More than books


Welcome to your library!

Watch our short video to meet some of the library staff and find out how we can help you.


LibraryWelcome_videoscript (Works best with Microsoft Edge)



What do you think of when you hear the word ‘library’?

Libraries aren’t just places where we store books! We provide you with much more, more than you probably imagined.

As you will probably expect you will find all sorts of academic books covering every topic taught at the University. We have collections of magazines and journals, music, films, maps, art works, photographs, reports, language learning materials and more to support your education. These materials are also used by lecturers, academics, research staff and university visitors to support their work and research.  

Then there are the library buildings which provide you with places to sit and study. We offer a range of facilities including computers, printers and scanners, as wells as laptops you can borrow. You can also book group study or meeting rooms where you can meet to discuss pieces of group work or practise giving presentations, and we provide training sessions and workshops where you can learn new skills.  

As well as the actual library buildings there are all of the web pages and online library books and other tools and resources available to you wherever you are studying and at any time of the day or night! 

In our libraries there are lots of staff who can help you, or you can talk to us through our online chat service, in your induction or in one of our many training sessions. Behind the scenes we have other teams of library staff working hard to make all the materials and resources available on the library shelves and on our web site.


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