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1) Armbrecht, G., Felsenberg, D., Ganswindt, M., Lunt, M., Kaptoge, S. K., Abendroth, K., et al. (2017). “Degenerative inter-vertebral disc disease osteochondrosis intervertebralis in Europe: prevalence, geographic variation and radiological correlates in men and women aged 50 and over.” Rheumatology 07: 07.
2) Barker, M., D’Angelo, S., Ntani, G., Lawrence, W., Baird, J., Jarman, M., et al. (2017). “The relationship between maternal self-efficacy, compliance and outcome in a trial of vitamin D supplementation in pregnancy.” Osteoporosis International 28(1): 77-84.
3) Bayliss, L. E., Culliford, D., Monk, A. P., Glyn-Jones, S., Prieto-Alhambra, D., Judge, A., et al. (2017). “The effect of patient age at intervention on risk of implant revision after total replacement of the hip or knee: a population-based cohort study.” The Lancet 389(10077): 1424-1430.
4) Beaudart, C., Dawson, A., Shaw, S. C., Harvey, N. C., Kanis, J. A., Binkley, N., et al. (2017). “Nutrition and physical activity in the prevention and treatment of sarcopenia: systematic review.” Osteoporosis International 28(6): 1817-1833.
5) Beaudart, C., Edwards, M., Moss, C., Reginster, J. Y., Moon, R., Parsons, C., et al. (2017). “English translation and validation of the SarQoL, a quality of life questionnaire specific for sarcopenia.” Age and Ageing 46(2): 271-277.
6) Bishop, F. L., Yardley, L., Cooper, C., Little, P. and Lewith, G. (2017). “Predicting adherence to acupuncture appointments for low back pain: A prospective observational study.” BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 17(1).
7) Bloom, I., Edwards, M., Jameson, K. A., Syddall, H. E., Dennison, E., Gale, C. R., et al. (2017). “Influences on diet quality in older age: The importance of social factors.” Age and Ageing 46(2): 277-283.
8) Coutts, L. V., Jenkins, T., Oreffo, R. O. C., Dunlop, D. G., Cooper, C., Harvey, N. C., et al. (2017). “Local Variation in Femoral Neck Cortical Bone: In Vitro Measured Bone Mineral Density, Geometry and Mechanical Properties.” Journal of Clinical Densitometry 20(2): 205-215.
9) Curtis, E. M., Murray, R., Titcombe, P., Cook, E., Clarke-Harris, R., Costello, P., et al. (2017). “Perinatal DNA Methylation at CDKN2A Is Associated With Offspring Bone Mass: Findings From the Southampton Women’s Survey.” Journal of Bone and Mineral Research.
10) Edwards, M. H., Paccou, J., Ward, K. A., Jameson, K. A., Moss, C., Woolston, J., et al. (2017). “The relationship of bone properties using high resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography to radiographic components of hip osteoarthritis.” Osteoarthritis and Cartilage Date of Publication.
11) El-Heis, S., Crozier, S. R., Healy, E., Robinson, S. M., Harvey, N. C., Cooper, C., et al. (2017). “Maternal stress and psychological distress preconception: association with offspring atopic eczema at age 12 months.” Clinical and Experimental Allergy 47(6): 760-769.
12) Gale, C. R., Mottus, R., Deary, I. J., Cooper, C. and Sayer, A. A. (2017). “Personality and Risk of Frailty: the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing.” Annals of Behavioral Medicine 51(1): 128-136.
13) Gale, C. R., Ritchie, S. J., Cooper, C., Starr, J. M. and Deary, I. J. (2017). “Cognitive Ability in Late Life and Onset of Physical Frailty: The Lothian Birth Cohort 1936.” Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 65(6): 1289-1295.
14) Hadji, P., Aapro, M. S., Body, J. J., Gnant, M., Brandi, M. L., Reginster, J. Y., et al. (2017). “Management of Aromatase Inhibitor-Associated Bone Loss (AIBL) in postmenopausal women with hormone sensitive breast cancer: Joint position statement of the IOF, CABS, ECTS, IEG, ESCEO IMS, and SIOG.” Journal of Bone Oncology 7(pp 1-12).
15) Handel, M. N., Frederiksen, P., Cohen, A., Cooper, C., Heitmann, B. L. and Abrahamsen, B. (2017). “Neonatal vitamin D status from archived dried blood spots and future risk of fractures in childhood: results from the D-tect study, a population-based case-cohort study.” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 17: 17.
16) Handel, M. N., Frederiksen, P., Osmond, C., Cooper, C., Abrahamsen, B. and Heitmann, B. L. (2017). “Prenatal exposure to Vitamin D from fortified margarine and risk of fractures in late childhood: Period and cohort results from 222 000 subjects in the D-tect observational study.” British Journal of Nutrition 117(6): 872-881.
17) Hannam, K., Deere, K. C., Hartley, A., Clark, E. M., Coulson, J., Ireland, A., et al. (2017). “A novel accelerometer-based method to describe day-to-day exposure to potentially osteogenic vertical impacts in older adults: findings from a multi-cohort study.” Osteoporosis International 28(3): 1001-1011.
18) Hiligsmann, M., Dellaert, B. G., Dirksen, C. D., Watson, V., Bours, S., Goemaere, S., et al. (2017). “Patients’ preferences for anti-osteoporosis drug treatment: a cross-European discrete choice experiment.” Rheumatology 06: 06.
19) Hollis, J. L., Crozier, S. R., Inskip, H. M., Cooper, C., Godfrey, K. M., Harvey, N. C., et al. (2017). “Modifiable risk factors of maternal postpartum weight retention: an analysis of their combined impact and potential opportunities for prevention.” International Journal of Obesity 25: 25.
20) Jackson, K. A., Sanchez-Santos, M. T., MacKinnon, A. L., Turner, A., Kuznik, K., Ellis, S., et al. (2017). “Bone density and body composition in newly licenced professional jockeys.” Osteoporosis International.
