Non-Functional Requirement


A system achieves its designated functions with given constraints, for instance, time or accuracy.

1.Processing time

The interaction with server needs time to process, it is essential that the web app perform fast, the processing time should take under 3 seconds.

2.Response time

The Server should respond to a user’s input or an external event in under 3 seconds.

  1. Querying time

The database should respond to a query in less than 1 second.

Capacity and Scalability

Capacity is the resources available to the system and scalability is the capability of the system to make use of them.


The server should be able to deal with 1000 queries per minute and capable of dealing with an increase of use or size of data.


All data should be stored on the server successfully and must prevent all capacity of available storage is filled up.

6.Growth Requirements

The storage should operate smoothly regardless it used by more users, keep upgrading the storage available for scale-up.


The limit of the possibility that the system is running properly at the time.

  1. Hours of operation

The system should be available 24/7 unless it needs to take maintenance for database upgrade or a system backup.

8.Locations of operation

A location should not obstruct the quality of connection and less network restriction.


The capability of the system being modified.

9.Architectural Standards

The base architecture should be constructed by accepted standards and design patterns.

10.Coding Standards

The system should use common coding styles, and the code should be built modularly.


The ability for a system to recover from failure.

11.Restore time

In the event of failure, the system should be restored from the latest backup and the time should be within an hour.

12.Backup time

In order to keep the integrity of data, the should backup at least every hour and the time to process backup should be within one minute to minimize the disruption.


The ability of the system to avoid unauthorized usage while still providing its services o legitimate users.


Users can remain at all times anonymously.


Contents of the web app can only be seen by users logged in.


The data stores on the database should be encrypted, to resist unauthorised use.


Mobility is about the Platform compatibility

  1. Browsers

The system should support the most common browsers such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari and Chrome etc.

17.Moblie devices

The system should be operable on different mobile devices or tablet regardless of the screen sizes or internet connection speed.

Written by Ho Kam To

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