May 2018 archive

Functional Requirements

Non-Functional Requirement

Performance A system achieves its designated functions with given constraints, for instance, time or accuracy. 1.Processing time The interaction with server needs time to process, it is essential that the web app perform fast, the processing time should take under 3 seconds. 2.Response time The Server should respond to a user’s input or an external …

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Cost Estimate

The estimates are approximate and based on day rate £330.00. Aim to give an initial idea of the cost to build the web app, it might change in the process as the app develops. The web app would contain about 10 key pages; it should take 30 days to build. The web app user interface …

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Ethical Considerations for The Story of Us

Age of Users One of our primary ethical concerns, is whether or not there should be a minimum age limit for the users of our application. Many social networking sites have an age restriction, of predominantly around 13 years of age, and this is stringently written into their terms and conditions. However, due to the …

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Conducting Qualitative Research

It was decided that a qualitative approach would be used for this market research, and 4 open-ended, semi-structured interviews were conducted in order to collect in-depth and relevant research into the funeral business. It is important to note that before my research began, I had already established access and consent from my respondents, which was …

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