21) Klop, C., van Staa, T. P., Cooper, C., Harvey, N. C. and de Vries, F. (2017). “The epidemiology of mortality after fracture in England: variation by age, sex, time, geographic location, and ethnicity.” Osteoporosis International 28(1): 161-168.
22) Leal, J., Gray, A. M., Hawley, S., Prieto-Alhambra, D., Delmestri, A., Arden, N. K., et al. (2017). “Cost-Effectiveness of Orthogeriatric and Fracture Liaison Service Models of Care for Hip Fracture Patients: A Population-Based Study.” Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 32(2): 203-211.
23) Lillycrop, K., Murray, R., Cheong, C., Teh, A. L., Clarke-Harris, R., Barton, S., et al. (2017). “ANRIL Promoter DNA Methylation: A Perinatal Marker for Later Adiposity.” EBioMedicine 19(pp 60-72).
24) Lu, R. S., Dennison, E., Denison, H., Cooper, C., Taylor, M. and Bottema, M. J. (2017). “Texture analysis based on Gabor filters improves the estimate of bone fracture risk from DXA images.” Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Eng Imaging Vis.
25) Lucas, R., Martins, A., Severo, M., Silva, P., Monjardino, T., Gaio, A. R., et al. (2017). “Quantitative modelling of hip fracture trends in 14 European countries: testing variations of a shared reversal over time.” Scientific Reports 7(1): 3754.
26) Mikkola, T. M., von Bonsdorff, M. B., Osmond, C., Salonen, M. K., Kajantie, E., Cooper, C., et al. (2017). “Childhood growth predicts higher bone mass and greater bone area in early old age: findings among a subgroup of women from the Helsinki Birth Cohort Study.” Osteoporosis International.
27) Moon, R. J., Curtis, E. M., Davies, J. H., Cooper, C. and Harvey, N. C. (2017). “Seasonal variation in Internet searches for vitamin D.” Archives of Osteoporosis 12(1).
28) Moon, R. J., Harvey, N. C., Cooper, C., D’Angelo, S., Curtis, E. M., Crozier, S. R., et al. (2017). “Response to antenatal cholecalciferol supplementation is associated with common vitamin D related genetic variants.” Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 29: 29.
29) Palmer, K. T., D’Angelo, S., Harris, E. C., Linaker, C., Gale, C. R., Evandrou, M., et al. (2017). “Frailty, prefrailty and employment outcomes in Health and Employment After Fifty (HEAF) Study.” Occupational & Environmental Medicine 74(7): 476-482.
30) Palmer, K. T., D’Angelo, S., Harris, E. C., Linaker, C., Sayer, A. A., Gale, C. R., et al. (2017). “Sleep disturbance and the older worker: findings from the Health and Employment after Fifty study.” Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health 43(2): 136-145.
31) Roberts, H. C., Pilgrim, A. L., Jameson, K. A., Cooper, C., Sayer, A. A. and Robinson, S. (2017). “The Impact of Trained Volunteer Mealtime Assistants on the Dietary Intake of Older Female In-Patients: The Southampton Mealtime Assistance Study.” Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging 21(3): 320-328.
32) Robinson, S. M., Jameson, K. A., Bloom, I., Ntani, G., Crozier, S. R., Syddall, H., et al. (2017). “Development of a Short Questionnaire to Assess Diet Quality among Older Community-Dwelling Adults.” Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging 21(3): 247-253.
33) Rosengren, B. E., Bjork, J., Cooper, C. and Abrahamsen, B. (2017). “Recent hip fracture trends in Sweden and Denmark with age-period-cohort effects.” Osteoporosis International 28(1): 139-149.
34) Saengnipanthkul, S., Waikakul, S., Rojanasthien, S., Totemchokchyakarn, K., Srinkapaibulaya, A., Cheh Chin, T., et al. (2017). “Differentiation of patented crystalline glucosamine sulfate from other glucosamine preparations will optimize osteoarthritis treatment.” International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases 23: 23.
35) Shah, A., Prieto-Alhambra, D., Hawley, S., Delmestri, A., Lippett, J., Cooper, C., et al. (2017). “Geographic variation in secondary fracture prevention after a hip fracture during 1999-2013: a UK study.” Osteoporosis International 28(1): 169-178.
36) Syddall, H. E., Westbury, L. D., Dodds, R., Dennison, E., Cooper, C. and Sayer, A. A. (2017). “Mortality in the Hertfordshire Ageing Study: Association with level and loss of hand grip strength in later life.” Age and Ageing 46(3): 407-412.
37) Timmermans, E. J., van der Pas, S., Schaap, L. A., Cooper, C., Edwards, M. H., Gale, C. R., et al. (2017). “Associations between perceived neighbourhood problems and quality of life in older adults with and without osteoarthritis: Results from the Hertfordshire Cohort Study.” Health & Place 43: 144-150.
38) van der Velde, R. Y., Wyers, C. E., Teesselink, E., Geusens, P. P., van den Bergh, J. P., de Vries, F., et al. (2017). “Trends in oral anti-osteoporosis drug prescription in the United Kingdom between 1990 and 2012: Variation by age, sex, geographic location and ethnicity.” Bone 94: 50-55.
39) Veronese, N., Stubbs, B., Crepaldi, G., Solmi, M., Cooper, C., Harvey, N. C. W., et al. (2017). “Relationship Between Low Bone Mineral Density and Fractures With Incident Cardiovascular Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.” Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 32(5): 1126-1135.
40) Veronese, N., Stubbs, B., Solmi, M., Smith, T. O., Noale, M., Cooper, C., et al. (2017). “Association between lower limb osteoarthritis and incidence of depressive symptoms: Data from the osteoarthritis initiative.” Age and Ageing 46(3): 470-476.
41) Warner, S. C., Walsh, D. A., Laslett, L. L., Maciewicz, R. A., Soni, A., Hart, D. J., et al. (2017). “Pain in knee osteoarthritis is associated with variation in the neurokinin 1/substance P receptor (TACR1) gene.” European Journal of Pain.
