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1) Coggon, D., Ntani, G., Walker-Bone, K., Palmer, K. T., Felli, V. E., Harari, R., et al. (2017). “Epidemiological Differences between Localized and Nonlocalized Low Back Pain.” Spine 42(10): 740-747.
2) Palmer, K. T., D’Angelo, S., Harris, E. C., Linaker, C., Gale, C. R., Evandrou, M., et al. (2017). “Frailty, prefrailty and employment outcomes in Health and Employment After Fifty (HEAF) Study.” Occupational & Environmental Medicine 74(7): 476-482.
3) Palmer, K. T., D’Angelo, S., Harris, E. C., Linaker, C., Sayer, A. A., Gale, C. R., et al. (2017). “Sleep disturbance and the older worker: findings from the Health and Employment after Fifty study.” Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health 43(2): 136-145.
2) D’Angelo, S., Coggon, D., Harris, E. C., Linaker, C., Sayer, A. A., Gale, C. R., et al. (2016). “Job dissatisfaction and the older worker: baseline findings from the Health and Employment After Fifty study.” Occupational & Environmental Medicine 73(8): 512-519.
3) Edwards, M. H., Robinson, D. E., Ward, K. A., Javaid, M. K., Walker-Bone, K., Cooper, C., et al. (2016). “Cluster analysis of bone microarchitecture from high resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography demonstrates two separate phenotypes associated with high fracture risk in men and women.” Bone 88: 131-137.
4) Sarquis, L. M., Coggon, D., Ntani, G., Walker-Bone, K., Palmer, K. T., Felli, V. E., et al. (2016). “Classification of neck/shoulder pain in epidemiological research: a comparison of personal and occupational characteristics, disability, and prognosis among 12,195 workers from 18 countries.” Pain 157(5): 1028-1036.
5) Vargas-Prada, S., Coggon, D., Ntani, G., Walker-Bone, K., Palmer, K. T., Felli, V. E., et al. (2016). “Descriptive Epidemiology of Somatising Tendency: Findings from the CUPID Study.” PLoS ONE [Electronic Resource] 11(4): e0153748.
6) Walker-Bone, K., D’Angelo, S., Syddall, H. E., Palmer, K. T., Cooper, C., Coggon, D., et al. (2016). “Heavy manual work throughout the working lifetime and muscle strength among men at retirement age.” Occupational & Environmental Medicine 73(4): 284-286.
7) Walker-Bone, K., Harvey, N. C., Ntani, G., Tinati, T., Jones, G. T., Smith, B. H., et al. (2016). “Chronic widespread bodily pain is increased among individuals with history of fracture: findings from UK Biobank.” Archives of Osteoporosis 11: 1.
1) Dennison, E. M., Rubin, K. H., Schwarz, P., Harvey, N. C., Bone, K. W., Cooper, C., et al. (2015). “Is allopurinol use associated with an excess risk of osteoporotic fracture? A National Prescription Registry study.” Arch Osteoporos 10: 36.
2) Evans, S., Walker-Bone, K. and Otter, S. (2015). “Evaluating a standardised tool to explore the nature and extent of foot and ankle injuries in amateur and semi-professional footballers.” Foot 25(1): 19-29.
3) Hamzah, L., Samarawickrama, A., Campbell, L., Pope, M., Burling, K., Walker-Bone, K., et al. (2015). “Effects of renal tubular dysfunction on bone in tenofovir-exposed HIV-positive patients.” AIDS 29(14): 1785-1792.
4) Palmer, K. T., Walker-Bone, K., Harris, E. C., Linaker, C., D’Angelo, S., Sayer, A. A., et al. (2015). “Health and Employment after Fifty (HEAF): a new prospective cohort study.” BMC Public Health 15(1): 1071.
1) Cresswell, F. V., Tomlins, J., Churchill, D. R., Walker-Bone, K. and Richardson, D. (2014). “Achilles tendinopathy following Kaletra (lopinavir/ritonavir) use.” International Journal of STD & AIDS 25(11): 833-835.
