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1) Coggon, D., Ntani, G., Walker-Bone, K., Palmer, K. T., Felli, V. E., Harari, R., et al. (2017). “Epidemiological Differences between Localized and Nonlocalized Low Back Pain.” Spine 42(10): 740-747.
2) Palmer, K. T., D’Angelo, S., Harris, E. C., Linaker, C., Gale, C. R., Evandrou, M., et al. (2017). “Frailty, prefrailty and employment outcomes in Health and Employment After Fifty (HEAF) Study.” Occupational & Environmental Medicine 74(7): 476-482.
3) Palmer, K. T., D’Angelo, S., Harris, E. C., Linaker, C., Sayer, A. A., Gale, C. R., et al. (2017). “Sleep disturbance and the older worker: findings from the Health and Employment after Fifty study.” Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health 43(2): 136-145.
2) D’Angelo, S., Coggon, D., Harris, E. C., Linaker, C., Sayer, A. A., Gale, C. R., et al. (2016). “Job dissatisfaction and the older worker: baseline findings from the Health and Employment After Fifty study.” Occupational & Environmental Medicine 73(8): 512-519.
3) Harris, E. C., Palmer, K. T., Cox, V., Darnton, A., Osman, J. and Coggon, D. (2016). “Trends in mortality from occupational hazards among men in England and Wales during 1979-2010.” Occupational & Environmental Medicine 73(6): 385-393.
4) Vargas-Prada, S., Coggon, D., Ntani, G., Walker-Bone, K., Palmer, K. T., Felli, V. E., et al. (2016). “Descriptive Epidemiology of Somatising Tendency: Findings from the CUPID Study.” PLoS ONE [Electronic Resource] 11(4): e0153748.
1) Coggon, D., Ntani, G., Harris, E. C., Jayakody, N. and Palmer, K. T. (2015). “Soft tissue sarcoma, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and chronic lymphocytic leukaemia in workers exposed to phenoxy herbicides: extended follow-up of a UK cohort.” Occupational & Environmental Medicine 72(6): 435-441.
2) Coggon, D., Ntani, G., Harris, E. C. and Palmer, K. T. (2015). “Risk of cancer in workers exposed to styrene at eight British companies making glass-reinforced plastics.” Occupational & Environmental Medicine 72(3): 165-170.
3) Jayakody, N., Harris, E. C. and Coggon, D. (2015). “Phenoxy herbicides, soft-tissue sarcoma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma: a systematic review of evidence from cohort and case-control studies.” British Medical Bulletin 114(1): 75-94.
4) Palmer, K. T., D’Angelo, S., Harris, E. C., Linaker, C. and Coggon, D. (2015). “Sensory impairments, problems of balance and accidental injury at work: a case-control study.” Occupational & Environmental Medicine 72(3): 195-199.
5) Palmer, K. T., Walker-Bone, K., Harris, E. C., Linaker, C., D’Angelo, S., Sayer, A. A., et al. (2015). “Health and Employment after Fifty (HEAF): a new prospective cohort study.” BMC Public Health 15(1): 1071.
1) Coggon, D., Ntani, G., Harris, E. C. and Palmer, K. T. (2014). “Upper airway cancer, myeloid leukemia, and other cancers in a cohort of British chemical workers exposed to formaldehyde.” American Journal of Epidemiology 179(11): 1301-1311.
2) Palmer, K. T., D’Angelo, S., Harris, E. C., Linaker, C. and Coggon, D. (2014). “Epilepsy, diabetes mellitus and accidental injury at work.” Occupational Medicine (Oxford) 64(6): 448-453.
3) Palmer, K. T., D’Angelo, S., Harris, E. C., Linaker, C. and Coggon, D. (2014). “The role of mental health problems and common psychotropic drug treatments in accidental injury at work: a case-control study.” Occupational & Environmental Medicine 71(5): 308-312.
1) Coggon, D., Ntani, G., Harris, E. C., Linaker, C., Van der Star, R., Cooper, C., et al. (2013). “Impact of carpal tunnel surgery according to pre-operative abnormality of sensory conduction in median nerve: a longitudinal study.” BMC Musculoskelet.Disord. 14: 241.
2) Coggon, D., Ntani, G., Harris, E. C., Linaker, C., Van der Star, R., Cooper, C., et al. (2013). “Differences in risk factors for neurophysiologically confirmed carpal tunnel syndrome and illness with similar symptoms but normal median nerve function: a case-control study.” BMC Musculoskelet.Disord. 14: 240.
3) Coggon, D., Ntani, G., Palmer, K. T., Felli, V. E., Harari, R., Barrero, L. H., et al. (2013). “Disabling musculoskeletal pain in working populations: is it the job, the person, or the culture?” Pain 154: 856-863.
4) Coggon, D., Ntani, G., Palmer, K. T., Felli, V. E., Harari, R., Barrero, L. H., et al. (2013). “Patterns of multisite pain and associations with risk factors.” Pain 154: 1769-1777.
5) Ntani, G., Palmer, K. T., Linaker, C., Harris, E. C., Van der Star, R., Cooper, C., et al. (2013). “Symptoms, signs and nerve conduction velocities in patients with suspected carpal tunnel syndrome.” BMC Musculoskelet.Disord. 14: 242.
6) Palmer, K. T., Bonzini, M., Harris, E. C., Linaker, C. and Bonde, J. P. (2013). “Work activities and risk of prematurity, low birth weight and pre-eclampsia: an updated review with meta-analysis.” Occup.Environ.Med. 70: 213-222.