42) Zhou, B., Bentham, J., Di Cesare, M., Bixby, H., Cowan, M. J., Paciorek, C. J., et al. (2017). “Worldwide trends in blood pressure from 1975 to 2015: a pooled analysis of 1479 population-based measurement studies with 19.1 million participants.” The Lancet 389(10064): 37-55.
1) Arden, N. K., Cro, S., Sheard, S., Dore, C. J., Bara, A., Tebbs, S. A., et al. (2016). “The effect of vitamin D supplementation on knee osteoarthritis, the VIDEO study: a randomised controlled trial.” Osteoarthritis & Cartilage 24(11): 1858-1866.
2) Azagra, R., Zwart, M., Aguye, A., Martin-Sanchez, J. C., Casado, E., Diaz-Herrera, M. A., et al. (2016). “Fracture experience among participants from the FROCAT study: what thresholding is appropriate using the FRAX tool?” Maturitas 83: 65-71.
3) Baczynska, A. M., Shaw, S., Roberts, H. C., Cooper, C., Aihie Sayer, A. and Patel, H. P. (2016). “Human Vastus Lateralis Skeletal Muscle Biopsy Using the Weil-Blakesley Conchotome.” Journal of Visualized Experiments(109): e53075.
4) Baird, J., Barker, M., Harvey, N. C., Lawrence, W., Vogel, C., Jarman, M., et al. (2016). “Southampton PRegnancy Intervention for the Next Generation (SPRING): protocol for a randomised controlled trial.” Trials [Electronic Resource] 17(1): 493.
5) Baird, J., Hill, C. M., Harvey, N. C., Crozier, S., Robinson, S. M., Godfrey, K. M., et al. (2016). “Duration of sleep at 3 years of age is associated with fat and fat-free mass at 4 years of age: the Southampton Women’s Survey.” Journal of Sleep Research 25(4): 412-418.
6) Barker, M., Baird, J., Lawrence, W., Vogel, C., Strommer, S., Rose, T., et al. (2016). “Preconception and pregnancy: opportunities to intervene to improve women’s diets and lifestyles.” Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease: 1-4.
7) Barton, S. J., Mosquera, M., Cleal, J. K., Fuller, A. S., Crozier, S. R., Cooper, C., et al. (2016). “Relation of FTO gene variants to fetal growth trajectories: Findings from the Southampton Women’s survey.” Placenta 38: 100-106.
8) Beaudart, C., McCloskey, E., Bruyere, O., Cesari, M., Rolland, Y., Rizzoli, R., et al. (2016). “Sarcopenia in daily practice: assessment and management.” BMC Geriatrics 16(1): 170.
9) Bell, K., Clark, L., Fairhurst, C., Mitchell, N., Lenaghan, E., Blacklock, J., et al. (2016). “Enclosing a pen reduced time to response to questionnaire mailings.” J Clin Epidemiol 74: 144-150.
10) Bentham, J., Di Cesare, M., Stevens, G. A., Zhou, B., Bixby, H., Cowan, M., et al. (2016). “A century of trends in adult human height.” eLife 5(2016JULY).
11) Bruyere, O., Beaudart, C., Reginster, J. Y., Buckinx, F., Schoene, D., Hirani, V., et al. (2016). “Assessment of muscle mass, muscle strength and physical performance in clinical practice: An international survey.” European Geriatric Medicine 7(3): 243-246.
12) Chakhtoura, M., Nassar, A., Arabi, A., Cooper, C., Harvey, N., Mahfoud, Z., et al. (2016). “Effect of vitamin D replacement on maternal and neonatal outcomes: a randomised controlled trial in pregnant women with hypovitaminosis D. A protocol.” BMJ Open 6(3): e010818.
13) Compston, J. E., Wyman, A., FitzGerald, G., Adachi, J. D., Chapurlat, R. D., Cooper, C., et al. (2016). “Increase in Fracture Risk Following Unintentional Weight Loss in Postmenopausal Women: The Global Longitudinal Study of Osteoporosis in Women.” Journal of Bone & Mineral Research 31(7): 1466-1472.
14) Cooper, C., Harvey, N. C., Bishop, N. J., Kennedy, S., Papageorghiou, A. T., Schoenmakers, I., et al. (2016). “Maternal gestational vitamin D supplementation and offspring bone health (MAVIDOS): a multicentre, double-blind, randomised placebo-controlled trial.” The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology 4(5): 393-402.
15) Crozier, S. R., Inskip, H. M., Godfrey, K. M., Cooper, C. and Robinson, S. M. (2016). “Nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy: Effects on food intake and diet quality.” Matern Child Nutr.
16) Curtis, E. M., Harvey, N. C., D’Angelo, S., Cooper, C. S., Ward, K. A., Taylor, P., et al. (2016). “Bone mineral content and areal density, but not bone area, predict an incident fracture risk: a comparative study in a UK prospective cohort.” Archives of Osteoporosis 11(1): 39.
17) Curtis, E. M., van der Velde, R., Moon, R. J., van den Bergh, J. P., Geusens, P., de Vries, F., et al. (2016). “Epidemiology of fractures in the United Kingdom 1988-2012: Variation with age, sex, geography, ethnicity and socioeconomic status.” Bone 87: 19-26.
18) D’Angelo, S., Coggon, D., Harris, E. C., Linaker, C., Sayer, A. A., Gale, C. R., et al. (2016). “Job dissatisfaction and the older worker: baseline findings from the Health and Employment After Fifty study.” Occupational & Environmental Medicine 73(8): 512-519.
19) Deere, K. C., Hannam, K., Coulson, J., Ireland, A., McPhee, J. S., Moss, C., et al. (2016). “Quantifying Habitual Levels of Physical Activity According to Impact in Older People: Accelerometry Protocol for the VIBE Study.” Journal of Aging & Physical Activity 24(2): 290-295.
