May 2018 archive

System Architecture

Some users might not want to interact with other members with their real name. For this reason the architecture of the app took into consideration the need for anonymity. The real count (names and location) are hidden from other Story of Us users. During the sign up users are asked to create a username, giving …

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Client-Server Model

This 3 -Trier  client-server model structure shown in the diagram above is proposed for our system architecture.

Application Design

In the process of our app development we noticed that popular apps on the market have common trends such as simple, but sleek User Interface, positive reviews and a memorable app icon. These are important features since different platforms for the same topic exist. Consequently, users do not use apps that they do not enjoy …

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User Interface Design

A well-designed user interface improves the usability and frequency of the app. The “Eight Golden Rules of Interface Design” proposed by Ben Shneidermann   The design of the app has to be consistent in regard to appearance, colour, layout, terminology and processes Shortcuts are essential for frequent users to reduce the number of interactions and …

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Future Test Plan