7) Smedley, J., Harris, E. C., Cox, V., Ntani, G. and Coggon, D. (2013). “Evaluation of a case management service to reduce sickness absence.” Occup.Med.(Lond) 63: 89-95.
1) Coggon, D., Ntani, G., Palmer, K. T., Felli, V. E., Harari, R., Barrero, L. H., et al. (2012). “The CUPID (Cultural and Psychosocial Influences on Disability) Study: Methods of Data Collection and Characteristics of Study Sample.” PLoS.One. 7: e39820.
2) Palmer, K. T., Griffin, M., Ntani, G., Shambrook, J., McNee, P., Sampson, M., et al. (2012). “Professional driving and prolapsed lumbar intervertebral disc diagnosed by magnetic resonance imaging: a case-control study.” Scand.J.Work Environ.Health 38: 577-581.
3) Palmer, K. T., Harris, E. C., Linaker, C., Barker, M., Lawrence, W., Cooper, C., et al. (2012). “Effectiveness of community- and workplace-based interventions to manage musculoskeletal-related sickness absence and job loss: a systematic review.” Rheumatology.(Oxford) 51: 230-242.
4) Palmer, K. T., Harris, E. C., Linaker, C., Cooper, C. and Coggon, D. (2012). “Optimising case definitions of upper limb disorder for aetiological research and prevention: a review.” Occup.Environ.Med. 69: 71-78.
5) Palmer, K. T., Harris, E. C., Linaker, C., Ntani, G., Cooper, C. and Coggon, D. (2012). “Optimal case definitions of upper extremity disorder for use in the clinical treatment and referral of patients.” Arthritis Care Res.(Hoboken.) 64: 573-580.
1) Cattrell, A., Harris, E. C., Palmer, K. T., Kim, M., Aylward, M. and Coggon, D. (2011). “Regional trends in awards of incapacity benefit by cause.” Occup.Med.(Lond) 61: 148-151.
2) Heathcote, K., Harris, E. C., Brewster, V., Nevel, M. A. and Coggon, D. (2011). “Skin disease in sheep farmers.” Occup.Med.(Lond) 61: 515-517.
3) Leaver, R., Harris, E. C. and Palmer, K. T. (2011). “Musculoskeletal pain in elite professional musicians from British symphony orchestras.” Occup.Med.(Lond) 61: 549-555.
4) Linaker, C., Harris, E. C., Cooper, C., Coggon, D. and Palmer, K. T. (2011). “The burden of sickness absence from musculoskeletal causes in Great Britain.” Occup.Med.(Lond) 61: 458-464.
5) McNee, P., Shambrook, J., Harris, E. C., Kim, M., Sampson, M., Palmer, K. T., et al. (2011). “Predictors of long-term pain and disability in patients with low back pain investigated by magnetic resonance imaging: a longitudinal study.” BMC.Musculoskelet.Disord. 12: 234.
6) Palmer, K., Coggon, D., Cooper, C., Harris, E. C. and Linaker, C. (2011). Improving the diagnostic criteria for work-related upper limb disorders for use in prevention and patient care. HSE Contract Research Report 869/2011. Sudbury.
7) Shambrook, J., McNee, P., Harris, E. C., Kim, M., Sampson, M., Palmer, K. T., et al. (2011). “Clinical presentation of low back pain and association with risk factors according to findings on magnetic resonance imaging.” Pain 152: 1659-1665.
8) Zanardi, F., Harris, E. C., Brown, T., Rice, S., Palmer, K. T. and Coggon, D. (2011). “Mortality from diabetes and ischaemic heart disease in textile workers.” Occup.Environ.Med. 68: 172-175.
1) Coggon, D., Harris, E. C., Brown, T., Rice, S. and Palmer, K. T. (2010). “Occupation and mortality related to alcohol, drugs and sexual habits.” Occup.Med.(Lond) 60: 348-353.
2) Coggon, D., Harris, E. C., Brown, T., Rice, S. and Palmer, K. T. (2010). “Work-related mortality in England and Wales, 1979-2000.” Occup.Environ.Med. 67: 816-822.
3) Grimsmo-Powney, H., Harris, E. C., Reading, I. and Coggon, D. (2010). “Occupational health needs of commercial fishermen in South West England.” Occup.Med.(Lond) 60: 49-53.
1) Coggon, D., Harris, E. C., Brown, T., Rice, S. and Palmer, K. (2009). Occupational mortality in England and Wales 1991-2000. London.
1) Palmer, K. T., Harris, E. C. and Coggon, D. (2008). “Chronic health problems and risk of accidental injury in the workplace: a systematic literature review.” Occup.Environ.Med 65: 757-764.
2) Palmer, K. T., Harris, E. C., Griffin, M. J., Bennett, J., Reading, I., Sampson, M., et al. (2008). “Case-control study of low-back pain referred for magnetic resonance imaging, with special focus on whole-body vibration.” Scand.J Work Environ.Health 34: 364-373.
1) Palmer, K. T., Harris, E. C. and Coggon, D. (2007). “Compensating occupationally related tenosynovitis and epicondylitis: a literature review.” Occup.Med (Lond) 57: 67-74.
2) Palmer, K. T., Harris, E. C. and Coggon, D. (2007). “Carpal tunnel syndrome and its relation to occupation: a systematic literature review.” Occup.Med (Lond) 57: 57-66.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]