne croient pas.

1. Le premier fait fondamental est que manger de la viande n’est nĂ©cessaire pour ni la survie ni pour la santĂ© humaine.

Les vĂ©ganes provenant de partout au monde qui faisaient partie des marches Ă©taient les preuves vivantes de ce premier fait fondamental. On estime qu’il y a 75 millions de vĂ©ganes sur la planĂšte: 1% de la population totale de 7,5 milliards.

2. Le deuxiĂšme fait fondamental est que, pour fournir cette viande qui n’est pas nĂ©cessaire Ă  la survie et Ă  la santĂ© des 7,5 milliards d’ĂȘtres humains sur la planĂšte, une quantitĂ© inimaginable de souffrance est nĂ©cessaire de la part de plus de 150 milliards de victimes innocentes, sans dĂ©fense, sans voix, chaque annĂ©e.

L’abattage pour nous fournir en viande n’est pas l’euthanasie. Il ne s’agit pas de la terminaison d’une longue vie heureuse, sans terreur, sans douleur, afin d’Ă©pargner de la souffrance Ă  la victime d’une terrible maladie incurable ou d’une douleur insupportable.

LIRE AUSSI: Dans le couloir de la mort: une ex-inspectrice d’abattoir tĂ©moigne

L’abattage est la terminaison terrifiante et terriblement douloureuse d’une vie courte, pleine de maladies et de douleurs, de victimes innocentes qui ont Ă©tĂ© engendrĂ©es et Ă©levĂ©es dans le but d’ĂȘtre impitoyablement abattues.

Et tout ça, sans aucune nécessité pour notre survie ou notre santé. Nous ne leur faisons toutes ces horreurs que pour le plaisir de nos palais, et par habitude.

Les manifestations comme celle du 13 juin sont trùs importantes, mais elles ne suffisent pas pour ouvrir le cƓur des gens et pour fermer les abattoirs.

Pour cela, nous devons d’abord ouvrir les abattoirs, avec des webcams de surveillance audiovisuelles, placĂ©es dans tous les sites des abominations – camĂ©ras qui filmeront les horreurs et les transmettront toutes, immĂ©diatement, de façon continue et permanente, sur le Web. Comme ça, tout les citoyens pourront devenir tĂ©moins du coĂ»t terrible en termes d’agonie qu’infligent nos prĂ©fĂ©rences gustatives, Ă  chaque instant de chaque jour, partout, aux ĂȘtres sensibles, innocents, sans dĂ©fense, sans droits, sans voix, sans rĂ©pit, sans secours.


Photo: Image Wikimedia Commons (Domaine public)
Tout le monde ne regardera pas ces vidĂ©os sur le Web. Mais le nombre de tĂ©moins qui regarderont, verront et ainsi sauront la vĂ©ritĂ© dĂ©chirante, augmentera de plus en plus le nombre de ceux qui le savent aujourd’hui, Ă  un moment oĂč la vĂ©ritĂ© reste toujours hermĂ©tiquement cachĂ©e de nos yeux et de nos cƓurs. Et ceux d’entre nous qui connaĂźtrons cette vĂ©ritĂ© pourrons fournir la voix aux victimes.

Les rĂ©glementations existantes pour minimiser la souffrance dans les abattoirs sont honteusement insuffisantes: comment peut-on mettre fin Ă  une vie innocente, sans nĂ©cessitĂ©, de maniĂšre humanitaire? Mais mĂȘme les rĂ©glementations inadĂ©quates qui existent aujourd’hui ne sont ni appliquĂ©es, ni surveillĂ©es, ni contrĂŽlĂ©es adĂ©quatement.

La surveillance publique des abattoirs, basĂ©e sur les preuves diffusĂ©es sur le Web, tĂ©moignĂ©es et rapportĂ©es par un nombre croissant de citoyens militant pour la protection des animaux, fera en sorte que dĂ©jĂ  les rĂ©glementations inadĂ©quates d’aujourd’hui – ainsi que les poursuites pour leur violation – seront mises en vigueur beaucoup plus rigoureusement.

