Thriving and Surviving as an Artist – Highlights from Chapel Arts Studio Careers Talk

Have you ever wondered what opportunities lie beyond a degree in the arts or humanities? Arts Ambassador and Fine Art Student Annette Warner shares her insight from a talk held at Winchester School of Art (WSA) by accomplished artist and curator Rosalind Davis, organised by Chapel Arts Studios .

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Introducing our Spring Arts Ambassadors: Jennifer Banful

Introducing one of our Spring Arts Ambassadors Jennifer Banful, a third year (BA) English student at the University of Southampton, who tells us a bit about the course, her aspirations beyond her degree, and why she’s excited to take on her new role as Arts Ambassador. Continue reading Introducing our Spring Arts Ambassadors: Jennifer Banful

Introducing our Spring Arts Ambassadors: Molly Ellis

Second year BA Music student Molly Ellis shares her experiences in the arts at Southampton so far, and what it means to her to become an Arts Ambassador!

Continue reading Introducing our Spring Arts Ambassadors: Molly Ellis

Interview with Andrew Loretto, Director of the Hat Fair

In this installment of our interviews with Southampton’s leading arts and culture organisers, Katherine Wells interviews Hat Fair director Andrew Loretto.

Continue reading Interview with Andrew Loretto, Director of the Hat Fair


Art Ambassador Hannah looks at some of the work on display in the Winchester School of Art Westside Foyer until 7th December 2018, created by BA and MA Fine Art students.

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