Charlotte Connelly, first year BA Graphic Arts student at Winchester School of Art, has written about her experience contributing to the BENCH series of public art commissions from Solent Showcase Gallery and GO! Southampton. 16 benches from the pedestrianised high street of Southampton have been transformed into works of art by local artists – one of which was Charlotte!
Read on to hear all about how her design made it from paper to park bench.
Fiona Sunderland, former SUSU Vice President Activities and now MSc Biomedical Engineering student, looks back on her internship as Student Insights Coordinator with the Arts team at University of Southampton, sharing what she has enjoyed and learnt.
After what seems like no time at all, my three-month internship has already come to an end! I’ve been working closely with the Arts and Culture Team, including our venues Turner Sims and John Hansard Gallery, to help communicate the University’s broad cultural offer to our student community – from creative student societies, to events presented by different faculties – in consultation with students over the summer. Whilst my internship may now be over, I hope to keep working with the team as I continue with my studies.
Creativity, arts and culture are at the heart of the University of Southampton experience, whether in supporting your studies or offering a range of activities to enjoy in your down time, with world-renowned music and arts venues found alongside numerous creative communities.
I’ll be working as “Arts, Culture and Student Insights Coordinator” which is a fancy title I came up with to look cool on LinkedIn. In reality, it means I’ll be working closely with Louise Coysh and Jen Harris in the University’s Arts and Culture team, alongside our venues John Hansard Gallery and Turner Sims, to look at how we can develop the student experience around the University’s arts and culture offer. This involves supporting the student voice in the Heart of Campus project and city-wide cultural development. I’ll be particularly focused on making sure we have extensive student consultation and input!
Larry and Kate chat about all things – from working across different mediums and taking artistic inspiration from popular culture, to class, race, privilege and the environment (and how they are all connected).