Searching for information

Finding relevant information quickly and efficiently is a key library research skill.

The search strategies you use will depend on the information you are looking for. A common mistake is to misunderstand your assignment or research question. Before you start looking for information, be very clear about what you want or need to find. 

Here are some tips for finding information:

  • Create a research plan. You could use our assignment planner, or create your own.
  • Don’t just type your assignment / research question into the search bar. Think about related search terms and synonyms. These will help you to broaden or narrow your search and will mean you’re less likely to miss relevant resources.
  • Keep a record of the search terms you use. Our library databases are regularly updated with new books, articles and other resources. Set up alerts and/or re-search them regularly.
  • Use the resources on your subject page and explore other relevant subject pages.
  • Use Library Search. Remember that Library Search searches many, but not all of the databases we subscribe to. If you get too many results, try using the filters on the left side of the page to narrow / focus your search.

Complete this short, interactive tutorial to learn more about search strategies.

Search strategy interactive