Subject pages and subject support
To help you find the best library resources and information for your subject, we have created library subject pages. The resources and information on each page have been selected by a librarian who works closely with the academic staff who will be teaching you. Use the subject pages index to find your subject page and explore your subject resources.
Library staff
As well as creating your subject page, library staff support your studies in other ways.
They work with academic staff to make sure that the resources on your reading lists are available in the library or online. They can also help you find other relevant materials related to your subject in the library and online.
Library staff run training workshops on library research skills; these sessions include how to find the best resources for your subject or assignments,how to improve your search strategy and how to cite and reference correctly. You can find out more about all the workshops available on the workshops and training page.
Library staff will keep students and academic staff updated on new resources and library services. This might be done through regular emails, social media posts, or at meetings with your academic school or department.
You can find out who your subject librarian is by visiting your subject page.
Library staff are always happy to help you. Visit the Library support page for information on how you can get in contact with them.