Au QuĂ©bec, qui avait Ă©tĂ© jusqu’ici la pire province au Canada pour la protection des animaux, nous venons d’acquĂ©rir un principe de base juridique pour revendiquer une surveillance rigoureuse des abattoirs: dĂ©but juin, l’AssemblĂ©e nationale du QuĂ©bec a tenu compte des nombreuses voix qui sont Ă©levĂ©es au nom des animaux.

Le Code civil du QuĂ©bec vient d’ĂȘtre modifiĂ© pour accorder aux animaux le statut d’ĂȘtres sensibles au lieu du statut de propriĂ©tĂ© inerte – ou biens meubles – comme anciennement. Mais cette nouvelle loi, comme la manifestation du 13 juin ne suffisent pas.

Sur cette nouvelle base juridique, et Ă  l’aide des preuves audiovisuelles rapportĂ©es par des citoyens quĂ©bĂ©cois, nous pourrons non seulement poursuivre ceux qui ne respectent pas les rĂ©glementations actuelles, inadĂ©quates, mais nous pourrons aussi exiger l’adoption des lois de plus en plus fortes pour protĂ©ger les ĂȘtres sensibles.

Les preuves transmises par ces webcams de surveillance serviront aussi Ă  sensibiliser tous les citoyens concernant les horreurs nĂ©cessitĂ©es par une diĂšte non-vĂ©gane. Il s’agira de la sensibilisation Ă  la sensibilitĂ© des ĂȘtres sensibles.

Et ce sont les preuves incontournables des souffrances de ces victimes sensibles – et de l’inutilitĂ© de leurs souffrances – qui risquent Ă  nous inspirer tous Ă  ne plus demeurer non-vĂ©ganes – sans aucune nĂ©cessitĂ© vitale, juste pour le plaisir gustatif – Ă  ces terribles frais.

ArrĂȘtez de manger de la viande (et sauvez la planĂšte) – Moby
Être vĂ©gane ET athlĂšte de haut niveau, c’est possible – Élise Desaulniers
Ma vie de vĂ©gĂ©tarien – Paul McCartney
Les végétariens vivent-ils plus longtemps ?

Permettez-moi de conclure avec un peu de numĂ©rologie optimiste et une ruse pyramidale la plus bĂ©nigne du monde: si chaque vĂ©gane aujourd’hui inspire encore 6 non-vĂ©ganes Ă  devenir vĂ©gane ainsi qu’Ă  inspirer Ă  leur tour encore 6 non-vĂ©ganes Ă  devenir vĂ©gane, et ainsi de suite, alors en seulement 9 Ă©tapes toute la population du QuĂ©bec sera vĂ©gane, en 10 Ă©tapes tous les Canadiens, Ă  11 le Canada ainsi que les États-Unis, et Ă  12-13, ça sera le monde entier.


Photo: Image Wikimedia Commons (Domaine public)
Il faut noter Ă©galement qu’il est tout Ă  fait juste que ça soit avec nous, qui sommes parmi les citoyens les plus prospĂšres et les mieux nourris au monde, que tout cela dĂ©marre.

Au moment oĂč nous aurions fermĂ© tous nos abattoirs industriels et re-dĂ©diĂ© nos terres vers la production directe d’aliments Ă  nourrir les gens – au lieu de les utiliser Ă  Ă©lever, nourrir et ensuite massacrer d’innombrables victimes innocentes, inutilement – la planĂšte produira ainsi 40% plus de nourriture, 60% moins de pollution et 90% moins de souffrance.

Ceci sera assez pour nourrir toutes les victimes de la famine ainsi qu’Ă  permettre aux derniers chasseurs de subsistance sur la planĂšte de faire la transition vers une consommation rĂ©ellement Ă©quitable et misĂ©ricordieuse.

Compassion and Commensurability

Compassion. One very sad fact about the animal rights movement is that it has a lot of internecine hostilities. Some of them are evident in the comments on Ashitha’s Nagesh’s article “Vegans need to stop comparing the treatment of animals to slavery“. Ashitha is a vegan. She was only objecting to the slavery analogy because it might hurt some people’s feelings. But some of the commentators have been attacking her as if she were a promotor of animal suffering rather than a vegan like themselves.

Some of this is no doubt because it is so frustrating for those who have been sensitized to animal suffering to be so impotent in the face of so much of it, and so much indifference to it. But Ashitha is not one of that vast majority who are indifferent to it. She is just concerned that the slavery analogy might be hurting the cause of the animals. And she might conceivably be right (even though I think she is wrong, and I use the analogy myself).

