This post was generated in preparation for a 5-minute talk for MEIN — Medical Education Innovation Network. Conference: Monday 25th September, University Hospital Southampton

Podcasting is powerful, persuasive, articulate and easy to make, and a challenge to make well.
Firstly because it is so accessible, you can be up and running in no time and you only need the smartphone in your pocket or access to a computer. The days of crouching around a microphone in a soundproof room are over (of course you can still do that if you want) but many of the apps available make recording audio as simple as making a phone call.
Many people find video engaging but you have to put yourself in front of a screen and stop everything you’re doing. Podcasts, on the other hand, can be experienced anywhere, doing the washing up or walking the dog, sitting in traffic and lying on your sofa resting your eyes.
Deciding what kind of podcast you’re going to make depends on your audience. The wonder Dave Pickering suggests that your first listener is yourself and to make a successful series of podcasts is to grow your audience one by one, knowing that you’re making something that you’re proud to share.
There are many formats, from the storyteller spinning a tale, to the conversation between two friends, expert and layperson, colleague or guest. In terms of teaching, a podcast can include reflection and feedback, it can be laser-focused on a single topic or ask questions, challenge or reflect a wider view.
For students in the Institute of Life Sciences, we set a podcast as a group activity (and for MA students a solo activity). they had to plan, hold production meetings, find guests, interview people and get their heads around the technology. Simply put, to write, record, edit and publish.
The better prepared you are, the better the results and the more the structure will help you when you’re short of breath or something to say. When you publish your podcast you’ll be able to include show notes of links, images, references and videos.
But really, how?
There are a ton of brilliant apps out there and here are three to get you started. You’ll find something to suit, many of these apps will take you through the whole process and help you publish.
So, that’s enough to get you started. Good luck, apparently it takes seven podcasts to form a habit. Enjoy yourself, tell stories, paint pictures with sounds and words and don’t worry, everyone hates the sound of their own voice.