Writing your paper

This video has some advice on writing your manuscript (2 min. 36 secs.)

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Things to consider when writing your paper

Writing your paper may well take more time than you expect, involve multiple versions and regular discussions with your co-authors, and invoke a whole range of feelings from frustration to satisfaction. 

  • Even if you are the sole author, your supervisor and peers or colleagues will be a source of support and encouragement
  • Academic writing is a skill; the Centre for Higher Education Practice (CHEP) Researcher Toolkit has guidance and resources to help you succeed
  • Always refer to the authorship guidelines for the journal before you start writing, including referencing style, length and formatting
  • You have to write your paper yourself, there are no shortcuts. Check the University and journal policy before using  artificial intelligence tools to write or edit your paper
  • Think your paper is ready for submission? Proofread it one final time and ensure that you have approval from all co-authors