But Ashitha is a vegan, and acting in good faith. She does not deserve the vicious remarks being made by some of the commentators on her article. And if anything is likely to hurt the cause of animals, it’s that sort of aggression, so obviously misplaced here.

Vegans need to project compassion, not aggression. It is compassion that animals need. It is aggression that hurts and kills them.

Commensurability. No one knows what message, what approach, what evidence, what argument will help to put an end to the horrors, as soon as possible.

I am the offspring of Holocaust survivors (and I myself was a kind of Holocaust survivor, in utero). I lost 27 members of my family who were taken to Auschwitz by cattle-trains — “just if they were cattle” — to be slaughtered. I too used the “as if they were cattle” simile, without thinking, along with its implicit implication that it’s OK for cattle, just not for humans. And I too was shocked and hurt, at first, by the analogy between the Holocaust and animal slaughter (even though I too had long been a vegetarian and had more recently become a vegan).

At first. But when I thought about it more — and despite the obvious disanalogy that Jews were being genocidally annihilated, precisely because they were Jews, whereas animals are continuously being purpose-bred, deliberately, to keep on being slaughtered for our taste-pleasure — I realized that, no, the analogy was nevertheless fundamentally right in the relevant aspects, and that it needs to be said.

Slaughtering sentient (feeling) beings as if they were insentient objects is monstrous, and monstrous in exactly the same way, whether those that are being slaughtered are black or white, man or woman, child or adult, Jew or Gentile or, yes, person or pig. It is indifference toward the suffering of those one considers so different that they don’t matter. It began before racism and slavery. It was already there in merciless and genocidal inter-tribal warfare and even inter-family vendettas. Always the different ones; the ones that matter less than “us.”

And, yes, we’ve come a long way. If we’ve not stopped doing it to people, we’ve at least outlawed it, and most of us obey and embrace those laws.

Animals are the last unprotected victims of the very same horrors, and the very same human indifference. And their scale of suffering has just grown and grown. Let us not evoke their difference as a justification for treating their suffering as if it were somehow less wrong, somehow less horrible. It’s not.

All feelings matter. But the ones that matter most here are not those of the people who are offended by the comparison, but those of the victims. At least 150 billion of them per year. If they can be helped by pointing out that we are treating them as monstrously as we have treated people in the past, then let it be said.

Let me close with a quote from Coetzee:

“I no longer know where I am. I seem to move around perfectly easily among people, to have perfectly normal relations with them. Is it possible, I ask myself, that all of them are participants in a crime of stupefying proportions? Am I fantasizing it all? I must be mad! Yet every day I see the evidences. The very people I suspect produce the evidence, exhibit it, offer it to me. Corpses. Fragments of corpses that they have bought for money
 Calm down, I tell myself, you are making a mountain out of a molehill. This is life. Everyone else comes to terms with it, why can’t you? Why can’t you?” — — J.M. Coetzee, “The Lives of Animals”

Contextual Omnivores: What Does a Vegan Eat?

“What does a vegan eat?”

Tons of stuff: In fact food tastes much better to me now that I am vegan than it did during the years I was a carnivore, and then a vegetarian.

The reason is that our metabolism — that of a contextual omnivore rather than an obligate carnivore — has two modalities.

Originally, and through large parts of our evolutionary history, we were herbivores and ate only plant-based foods (grains, beans, vegetables, fruits). There were also times when the only way we could survive was by hunting meat (esp. the paleolithic period).

And then we invented (rather than evolved) agriculture, and we could again have enough to eat through plant-based sources alone. We had developed adaptations along the way for meat-eating, even though our digestive system is basically still that of a herbivore, with yards of intestines instead of the carnivore’s short gut and strong digestive enzymes.

So, as with many biological contexts, there was a cue that indicated to our metabolic system which of the two “modes” — herbivore V or carnivore M — we were in, and that cue was the presence of animal protein in what we ate. And, also like many other contextual modes, one of the modes was dominant over the other. And the dominant one was the carnivore mode (M). If meat was available, and we ate it, then our metabolism went into M-mode, we got a strong appetite for meat, and an indifference or even a distaste for vegetables. Meat also had the advantage that it was almost completely self-sufficient: The body could get almost everything it needed from meat alone, as in true carnivores. (Not quite, but almost.)