20) Di Cesare, M., Bentham, J., Stevens, G. A., Zhou, B., Danaei, G., Lu, Y., et al. (2016). “Trends in adult body-mass index in 200 countries from 1975 to 2014: A pooled analysis of 1698 population-based measurement studies with 19.2 million participants.” The Lancet 387(10026): 1377-1396.
21) Dodds, R. M., Syddall, H. E., Cooper, R., Kuh, D., Cooper, C. and Sayer, A. A. (2016). “Global variation in grip strength: a systematic review and meta-analysis of normative data.” Age & Ageing 45(2): 209-216.
22) Drew, S., Judge, A., Cooper, C., Javaid, M. K., Farmer, A. and Gooberman-Hill, R. (2016). “Secondary prevention of fractures after hip fracture: a qualitative study of effective service delivery.” Osteoporosis International 27(5): 1719-1727.
23) Edwards, M. H., Parsons, C., Bruyere, O., Petit Dop, F., Chapurlat, R., Roemer, F. W., et al. (2016). “High Kellgren-Lawrence Grade and Bone Marrow Lesions Predict Worsening Rates of Radiographic Joint Space Narrowing; The SEKOIA Study.” Journal of Rheumatology 43(3): 657-665.
24) Edwards, M. H., Robinson, D. E., Ward, K. A., Javaid, M. K., Walker-Bone, K., Cooper, C., et al. (2016). “Cluster analysis of bone microarchitecture from high resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography demonstrates two separate phenotypes associated with high fracture risk in men and women.” Bone 88: 131-137.
25) El-Heis, S., Crozier, S. R., Robinson, S. M., Harvey, N. C., Cooper, C., Inskip, H. M., et al. (2016). “Higher maternal serum concentrations of nicotinamide and related metabolites in late pregnancy are associated with a lower risk of offspring atopic eczema at age 12 months.” Clinical & Experimental Allergy 46(10): 1337-1343.
26) Fina-Aviles, F., Medina-Peralta, M., Mendez-Boo, L., Hermosilla, E., Elorza, J. M., Garcia-Gil, M., et al. (2016). “The descriptive epidemiology of rheumatoid arthritis in Catalonia: a retrospective study using routinely collected data.” Clinical Rheumatology 35(3): 751-757.
27) Fong, W., Holroyd, C., Davidson, B., Armstrong, R., Harvey, N., Dennison, E., et al. (2016). “The effectiveness of a real life dose reduction strategy for tumour necrosis factor inhibitors in ankylosing spondylitis and psoriatic arthritis.” Rheumatology 55(10): 1837-1842.
28) Forestier-Zhang, L., Watts, L., Turner, A., Teare, H., Kaye, J., Barrett, J., et al. (2016). “Health-related quality of life and a cost-utility simulation of adults in the UK with osteogenesis imperfecta, X-linked hypophosphatemia and fibrous dysplasia.” Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 11(1): 1-9.
29) Gale, C. R., Cooper, C. and Aihie Sayer, A. (2016). “Prevalence and risk factors for falls in older men and women: The English Longitudinal Study of Ageing.” Age & Ageing 45(6): 789-794.
30) Global Burden of Disease HIV Collaborators, Wang, H., Wolock, T. M., Carter, A., Nguyen, G., Kyu, H. H., et al. (2016). “Estimates of global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and mortality of HIV, 1980-2015: the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015.” The Lancet. HIV 3(8): e361-387.
31) Global Burden of Disease Pediatrics Collaboration, Kyu, H. H., Pinho, C., Wagner, J. A., Brown, J. C., Bertozzi-Villa, A., et al. (2016). “Global and National Burden of Diseases and Injuries Among Children and Adolescents Between 1990 and 2013: Findings From the Global Burden of Disease 2013 Study.” JAMA Pediatrics 170(3): 267-287.
32) Goulston, L. M., Sanchez-Santos, M. T., D’Angelo, S., Leyland, K. M., Hart, D. J., Spector, T. D., et al. (2016). “A comparison of radiographic anatomic axis knee alignment measurements and cross-sectional associations with knee osteoarthritis.” Osteoarthritis & Cartilage 24(4): 612-622.
33) Handel, M. N., Moon, R. J., Titcombe, P., Abrahamsen, B., Heitmann, B. L., Calder, P. C., et al. (2016). “Maternal serum retinol and beta-carotene concentrations and neonatal bone mineralization: results from the Southampton Women’s Survey cohort.” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 104(4): 1183-1188.
34) Harvey, N. C., Johansson, H., Oden, A., Karlsson, M. K., Rosengren, B. E., Ljunggren, O., et al. (2016). “FRAX predicts incident falls in elderly men: findings from MrOs Sweden.” Osteoporosis International 27(1): 267-274.
35) Hawley, S., Javaid, M. K., Prieto-Alhambra, D., Lippett, J., Sheard, S., Arden, N. K., et al. (2016). “Clinical effectiveness of orthogeriatric and fracture liaison service models of care for hip fracture patients: population-based longitudinal study.” Age & Ageing 45(2): 236-242.
36) Hawley, S., Javaid, M. K., Rubin, K. H., Judge, A., Arden, N. K., Vestergaard, P., et al. (2016). “Incidence and Predictors of Multiple Fractures Despite High Adherence to Oral Bisphosphonates: A Binational Population-Based Cohort Study.” Journal of Bone & Mineral Research 31(1): 234-244.
37) Hawley, S., Leal, J., Delmestri, A., Prieto-Alhambra, D., Arden, N. K., Cooper, C., et al. (2016). “Anti-Osteoporosis Medication Prescriptions and Incidence of Subsequent Fracture Among Primary Hip Fracture Patients in England and Wales: An Interrupted Time-Series Analysis.” Journal of Bone & Mineral Research 31(11): 2008-2015.
38) Herbolsheimer, F., Schaap, L. A., Edwards, M. H., Maggi, S., Otero, A., Timmermans, E. J., et al. (2016). “Physical Activity Patterns among Older Adults with and Without Knee Osteoarthritis in Six European Countries.” Arthritis Care and Research 68(2): 228-236.
