The Meaning of Life

The young
think they seek it
but just for their own,
like the drunk and the lamp-post.
The key lies elsewhere.

If you and yours
are fed and sheltered,
safe and hale,
the meaning of life

— yes, life, yes, meaning —
is helping those who are not.I

Nor are the “those”
just kin and kind.
All living creatures who feel
can be hurt.
And most are;
and mostly by our kin and kind.

Nor is “do no harm”
for not-doing
is doing too.

There is not a monstrosity
we inflict on other kinds
that we do not inflict on our own.

But on our own,
we condemn it,
we’ve outlawed it,
and most of us
would never commit it.

Yet on the other kinds
we don’t just permit it
but most of us support it,
collaborate in it,
profit from it.

If the Golden Rule

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