The cue for V-mode was the absence of animal protein in what we ate. Vegetarians, however, are not in V-mode, because they eat eggs, milk and cheese, which are animal proteins. So vegetarians do not have the strong appetite for vegetables that vegans do. They still crave meat. I noticed the change in my appetite about 8 months after I had stopped eating animal protein completely.

(There are a few supplements that vegans need to eat unless they are very careful about their diets, but these supplements are easily available today, and just about everyone takes them anyway, whether meat-eater, vegetarian or vegan. They are mainly vitamin B12, calcium, Vitamin D and omega-3 oil, plus a few other occasional ones (e.g., iodine, iron, B6), all of them available from plant or synthetic sources).

That’s the story. And all these animals are being bred, suffering and dying — because we have chosen M-mode (not a forced choice, except in the few remaining paleolithic hunter environments like the northern Inuit or the deep amazon jungle natives). The choice was purely a cultural one, a matter of acquired taste, though once the animal protein was being consumed, the cues of the M-mode kept reinforcing our choice, making us feel as if we could not live, or enjoy eating, without eating animal-protein. And because M-mode is dominant, this appetite gets stronger, spreads worldwide, and we want to eat more and more meat, as the Chinese (and all nouveau-riches) are now doing. And of course the result is also the obese meat-and-potatoes Americans, heart-disease, diabetes, as well as the secondary ailments because of the hormones and antibiotics with which the animal victims have to be plied to keep producing them at industrial scale.

The dominance of M over V is one of the things that is making it so hard to convert everyone to veganism. But the other thing is the enormous and prosperous meat/fish/dairy/egg industry, which does everything to cultivate our M-mode appetites. (Dairy does the biggest job because cow’s milk is actually so bad for us, both as children and adults: milk-consumption is propped up by advertising and misinformation very much the way cigarette-consumption used to be.) The infamous ag-gag laws that prevent viewing or filming the way animals are industrially raised and slaughtered are the ugliest aspect of the way the industry safeguards its revenue streams. But the real causes are of course us, the consumers that sustain them.

Eventually, of course, the unsustainability of our astronomical level of meat production and consumption, and the pollution, environmental and resource destruction it causes, the illness and scarcity, will force us all to become vegans.

But before that, how many more innocent, helpless creatures are going to be bred, brutalized and butchered in their short lives of misery — and all (I can’t repeat it enough) completely needlessly?

Crowd-Sourcing Compassion: Open the Slaughterhouses to Sensitize Humans to Sentience


On this day, all around the world – in Paris, Brussels, London, Berlin, Istanbul, Delhi, Los Angeles, Toronto, Montreal – we are gathering to plead for the closing of the slaughterhouses.

But the slaughterhouses will not close of their own accord

To close the slaughterhouses we have to open people’s eyes and hearts.

Opening people’s hearts is the only hope for the countless victims – innocent, helpless, without voices, without rights – who are suffer horribly and needlessly, every moment of every day, everywhere in the world, for our palates.

How to open people’s hearts?

With two fundamental facts that most people do not know or believe.

I: The first fundamental fact is that eating meat is not necessary for human survival or human health.

How many people here are vegans or vegetarians? (Please raise your hands.)

You are the living proof of this first fundamental fact.

II: The second fundamental fact is that in order to provide this meat that is not necessary for the survival or health of the 7.5 billion humans on the planet, an unimaginable amount of suffering is necessary for over 150 billion innocent, defenceless, voiceless victims every year.

Slaughter for meat is not euthanasia. It is not the merciful, pain-free, terror-free ending of a long, happy life in order to spare the victim from suffering a terrible incurable disease or unbearable pain.

Slaughter is the terrifying and horribly painful ending of a short life full of disease and fear and pain, for innocent, helpless victims deliberately bred and reared for that purpose.

And it is completely unnecessary for our survival or health. We inflict all this pain on the victims only for taste pleasure, and out of habit.

Demonstrations like today’s are very important, but they are not enough to open people’s hearts and close the slaughterhouses.