39) Hollis, J. L., Crozier, S. R., Inskip, H. M., Cooper, C., Godfrey, K. M., Robinson, S. M., et al. (2016). “Age at introduction of solid foods and feeding difficulties in childhood: findings from the Southampton Women’s Survey.” British Journal of Nutrition 116(4): 743-750.
40) Holroyd, C. R., Osmond, C., Barker, D. J., Ring, S. M., Lawlor, D. A., Tobias, J. H., et al. (2016). “Placental Size Is Associated Differentially With Postnatal Bone Size and Density.” Journal of Bone & Mineral Research 31(10): 1855-1864.
41) Jackson, V. E., Ntalla, I., Sayers, I., Morris, R., Whincup, P., Casas, J. P., et al. (2016). “Exome-wide analysis of rare coding variation identifies novel associations with COPD and airflow limitation in MOCS3, IFIT3 and SERPINA12.” Thorax 71(6): 501-509.
42) Javaid, M. K., Forestier-Zhang, L., Watts, L., Turner, A., Ponte, C., Teare, H., et al. (2016). “The RUDY study platform – a novel approach to patient driven research in rare musculoskeletal diseases.” Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 11(1): 1-9.
43) Jenkins, T., Coutts, L. V., D’Angelo, S., Dunlop, D. G., Oreffo, R. O., Cooper, C., et al. (2016). “Site-Dependent Reference Point Microindentation Complements Clinical Measures for Improved Fracture Risk Assessment at the Human Femoral Neck.” Journal of Bone & Mineral Research 31(1): 196-203.
44) Kanis, J. A., Harvey, N. C., Cooper, C., Johansson, H., Oden, A., McCloskey, E. V., et al. (2016). “A systematic review of intervention thresholds based on FRAX : A report prepared for the National Osteoporosis Guideline Group and the International Osteoporosis Foundation.” Archives of Osteoporosis 11(1): 25.
45) Kluzek, S., Sanchez-Santos, M. T., Leyland, K. M., Judge, A., Spector, T. D., Hart, D., et al. (2016). “Painful knee but not hand osteoarthritis is an independent predictor of mortality over 23 years follow-up of a population-based cohort of middle-aged women.” Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 75(10): 1749-1756.
46) Kuh, D., Muthuri, S., Cooper, R., Moore, A., Mackinnon, K., Cooper, C., et al. (2016). “Menopause, Reproductive Life, Hormone Replacement Therapy, and Bone Phenotype at Age 60-64 Years: A British Birth Cohort.” Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 101(10): 3827-3837.
47) Kuh, D., Muthuri, S. G., Moore, A., Cole, T. J., Adams, J. E., Cooper, C., et al. (2016). “Pubertal timing and bone phenotype in early old age: findings from a British birth cohort study.” International Journal of Epidemiology 45(4): 1113-1124.
48) Lalmohamed, A., van Staa, T. P., Vestergaard, P., Leufkens, H. G., de Boer, A., Emans, P., et al. (2016). “Statins and Risk of Lower Limb Revision Surgery: The Influence of Differences in Study Design Using Electronic Health Records From the United Kingdom and Denmark.” American Journal of Epidemiology 184(1): 58-66.
49) Lawrence, W., Black, C., Tinati, T., Cradock, S., Begum, R., Jarman, M., et al. (2016). “‘Making every contact count’: Evaluation of the impact of an intervention to train health and social care practitioners in skills to support health behaviour change.” Journal of Health Psychology 21(2): 138-151.
50) Leal, J., Gray, A. M., Prieto-Alhambra, D., Arden, N. K., Cooper, C., Javaid, M. K., et al. (2016). “Impact of hip fracture on hospital care costs: a population-based study.” Osteoporosis International 27(2): 549-558.
51) Lewis, A., Lee, J. Y., Donaldson, A. V., Natanek, S. A., Vaidyanathan, S., Man, W. D., et al. (2016). “Increased expression of H19/miR-675 is associated with a low fat-free mass index in patients with COPD.” Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle 7(3): 330-344.
52) Leyland, K. M., Judge, A., Javaid, M. K., Diez-Perez, A., Carr, A., Cooper, C., et al. (2016). “Obesity and the Relative Risk of Knee Replacement Surgery in Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis: A Prospective Cohort Study.” Arthritis & Rheumatology 68(4): 817-825.
53) Litwic, A. E., Clynes, M., Denison, H. J., Jameson, K. A., Edwards, M. H., Sayer, A. A., et al. (2016). “Non-invasive Assessment of Lower Limb Geometry and Strength Using Hip Structural Analysis and Peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomography: A Population-Based Comparison.” Calcified Tissue International 98(2): 158-164.
54) Moon, R. J., Harvey, N. C., Cooper, C., D’Angelo, S., Crozier, S. R., Inskip, H. M., et al. (2016). “Determinants of the Maternal 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Response to Vitamin D Supplementation During Pregnancy.” Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 101(12): 5012-5020.
55) Moon, R. J., Harvey, N. C., Curtis, E. M., de Vries, F., van Staa, T. and Cooper, C. (2016). “Ethnic and geographic variations in the epidemiology of childhood fractures in the United Kingdom.” Bone 85: 9-14.
56) Moon, R. J., Lim, A., Farmer, M., Segaran, A., Clarke, N. M., Harvey, N. C., et al. (2016). “Validity of parental recall of children’s fracture: implications for investigation of childhood osteoporosis.” Osteoporosis International 27(2): 809-813.
57) Murray, R., Bryant, J., Titcombe, P., Barton, S. J., Inskip, H., Harvey, N. C., et al. (2016). “DNA methylation at birth within the promoter of ANRIL predicts markers of cardiovascular risk at 9 years.” Clinical Epigenetics 8(1).
58) North, T. L., Ben-Shlomo, Y., Cooper, C., Deary, I. J., Gallacher, J., Kivimaki, M., et al. (2016). “A study of common Mendelian disease carriers across ageing British cohorts: meta-analyses reveal heterozygosity for alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency increases respiratory capacity and height.” Journal of Medical Genetics 53(4): 280-288.
