The Decents and the Deplorables in the “Post-Truth” Era of Crowd-Sourced Demagogy

Hilary was only half-right: The Trump supporters were (and are) ALL deplorables, without exception. So are those who voted 3rd-party or didn’t vote. They all share the blame for what’s to come. Only the numerical majority of decents are blameless. Yet they, too, will suffer the consequences of the triumph of the deplorables — as will the rest of the world.

To have voted for a vile, cheap, ignorant and indescribably dangerous con-man like Trump, with eyes open, has no other word to describe it than deplorable. Yes, we now have to try to make the least worst out of this terrible bargain, but to pretend that Trump voters are anything but deplorables is to pretend OJ Simpson was actually innocent because so adjudged by a jury of peers.

We are in the era of crowd-sourced hearsay demagogy (that some are beginning to call “post-truth”).

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