For that, we first have to open the slaughterhouses, with audio-visual surveillance Webcams placed at all the sites of the abominations (breeding, rearing, transport, slaughter) — cameras that will film the horrors and stream them all immediately, continuously and permanently on the Web so that all citizens can witness the terrible cost in agony that our taste-preferences are inflicting, every moment of every day, everywhere, on our victims: sentient beings, innocent, defenseless, without rights, without voice, without respite, without help.

Not everyone will look at the videos streamed on the web.

But the number of witnesses who will look and see will grow and grow. And with them will grow the knowledge of the heartbreaking truth, the reality that has till now been hermetically hidden from our eyes and our hearts. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ag-gag

And those of us who come to know the awful truth can provide the eyes and the voice for the victims.

The existing regulations for minimizing suffering in slaughterhouses are shamefully inadequate — how can one needlessly end an innocent life humanely?

But even these existing, inadequate regulations are not being enforced or monitored or obeyed.

As its first consequence, this crowd-sourced monitoring of slaughterhouses, based on the evidence streamed and stored publicly on the web, witnessed and reported by a growing number of informed and concerned citizens, will help to ensure that today’s existing (though inadequate) regulations – and prosecution for their violation – are enforced more and more reliably and rigorously.

Here in Quebec, the province that has until now been the worst in Canada for animal welfare, we have just acquired a legal basis for requiring rigorous monitoring of slaughterhouses: the National Assembly has heeded the many Quebec voices raised on behalf of protecting animals from suffering.

The Quebec Civil Code has been amended to give animals the status of sentient beings instead of the status of inert property – or movable goods – as formerly.

But this new law, like this public demonstration, is not enough.

On this new legal basis, and with the help of the new audio-visual evidence, as witnessed by the Quebec public, not only can we prosecute those who do not comply with the existing (inadequate) regulations but we can also press for the passage of stronger and stronger legislation to protect sentient beings.

And the evidence provided by these surveillance Webcams will have a still further effect, apart from the enforcement and the strengthening of animal welfare regulations: It will also awaken witnesses to the actual horrors made necessary by a non-vegan diet:

It will sensitize us all to the sentience of sentient beings.

We will all have the inescapable, undeniable, graphic evidence of the suffering of these innocent, sentient victims – and the utter needlessness of their suffering.

Might this not at last inspire us all not to remain non-vegan, just for the pleasure of the taste, at this terrible cost in suffering for other innocent, feeling beings? Might it inspire us to abolish their needless suffering, instead of just diminish it?

Let me close with a little optimistic numerology and the world’s most benign pyramid scheme:

If each vegan here today inspires just 6 more non-vegans (1) to become vegan AND (2) to each inspire 6 more non-vegans to become vegan, then in just 9 steps all of the population of Quebec will be vegan, in 10 steps all of Canada, in 11 Canada and the United States, and in 12-13 the whole world.

Note also that it is fair that it should be ourselves, the most prosperous and well-fed populace in the world, who start. By the time we have closed all of our industrial slaughterhouses and converted the land to producing food to feed people instead of using it to breed, feed and butcher innocent victims, needlessly, the planet will be producing 40% more human food, 60% less pollution and 90% less suffering – with enough left to sustain natural wildlife and their habitat too.

That will also be enough food to feed the world’s current famine victims, as well as to allow the last subsistence hunters on the planet to make the transition to a truly fair and merciful sustenance.

Ouvrir les abattoirs — pour sensibiliser Ă  la sensibilitĂ©


Ce jour-ci, partout au monde – Paris, Bruxelles, Berlin, Londres, Istanbul, Delhi, Los Angeles, Toronto, MontrĂ©al –nous sommes rĂ©unis pour revendiquer la fermeture des abattoirs.

Mais les abattoirs ne se fermeront pas de leur propre gré.

Pour faire fermer les abattoirs il faut d’abord faire ouvrir les yeux et les cƓurs des gens.

L’ouverture des cƓurs est le seul espoir pour les indĂ©nombrables victimes innocentes, impuissantes, sans voix, sans droits, qui souffrent horriblement et inutilement, partout au monde, tous les jours, Ă  tout moment.

Comment ouvrir le cƓur des gens?

Avec deux faits fondamentaux que la plupart des gens ne savent ou ne croient pas.

I. Le premier fait fondamental est que manger de la viande n’est nĂ©cessaire pour ni la survie ni pour la santĂ© humaine.

