The Building Community Infographic that you can access via a link in this blog post.

Icons of many individuals linked together by strands like a spider's web. It is these strands that help create a sense of their community.

For this year’s 10th anniversary of the University’s Blackboard & VLE Awards, there are 10 award categories for staff nominations. Here, we are sharing a ThingLink infographic based on the category of Best Community. This infographic has some key statistics and information as well as 3 tips for building a successful community online. There are also lots of examples in the ThingLink from last year’s winners.

Select the image below to open the infographic:

For tips and course examples in three more categories visit Best Learner Support, Best Structure and Best Development of Employability Skills.

Nominate your course

If something you are doing this year is working well as a means to build community, please do nominate yourself for this year’s awards to pass this good practice to other colleagues.

There are details on how to nominate on the Blackboard & VLE Awards home page. Nominations are open until February 28th.

Building Community: Blackboard & VLE Awards

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