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60) Paccou, J., Edwards, M. H., Patsch, J. M., Jameson, K. A., Ward, K. A., Moss, C., et al. (2016). “Lower leg arterial calcification assessed by high-resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography is associated with bone microstructure abnormalities in women.” Osteoporosis International 27(11): 3279-3287.
61) Paccou, J., Ward, K. A., Jameson, K. A., Dennison, E. M., Cooper, C. and Edwards, M. H. (2016). “Bone Microarchitecture in Men and Women with Diabetes: The Importance of Cortical Porosity.” Calcified Tissue International 98(5): 465-473.
62) Pilgrim, A. L., Baylis, D., Jameson, K. A., Cooper, C., Sayer, A. A., Robinson, S. M., et al. (2016). “Measuring Appetite with the Simplified Nutritional Appetite Questionnaire Identifies Hospitalised Older People at Risk of Worse Health Outcomes.” Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging 20(1): 3-7.
63) Reyes, C., Leyland, K. M., Peat, G., Cooper, C., Arden, N. K. and Prieto-Alhambra, D. (2016). “Association Between Overweight and Obesity and Risk of Clinically Diagnosed Knee, Hip, and Hand Osteoarthritis: A Population-Based Cohort Study.” Arthritis & Rheumatology 68(8): 1869-1875.
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65) Siviero, P., Zambon, S., Limongi, F., Castell, M. V., Cooper, C., Deeg, D. J., et al. (2016). “How Hand Osteoarthritis, Comorbidity, and Pain Interact to Determine Functional Limitation in Older People: Observations From the European Project on OSteoArthritis Study.” Arthritis & Rheumatology 68(11): 2662-2670.
66) Syddall, H. E., Westbury, L. D., Simmonds, S. J., Robinson, S., Cooper, C. and Sayer, A. A. (2016). “Understanding poor health behaviours as predictors of different types of hospital admission in older people: findings from the Hertfordshire Cohort Study.” Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 70(3): 292-298.
67) Timmermans, E. J., van der Pas, S., Cooper, C., Schaap, L. A., Edwards, M. H., Deeg, D. J., et al. (2016). “The neighbourhood environment and use of neighbourhood resources in older adults with and without lower limb osteoarthritis: results from the Hertfordshire Cohort Study.” Clinical Rheumatology 35(11): 2797-2805.
68) van der Pas, S., Schaap, L. A., Castell, M. V., Cooper, C., Denkinger, M., Edwards, M. H., et al. (2016). “Availability and use of neighborhood resources by older people with osteoarthritis: Results from the European Project on OSteoArthritis.” Health and Place 37: 1-7.
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70) van Schoor, N. M., Zambon, S., Castell, M. V., Cooper, C., Denkinger, M., Dennison, E. M., et al. (2016). “Impact of clinical osteoarthritis of the hip, knee and hand on self-rated health in six European countries: the European Project on OSteoArthritis.” Quality of Life Research 25(6): 1423-1432.
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73) Vogel, C., Parsons, C., Godfrey, K., Robinson, S., Harvey, N. C., Inskip, H., et al. (2016). “Greater access to fast-food outlets is associated with poorer bone health in young children.” Osteoporosis International 27(3): 1011-1019.
74) Walker-Bone, K., D’Angelo, S., Syddall, H. E., Palmer, K. T., Cooper, C., Coggon, D., et al. (2016). “Heavy manual work throughout the working lifetime and muscle strength among men at retirement age.” Occupational & Environmental Medicine 73(4): 284-286.
75) Walker-Bone, K., Harvey, N. C., Ntani, G., Tinati, T., Jones, G. T., Smith, B. H., et al. (2016). “Chronic widespread bodily pain is increased among individuals with history of fracture: findings from UK Biobank.” Archives of Osteoporosis 11: 1.
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3) Baylis, D., Syddall, H. E., Jameson, K. A., Cooper, C., Lord, J. M., Roberts, H. C., et al. (2015). “Cachexia, sarcopenia, inflammaging and outcomes in hospitalised older people (the CaSIO study): Study protocol and preliminary results.” European Geriatric Medicine 6(5): 495-501.
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8) Cleal, J. K., Day, P. E., Simner, C. L., Barton, S. J., Mahon, P. A., Inskip, H. M., et al. (2015). “Placental amino acid transport may be regulated by maternal vitamin D and vitamin D-binding protein: results from the Southampton Women’s Survey.” British Journal of Nutrition 113(12): 1903-1910.
9) Clynes, M. A., Edwards, M. H., Buehring, B., Dennison, E. M., Binkley, N. and Cooper, C. (2015). “Definitions of Sarcopenia: Associations with Previous Falls and Fracture in a Population Sample.” Calcified Tissue International 97(5): 445-452.
10) Colebatch-Bourn, A. N., Conaghan, P. G., Arden, N. K., Cooper, C., Dougados, M. and Edwards, C. J. (2015). “Raising the quality of rheumatology management recommendations: lessons from the EULAR process 10 years after provision of standard operating procedures.” Rheumatology 54(8): 1392-1396.
11) Coutts, L. V., Jenkins, T., Li, T., Dunlop, D. G., Oreffo, R. O., Cooper, C., et al. (2015). “Variability in reference point microindentation and recommendations for testing cortical bone: location, thickness and orientation heterogeneity.” Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 46: 292-304.
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15) Day, P. E., Ntani, G., Crozier, S. R., Mahon, P. A., Inskip, H. M., Cooper, C., et al. (2015). “Maternal Factors Are Associated with the Expression of Placental Genes Involved in Amino Acid Metabolism and Transport.” PLoS One 10(12): e0143653.
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20) Edwards, M. H., Ward, K. A., Ntani, G., Parsons, C., Thompson, J., Sayer, A. A., et al. (2015). “Lean mass and fat mass have differing associations with bone microarchitecture assessed by high resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography in men and women from the Hertfordshire Cohort Study.” Bone 81: 145-151.