Combien de personnes présentes ici à cette marche sont des végétaliens ou des végétariens? (Svp lever la main.)

VoilĂ , vous ĂȘtes la preuve vivante de ce premier fait fondamental.

II. Le deuxiĂšme fait fondamental est que, pour fournir cette viande qui n’est pas nĂ©cessaire Ă  la survie et Ă  la santĂ© des 7,5 milliards d’ĂȘtres humains sur la planĂšte, une quantitĂ© inimaginable de souffrance est nĂ©cessaire de la part de plus de 150 milliards de victimes innocentes, sans dĂ©fense, sans voix, chaque annĂ©e. http://www.unjoursansviande.be/compteurdelamort.html

L’abattage pour nous fournir en viande n’est pas l’euthanasie. Il ne s’agit pas de la terminaison d’une longue vie heureuse, sans terreur, sans douleur, afin d’Ă©pargner de la souffrance Ă  la victime d’une terrible maladie incurable ou d’une douleur insupportable.

L’abbatage est la terminaison terrifiante et terriblement douloureuse d’une vie courte et pleine de maladies et de douleurs, de la part de victimes innocentes qui ont Ă©tĂ© engendrĂ©es et Ă©levĂ©es exprĂšs pour ĂȘtre impitoyablement abattues. http://j.mp/images-abattoirs

Et tout ça sans aucune nécessité pour notre survie ou notre santé. Nous ne leur faisons toutes ces horreurs que pour le plaisir de nos palais, et par habitude.

Les manifestations comme celle d’aujourd’hui sont trĂšs importantes, mais elles ne suffisent pas pour ouvrir le cƓur des gens et pour fermer les abattoirs.

Pour cela, nous devons d’abord ouvrir les abattoirs, avec des Webcam de surveillance audiovisuelles, placĂ©es Ă  tous les sites des abominations – camĂ©ras qui filmeront les horreurs et les transmettront toutes, immĂ©diatement, de façon continue et permanente, sur le Web. Comme ça tout les citoyens peuvent devenir tĂ©moin du coĂ»t terrible en termes d’agonie qu’infligent nos prĂ©fĂ©rences gustatives, Ă  chaque instant de chaque jour, partout, aux ĂȘtres sensibles, innocents, sans dĂ©fense, sans droits, sans voix, sans rĂ©pit, sans secours.

Ce n’est pas tout le monde qui regardera ces vidĂ©os sur le Web.

Mais le nombre de tĂ©moins qui regarderont, verront et ainsi sauront la vĂ©ritĂ© dĂ©chirante par ce moyen augmentera de plus en plus le nombre de ceux qui le savent aujourd’hui, Ă  un moment oĂč la vĂ©ritĂ© reste toujours hermĂ©tiquement cachĂ©e de nos yeux et de nos cƓurs. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ag-gag

Et ceux d’entre nous qui connaitrons cette vĂ©ritĂ© pourrons fournir la voix aux victimes.

Les réglementations existantes pour minimiser la souffrance dans les abattoirs sont honteusement insuffisantes : Comment peut-on mettre fin à une vie innocente, sans nécessité, de maniÚre humanitaire?

Mais mĂȘme les rĂ©glementations inadĂ©quates qui existent aujourd’hui ne sont ni appliquĂ©es ni surveillĂ©es ni contrĂŽlĂ©es adĂ©quatement.

La surveillance publique des abattoirs, basĂ©e sur les preuves diffusĂ©es sur le Web, tĂ©moignĂ©es et rapportĂ©es par un nombre croissant de citoyens militant pour la protection des animaux fera en sorte que dĂ©jĂ  les rĂ©glementations inadĂ©quates d’aujourd’hui – ainsi que les poursuites pour leur violation – seront mises en vigueur beaucoup plus rigoureusement.

