Matthieu Ricard: Plea for the Animals

Matthieu Ricard asked a Montreal audience at ToHu. 29 August 2015:

Are you in favour of causing needless suffering to feeling beings?

Not a single hand raised. Most people are fundamentally decent. The rest is about sensitizing them to the fact that most of them are nevertheless unknowingly and needlessly causing unimaginable agony to countless innocent victims — as consumers of meat, fish, dairy, eggs, fur, leather, the commercial pet trade, and the animal entertainment industry (including zoos) — which grades continuously into the sadistic blood-sports (rodeos, bull-fighting, dog-fighting) that only the inhumane minority crave.

Êtes-vous en faveur d’infliger la souffrance aux ĂȘtres sensibles sans nĂ©cessitĂ©?

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