We are Work in Progress and we are proposing an online social network for the FA called SoccerNet.

Our proposal has been written for the Football Association (FA) to develop an online social network to promote engagement with the grassroots football community. Our FA point of contact is the Director of Technology. Grassroots football broadly refers to Saturday and Sunday leagues for both adults and children, as well as five aside. According to FA figures from 2016, this is a community of 12,000,000 players, 400,000 volunteers, 300,000 coaches and 27,000 referees. As the foundation, SoccerNet will provide the same functionality as FULL-TIME, the existing system presently in use.

The real innovation of SoccerNet will be in its ability for the FA to engage with grassroots football through community-driven intiatives. It seeks to provide Social Value through:

  • Promote Community Standards codified in the FAs rules and regulations
  • Promote participation in the Charter Standard Accreditation for clubs
  • Engage with community-driven initiatives and marketing campaigns
  • Connect community-driven initiatives with funds from diverse sources

We believe in the potential for SoccerNet to be a powerful catalyst for positive social change through sport.

You can find our executive summary here.

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