21) Eymard, F., Parsons, C., Edwards, M. H., Petit-Dop, F., Reginster, J. Y., Bruyere, O., et al. (2015). “Diabetes is a risk factor for knee osteoarthritis progression.” Osteoarthritis & Cartilage 23(6): 851-859.
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29) Jenkins, T., Coutts, L. V., Dunlop, D. G., Oreffo, R. O., Cooper, C., Harvey, N. C., et al. (2015). “Variability in reference point microindentation and recommendations for testing cortical bone: maximum load, sample orientation, mode of use, sample preparation and measurement spacing.” J Mech Behav Biomed Mater 42: 311-324.
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48) Okubo, H., Crozier, S. R., Harvey, N. C., Godfrey, K. M., Inskip, H. M., Cooper, C., et al. (2015). “Diet quality across early childhood and adiposity at 6 years: the Southampton Women’s Survey.” International Journal of Obesity 39(10): 1456-1462.
49) Paccou, J., Edwards, M. H., Ward, K., Jameson, K., Moon, R., Dennison, E., et al. (2015). “Relationships between bone geometry, volumetric bone mineral density and bone microarchitecture of the distal radius and tibia with alcohol consumption.” Bone 78: 122-129.
50) Paccou, J., Edwards, M. H., Ward, K. A., Jameson, K. A., Moss, C. L., Harvey, N. C., et al. (2015). “Ischemic heart disease is associated with lower cortical volumetric bone mineral density of distal radius.” Osteoporos Int 26(7): 1893-1901.
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59) Roberts, H. C., Syddall, H. E., Butchart, J. W., Stack, E. L., Cooper, C. and Sayer, A. A. (2015). “The Association of Grip Strength With Severity and Duration of Parkinson’s: A Cross-Sectional Study.” Neurorehabilitation & Neural Repair 29(9): 889-896.
60) Robinson, S. M., Crozier, S. R., Harvey, N. C., Barton, B. D., Law, C. M., Godfrey, K. M., et al. (2015). “Modifiable early-life risk factors for childhood adiposity and overweight: an analysis of their combined impact and potential for prevention.” Am J Clin Nutr 101(2): 368-375.
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4) Baird, J., Jarman, M., Lawrence, W., Black, C., Davies, J., Tinati, T., et al. (2014). “The effect of a behaviour change intervention on the diets and physical activity levels of women attending Sure Start Children’s Centres: results from a complex public health intervention.” BMJ Open 4(7): e005290.
5) Baylis, D., Ntani, G., Edwards, M. H., Syddall, H. E., Bartlett, D. B., Dennison, E. M., et al. (2014). “Inflammation, telomere length, and grip strength: a 10-year longitudinal study.” Calcified Tissue International 95(1): 54-63.
6) Black, C., Lawrence, W., Cradock, S., Ntani, G., Tinati, T., Jarman, M., et al. (2014). “Healthy conversation skills: increasing competence and confidence in front-line staff.” Public Health Nutrition 17(3): 700-707.
7) Black, C., Ntani, G., Inskip, H., Cooper, C., Cummins, S., Moon, G., et al. (2014). “Measuring the healthfulness of food retail stores: variations by store type and neighbourhood deprivation.” International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition & Physical Activity 11: 69.
8) Bruyere, O., Reginster, J. Y., Bellamy, N., Chapurlat, R., Richette, P., Cooper, C., et al. (2014). “Clinically meaningful effect of strontium ranelate on symptoms in knee osteoarthritis: a responder analysis.” Rheumatology 53(8): 1457-1464.
9) Bultink, I. E., Harvey, N. C., Lalmohamed, A., Cooper, C., Lems, W. F., van Staa, T. P., et al. (2014). “Elevated risk of clinical fractures and associated risk factors in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus versus matched controls: a population-based study in the United Kingdom.” Osteoporosis International 25(4): 1275-1283.
10) Clynes, M. A., Parsons, C., Edwards, M. H., Jameson, K. A., Harvey, N. C., Sayer, A. A., et al. (2014). “Further evidence of the developmental origins of osteoarthritis: results from the Hertfordshire Cohort Study.” Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease 5(6): 453-458.
11) Compston, J. E., Flahive, J., Hooven, F. H., Anderson, F. A., Jr., Adachi, J. D., Boonen, S., et al. (2014). “Obesity, health-care utilization, and health-related quality of life after fracture in postmenopausal women: Global Longitudinal Study of Osteoporosis in Women (GLOW).” Calcified Tissue International 94(2): 223-231.
12) Compston, J. E., Flahive, J., Hosmer, D. W., Watts, N. B., Siris, E. S., Silverman, S., et al. (2014). “Relationship of weight, height, and body mass index with fracture risk at different sites in postmenopausal women: the Global Longitudinal study of Osteoporosis in Women (GLOW).” Journal of Bone & Mineral Research 29(2): 487-493.
13) Cooper, C., Fox, K. M. and Borer, J. S. (2014). “Ischaemic cardiac events and use of strontium ranelate in postmenopausal osteoporosis: a nested case-control study in the CPRD.” Osteoporosis International 25(2): 737-745.
14) Cooper, R., Stafford, M., Hardy, R., Aihie Sayer, A., Ben-Shlomo, Y., Cooper, C., et al. (2014). “Physical capability and subsequent positive mental wellbeing in older people: findings from five HALCyon cohorts.” Age 36(1): 445-456.
15) Cousminer, D. L., Stergiakouli, E., Berry, D. J., Ang, W., Groen-Blokhuis, M. M., Korner, A., et al. (2014). “Genome-wide association study of sexual maturation in males and females highlights a role for body mass and menarche loci in male puberty.” Hum Mol Genet 23(16): 4452-4464.
16) Dennison, E. M., Jameson, K. A., Edwards, M. H., Denison, H. J., Aihie Sayer, A. and Cooper, C. (2014). “Peripheral quantitative computed tomography measures are associated with adult fracture risk: the Hertfordshire Cohort Study.” Bone 64: 13-17.
