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1) Smedley, J., Harris, E. C., Cox, V., Ntani, G. and Coggon, D. (2013). “Evaluation of a case management service to reduce sickness absence.” Occup.Med.(Lond) 63: 89-95.
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1) Palmer, K. T. and Smedley, J. (2007). “Work relatedness of chronic neck pain with physical findings–a systematic review.” Scand.J Work Environ.Health 33(3): 165-191.
2) Smedley, J., Poole, J., Waclawski, E., Stevens, A., Harrison, J., Watson, J., et al. (2007). “Influenza immunisation: attitudes and beliefs of UK healthcare workers.” Occup.Environ.Med. 64(4): 223-227.
1) Hayward, A. C., Harling, R., Wetten, S., Johnson, A. M., Munro, S., Smedley, J., et al. (2006). “Effectiveness of an influenza vaccine programme for care home staff to prevent death, morbidity, and health service use among residents: cluster randomised controlled trial.” BMJ 333: 1241.
1) Smedley, J., Inskip, H., Buckle, P., Cooper, C. and Coggon, D. (2005). “Epidemiological differences between back pain of sudden and gradual onset.” J.Rheumatol. 32: 528-532.
2) Smedley, J., Poole, J., Waclawski, E., Stevens, A., Harrison, J., Buckle, P., et al. (2005). “Assessing investment in manual handling risk controls: a scoring system for use in observational studies.” Occup.Environ.Med. 62: 63-65.