Nous venons d’acquĂ©rir un principe de base juridique pour revendiquer une surveillance rigoureuse des abattoirs: La semaine derniĂšre, l’AssemblĂ©e nationale du QuĂ©bec, la province qui fut jusqu’ici la pire au Canada pour la protection des animaux, a tenu compte des nombreuses voix QuĂ©becoises soulevĂ©es au nom des animaux. http://lesanimauxnesontpasdeschoses.ca

Le Code civile du QuĂ©bec vient d’ĂȘtre modifiĂ© pour accorder aux animaux le statut d’ĂȘtres sensibles au lieu du statut de propriĂ©tĂ© inerte – ou biens meubles — comme anciennement. http://www.assnat.qc.ca/fr/travaux-parlementaires/assemblee-nationale/41-1/journal-debats/20150605/148869.html#10h

Mais cette nouvelle loi, comme cette manifestation, ne suffit pas.

Sur cette nouvelle base juridique, et Ă  l’aide des preuves audiovisuelles, tĂ©moignĂ©es par toute la citoyennetĂ© quĂ©bĂ©coise, nous pourrons non seulement poursuivre ceux qui ne respectent pas les rĂ©glementations actuelles, inadĂ©quates, mais nous pourrons aussi exiger l’adoption des lois de plus en plus fortes pour protĂ©ger les ĂȘtres sensibles.

Les preuves transmises par ces Webcams de surveillance serviront aussi à sensibiliser tous les citoyens concernant les horreurs nécessitées par une diÚte non-végane.

Il s’agira de la sensibilisation Ă  la sensibilitĂ© des ĂȘtres sensibles.

Et c’est les preuves incontournables des souffrances de ces victimes sensibles — et de l’inutilitĂ© de leurs souffrances — qui risquent Ă  nous inspirer tous Ă  ne plus demeurer non-vĂ©ganes — sans aucune nĂ©cessitĂ© vitale, juste pour le plaisir gustatif — Ă  ces terribles frais.

Permettez-moi de conclure avec un peu de numérologie optimiste et une ruse pyramidale la plus bénigne du monde:

Si chaque vĂ©gane qui est prĂ©sent ici aujourd’hui inspire encore 6 non-vĂ©ganes Ă  (1) devenir vĂ©gane ainsi qu’à (2) inspirer Ă  leur tour encore 6 non-vĂ©ganes Ă  devenir vĂ©gane et ainsi de suite, alors en seulement 9 Ă©tappes toute la population du QuĂ©bec sera vĂ©gane, en 10 Ă©tapes tous les Canadiens, Ă  11 le Canada ainsi que les États-Unis, et entre 12 et 13 ça sera le monde entier.

Il faut noter Ă©galement qu’il est tout Ă  fait juste que ça soit avec nous-autres, qui sommes parmi les citoyens les plus prospĂšres et les mieux-nourris au monde, que tout cela dĂ©marre.

Au moment oĂč nous aurions fermĂ© tous nos abattoirs industriels et re-dĂ©diĂ© nos terres vers la production directe d’aliments Ă  nourrir les gens — au lieu de les utiliser Ă  Ă©lever, nourrir et ensuite massacrer d’innombrables victimes innocentes, inutilement — la planĂšte produira ainsi 40% plus de nourriture, 60% moins de pollution et 90% moins de souffrance. http://www.cowspiracy.com/facts/

Ceci sera assez pour nourrir toutes les victimes de la famine ainsi qu’à permettre aux derniers chasseurs de subsistance sur la planĂšte de faire la transition vers une consommation rĂ©ellement Ă©quitable et misĂ©ricordieuse.


Not About Me

“I no longer know where I am. I seem to move around perfectly easily among people, to have perfectly normal relations with them. Is it possible, I ask myself, that all of them are participants in a crime of stupefying proportions? Am I fantasizing it all? I must be mad! Yet every day I see the evidences. The very people I suspect produce the evidence, exhibit it, offer it to me. Corpses. Fragments of corpses that they have bought for money
 Calm down, I tell myself, you are making a mountain out of a molehill. This is life. Everyone else comes to terms with it, why can’t you? Why can’t you?”

J.M. Coetzee, “The Lives of Animals”

Photo by Joanne McArthur, We Animals

To Close the Slaughterhouses They Must Be Opened — Pour fermer les abattoirs il faut les ouvrir

To Close the Slaughterhouses They Must Be Opened

        Pour fermer les abattoirs il faut les ouvrir

Of all the gratuitous suffering that humans inflict on animals, the industrial-scale breeding and slaughter for meat is the most flagrant. And yet most people are not aware of the enormity of the agony it really causes. Nor of the fact that all that unspeakable misery is completely unnecessary for human survival or health.

