Micro-Insult and Macro-Injury

Not very deep, but certainly right. The trick will be to genuinely sensitize people to the hurts they inflict, knowingly or unknowingly, otherwise there will only be the pretence of empathy, practised as empty PC method-acting.

I have lately (far too late in life) become meta-sensitized on behalf of victims who are blind to the micro-insults yet suffer infinitely worse macro-injuries (“more than one way to skin a cat,” “squealing like a stuck pig”…).

If that triggered a reflexive smile then you are face to face with the real heart of the problem — and it is indeed about whether one really has a heart, nothing more, nothing less. It’s not called compassion when we care about ourselves or our loved ones. It begins outside that circle. And it encompasses every innocent being that feels.

In a variant on “we always hurt the ones we love”: We always revile the ones we hurt. Helps us live with ourselves…

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