Library Search

Library Search is our Library catalogue and discovery tool. You can use it to browse hard copy items in our libraries (books, magazines, music scores, specialist collections, etc.), as well as electronic resources such as ebooks and ejournal articles.

Library Search searches many, but not all, of the resources we subscribe to.

You don’t need to be enrolled to search for items on Library Search. 

However, when you receive your University login details, please login to Library Search every time you use it. This will allow you to access your account, see how many items you have on loan, save your searches and save relevant resources. You can also place a hold/request items that are on loan (being used by another student), in our store or at another library site (click and collect) an do request an item that we don’t have in our collections (inter-library loans).

Please visit the guide to Library Search, which includes some short videos and frequently asked questions.