Category: Literature

Review of Existing Applications

Virtual Grief Counsellors The journey through the grieving process is often considered a private and personal experience, and online grief therapy is becoming a more popular method for people who may be feeling isolated and low. Virtual grief counsellors are trained and experienced in grief management and provide online therapy for those in need. Bill …

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Triadic Closure

The principle of triadic closure is that if two people in a social network have a friend in common, then there is an increased probability that they will become friends at some point in the future. For example, if there were three people within a network, A, B, and C, if A and B are …

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Centrality Concepts

Graph theory helps us understand the concept of centrality, which is a measure of the importance of different phenomena occurring within a social network. By incorporating centrality, we should be able to measure how influential or significant our application is within an overall network (Freeman, Borgatti & White, 1991). There are four main measures of …

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Review of Existing Literature

A review of existing literature, focused on the relationship between the grieving process, technology, and social media, highlights that social media is becoming just as imperative a method for displaying grief as the funeral and the erection of the memorial, and should thus be given equal value (Huang, 2016; Lee, 2016; Melnick, 2017; Wilson, 2017; …

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