Arts at University of Southampton launches Home of Creativity student campaign

Developed hand-in-hand with students, Home of Creativity is a new student-focused campaign from Arts at University of Southampton in which the benefits of creativity and culture are laid out. 

Creativity, arts and culture are at the heart of theĀ University of SouthamptonĀ experience, whether in supporting your studies or offering a range of activities to enjoy in your down time, with world-renownedĀ music andĀ artsĀ venues found alongside numerousĀ creative communities.

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Introducing Fiona Sunderland, Student Insights Coordinator with the Arts team

Fiona has enjoyed finding ways to keep busy during lockdown!

What is your role at Arts at University of Southampton? 

Iā€™ll be working as ā€œArts, Culture and Student Insights Coordinatorā€ which is a fancy title I came up with to look cool on LinkedIn. In reality, it means Iā€™ll be working closely with Louise Coysh and Jen Harris in the Universityā€™s Arts and Culture team, alongside our venues John Hansard Gallery and Turner Sims, to look at how we can develop the student experience around the Universityā€™s arts and culture offer. This involves supporting the student voice in the Heart of Campus project and city-wide cultural development. Iā€™ll be particularly focused on making sure we have extensive student consultation and input! 

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‘Be More Chill’ in Hindsight or An Ode to Student Theatre

by Thea Hartman

I remember fondly one of the very last outings I went on before the world was turned upside down: Saturday 7 March 2020, closing night of Be More Chill at the Annex Theatre, University of Southampton.

Itā€™s only about six weeks ago, but it feels like at least a year has passed. Therefore, I couldnā€™t possibly call this a review because I couldnā€™t be objective (can anyone ever be, really?) ā€“ that night is already rose-tinted with nostalgia. So I would like to offer my apologies for the delay, Showstoppers ā€“ I got majorly distracted, I hope you understandā€¦ but Iā€™m here now, ready to sing (not half as well as you) your praises.

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The Show Must Go Online: animating Arts at University of Southampton in the digital sphere

hrm199 (Siobhan Coen and Haroon Mirza), Dreamachine 2.0, 2019. Courtesy hrm199. Photo: Thierry Bal

During these challenging times and faced with the new normal, Arts at University of Southampton is joining our friends at Mayflower Theatre, Southampton, in pledging that The Show Must Go On(line). 

John Hansard GalleryĀ andĀ Turner SimsĀ are both exploring ways to focus their energies within the digital sphere, seeking to animate online spaces to bring you inspiring art and culture. Alongside this, Arts at University of Southamptonā€™s digital channels will be dedicated to sharing with you the best of the arts to be accessed remotely. Weā€™ll also be inviting the talented creatives and artists in our own team to contribute ideas and showcase their practice.

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Kindred: Thoughts on a Work in Progress

by Thea Hartman, Arts Ambassador

A well-known figure in the Southampton arts scene, as well as an Artist Facilitator for the University of Southampton-led project Connecting Culture (focused on understanding the impact of the arts on Southampton-based young people aged 5-25), Anna Carr is a theatre maker who works across different platforms to create autobiographical theatre experiences.

Kindred is one such experience. The self-produced show, exploring the story of Carrā€™s grandparents and seeking to understand the harrowing experience of abuse undergone by her grandmother, was part of the a celebration of Sotonian theatre, the Make it SO Festival. The festival took place in NST City’s Studio space across most of February and showcased 19 ‘work-in-progress’ productions, proving just how much exciting theatre is being made locally. 

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