2) Jones, G. T., Mertens, K., Macfarlane, G. J., Palmer, K. T., Coggon, D., Walker-Bone, K., et al. (2014). “Maintained physical activity and physiotherapy in the management of distal upper limb pain – a protocol for a randomised controlled trial (the arm pain trial).” BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 15: 71.
3) Kerr, E., Middleton, A., Churchill, D., Reading, I. and Walker-Bone, K. (2014). “A case-control study of elective hip surgery among HIV-infected patients: exposure to systemic glucocorticoids significantly increases the risk.” HIV Medicine 15(3): 182-188.
4) Lawson, E., Sabin, C., Perry, N., Richardson, D., Gilleece, Y., Churchill, D., et al. (2014). “Is HIV Painful? An Epidemiologic Study of the Prevalence and Risk Factors for Pain in HIV-infected Patients.” Clinical Journal of Pain 17: 17.
5) Samarawickrama, A., Jose, S., Sabin, C., Walker-Bone, K., Fisher, M. and Gilleece, Y. (2014). “No association between vitamin D deficiency and parathyroid hormone, bone density and bone turnover in a large cohort of HIV-infected men on tenofovir.” Journal of the International AIDS Society 17(4 Suppl 3): 19568.
6) Short, C. E., Shaw, S. G., Fisher, M. J., Gilleece, Y. C. and Walker-Bone, K. (2014). “Comparison of peripheral forearm DXA and clinical risk factor screening using FRAX(R) to assess the risk of HIV-associated low bone mass: a cross-sectional study.” Arch Osteoporos 9: 181.
7) Short, C. E., Shaw, S. G., Fisher, M. J., Walker-Bone, K. and Gilleece, Y. C. (2014). “Prevalence of and risk factors for osteoporosis and fracture among a male HIV-infected population in the UK.” Int J STD AIDS 25(2): 113-121.
8) Walker-Bone, K., D’Angelo, S., Syddall, H. E., Palmer, K. T., Cooper, C., Coggon, D., et al. (2014). “Exposure to heavy physical occupational activities during working life and bone mineral density at the hip at retirement age.” Occupational & Environmental Medicine 71(5): 329-331.
1) Ryder, S. and Walker-Bone, K. (2013). Rheumatological disorders. Fitness for Work the medical aspects. K. T. Palmer, I. Brown and J. Hobson. Oxford, Oxford University Press: 268-289.
2) Walker-Bone, K. (2013). The Elbow. The Oxford Textbook of Rheumatology. R. Watts, P. G. Conaghan, C. Denton et al. Oxford, Oxford University Press: 1306-1313.
3) Walker-Bone, K. (2013). The Hand and Wrist. The Oxford Textbook of Rheumatology. R. Watts, P. G. Conaghan, C. Denton et al. Oxford, Oxford University Press: 1314-1323.
1) Walker-Bone, K., Palmer, K. T., Reading, I., Coggon, D. and Cooper, C. (2012). “Occupation and epicondylitis: a population-based study.” Rheumatology.(Oxford) 51: 305-310.
1) Ye, S., Patodi, N., Walker-Bone, K., Reading, I., Cooper, C. and Dennison, E. (2007). “Variation in the matrix metalloproteinase-3, -7, -12 and -13 genes is associated with functional status in rheumatoid arthritis.” Int J Immunogenet. 34: 81-85.
1) Walker-Bone, K., Reading, I., Coggon, D., Cooper, C. and Palmer, K. T. (2006). “Risk factors for specific upper limb disorders as compared with non-specific upper limb pain: assessing the utility of a structured examination schedule.” Occup.Med (Lond) 56: 243-250.
1) Reading, I., Walker-Bone, K., Palmer, K. T., Cooper, C. and Coggon, D. (2005). “Utility of restricted neck movement as a diagnostic criterion in case definition for neck disorders.” Scand.J Work Environ.Health 31: 387-393.
2) Walker-Bone, K. and Cooper, C. (2005). “Hard work never hurt anyone: or did it? A review of occupational associations with soft tissue musculoskeletal disorders of the neck and upper limb.” Ann.Rheum.Dis. 64: 1391-1396.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]