There is no horror that we inflict on animals that we have not also inflicted on people. — But we have made laws to abolish human enslavement, murder and torture. And most decent people would never violate those laws, nor wish to.

It is time to extend those laws to the suffering of nonhuman victims too. And the slaughterhouses are the most urgent place to begin — to end it.

To close the slaughterhouses we must open them — to the eyes and hearts of that vast majority of humane humans who could never again — not for a single second — continue contributing to the torments that take place there every moment, once they had witnessed it.

Audio/video cameras, rotating 360 degrees, 24 hours a day, positioned at all the industrial sites of the horrors — breeding, rearing, transport, slaughter — recording and transmitting the truth online, streaming continuously and permanently for millions upon millions of witnesses worldwide on the Internet.

Crowd-sourcing compassion.

De toutes les souffrances gratuites infligeĂ©es aux animaux par les humains, l’Ă©levage et l’abattage Ă  l’Ă©chelle industrielle, pour nous fournir en viande, sont les plus flagrants. Pourtant, la plupart d’entre nous ne sommes pas conscients de l’immense agonie causĂ©e aux animaux, ni du fait que ce tourment indicible n’est nĂ©cessaire ni pour notre survie ni pour notre santĂ©.

Il est vrai qu’il n’y a aucune horreur que nous infligeons aux animaux que nous n’avons dĂ©jĂ  infligĂ©e aux humains. Mais nous avons adoptĂ© les lois pour abolir l’esclavage humain, l’assassinat et la torture. Et la plupart des gens ne violeraient jamais ces lois grĂące Ă  la dĂ©cence ordinaire. Il est grand temps d’Ă©tendre ces lois et prĂ©ceptes aux souffrances inutiles des victimes non humaines. Et les abattoirs sont le lieu le plus pressant – pour commencer Ă  y mettre fin.

Pour fermer les abattoirs, il faut les ouvrir – aux yeux et aux cƓurs de cette vaste majoritĂ© d’humains dĂ©cents qui ne pourront ensuite plus jamais, les ayant tĂ©moignĂ©es, continuer Ă  contribuer aux agonies qui s’y dĂ©roulent. Il faut insister sur l’accĂšs ouvert aux pratiques industrielles dans l’Ă©levage, le transport et l’abattage:

Les caméras audio-vidéo, pivotant à 360 degrés, 24 heures par jour, placées partout aux lieux des abominations, captant et diffusant la vérité en ligne à des millions et des millions de témoins sur Internet.

La prise de conscience ne peut qu’inspirer la clĂ©mence.

Photo by Jo-Anne McArthur

The Human Condition

The Human Condition?
compared to what?
the nonhuman condition?
the animal condition?
The condition we imposed
unconditionally, relentlessly, mercilessly
on them?
The Inhumane Condition?

We did our worst
to our own
but thought the better
of it,
bit by bit,
outlawed it
eschewed it,
toward kin and kind,

But do we deserve mercy?
can we even show it?
while we deny it
to them?


A very moving testimony by a very beautiful soul.

The story, as Ibi GĂĄbori notes, we all know already, from books and movies.

Lifelong, this gifted, intelligent, sensitive human being has loved music, books, people, the Hungarian language, and Hungary. She lost everything — mother, father, brother — but survived and became a librarian, as she had always wished, first in Hungary, then in Canada.

And she holds no rancour in her heart, just sadness, gratitude and hope.

One understands (or thinks one understands) it all: the love of music, books, people, language. These are all real, and deserve this love. The love of a place — land, landscape, landmarks — too. These are all real things.

But when it comes to love of a “haza” (patria, nation) one balks.

Apart from those other real things, this abstraction is a fiction, and a fiction — like gods, angels, devils and supermen — that has already done enough real harm in this world not to deserve Ibi Gábori’s gentle, heartfelt loyalty.

As she says, some of her expatriate countrymen loudly proclaim that they are eager to go back and vote for Jobbik, to start it all over again. Some don’t.

Ibi’s heart still gives patriotism the benefit of the doubt. It still swells not only at the sound of Mozart but at the sound of “Oh Canada” — and “Isten áldd meg a magyart.”

She has earned the right to judge — and we to reserve judgment.