17) Diez-Perez, A., Adachi, J. D., Adami, S., Anderson, F. A., Jr., Boonen, S., Chapurlat, R., et al. (2014). “Risk factors for treatment failure with antiosteoporosis medication: the global longitudinal study of osteoporosis in women (GLOW).” Journal of Bone & Mineral Research 29(1): 260-267.
18) Dodds, R. M., Syddall, H. E., Cooper, R., Benzeval, M., Deary, I. J., Dennison, E. M., et al. (2014). “Grip strength across the life course: normative data from twelve British studies.[Erratum appears in J Epidemiol Community Health 2014 Nov;68(11):1108].” PLoS ONE [Electronic Resource] 9(12): e113637.
19) Drew, S., Sheard, S., Chana, J., Cooper, C., Javaid, M. K., Judge, A., et al. (2014). “Describing variation in the delivery of secondary fracture prevention after hip fracture: an overview of 11 hospitals within one regional area in England.” Osteoporosis International 25(10): 2427-2433.
20) Edwards, M. H., van der Pas, S., Denkinger, M. D., Parsons, C., Jameson, K. A., Schaap, L., et al. (2014). “Relationships between physical performance and knee and hip osteoarthritis: findings from the European Project on Osteoarthritis (EPOSA).” Age & Ageing 43(6): 806-813.
21) Elks, C. E., Heude, B., de Zegher, F., Barton, S. J., Clement, K., Inskip, H. M., et al. (2014). “Associations between genetic obesity susceptibility and early postnatal fat and lean mass: an individual participant meta-analysis.” JAMA Pediatrics 168(12): 1122-1130.
22) Finucane, F. M., Sharp, S. J., Hatunic, M., Sleigh, A., Rolfe, E. D., Sayer, A. A., et al. (2014). “Liver fat accumulation is associated with reduced hepatic insulin extraction and beta cell dysfunction in healthy older individuals.” Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome 6.
23) FitzGerald, G., Compston, J. E., Chapurlat, R. D., Pfeilschifter, J., Cooper, C., Hosmer, D. W., Jr., et al. (2014). “Empirically based composite fracture prediction model from the Global Longitudinal Study of Osteoporosis in Postmenopausal Women (GLOW).” Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 99(3): 817-826.
24) Ford, J. A., MacLennan, G. S., Avenell, A., Bolland, M., Grey, A., Witham, M., et al. (2014). “Cardiovascular disease and vitamin D supplementation: trial analysis, systematic review, and meta-analysis.” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 100(3): 746-755.
25) Gale, C. R., Allerhand, M., Sayer, A. A., Cooper, C. and Deary, I. J. (2014). “The dynamic relationship between cognitive function and walking speed: the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing.” Age 36(4): 9682.
26) Gale, C. R., Cooper, C., Deary, I. J. and Aihie Sayer, A. (2014). “Psychological well-being and incident frailty in men and women: the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing.” Psychological Medicine 44(4): 697-706.
27) Gale, C. R., Cooper, C. and Sayer, A. A. (2014). “Framingham cardiovascular disease risk scores and incident frailty: the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing.” Age 36(4): 9692.
28) Gardner, M., Bann, D., Wiley, L., Cooper, R., Hardy, R., Nitsch, D., et al. (2014). “Gender and telomere length: systematic review and meta-analysis.” Experimental Gerontology 51: 15-27.
29) Gregson, C. L., Dennison, E. M., Compston, J. E., Adami, S., Adachi, J. D., Anderson, F. A., Jr., et al. (2014). “Disease-specific perception of fracture risk and incident fracture rates: GLOW cohort study.” Osteoporosis International 25(1): 85-95.
30) Hardcastle, S. A., Dieppe, P., Gregson, C. L., Arden, N. K., Spector, T. D., Hart, D. J., et al. (2014). “Osteophytes, enthesophytes, and high bone mass: a bone-forming triad with potential relevance in osteoarthritis.” Arthritis & Rheumatology 66(9): 2429-2439.
31) Hardcastle, S. A., Dieppe, P., Gregson, C. L., Hunter, D., Thomas, G. E., Arden, N. K., et al. (2014). “Prevalence of radiographic hip osteoarthritis is increased in high bone mass.” Osteoarthritis & Cartilage 22(8): 1120-1128.
32) Harvey, N. C., Holroyd, C., Ntani, G., Javaid, K., Cooper, P., Moon, R., et al. (2014). “Vitamin D supplementation in pregnancy: a systematic review.” Health Technology Assessment (Winchester, England) 18(45): 1-190.
33) Harvey, N. C., Moon, R. J., Sayer, A. A., Ntani, G., Davies, J. H., Javaid, M. K., et al. (2014). “Maternal antenatal vitamin D status and offspring muscle development: findings from the Southampton Women’s Survey.” Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 99(1): 330-337.
34) Harvey, N. C., Sheppard, A., Godfrey, K. M., McLean, C., Garratt, E., Ntani, G., et al. (2014). “Childhood bone mineral content is associated with methylation status of the RXRA promoter at birth.” Journal of Bone & Mineral Research 29(3): 600-607.
35) Hesketh, K. R., Goodfellow, L., Ekelund, U., McMinn, A. M., Godfrey, K. M., Inskip, H. M., et al. (2014). “Activity levels in mothers and their preschool children.” Pediatrics 133(4): e973-980.
36) Hesketh, K. R., McMinn, A. M., Ekelund, U., Sharp, S. J., Collings, P. J., Harvey, N. C., et al. (2014). “Objectively measured physical activity in four-year-old British children: a cross-sectional analysis of activity patterns segmented across the day.” International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition & Physical Activity 11: 1.
37) Hiligsmann, M., Dellaert, B., Dirksen, C., Van d, W., Watson, V., Goemaere, S., et al. (2014). “Are Patients’ Preferences Transferable Between Countries? A Cross-European Discrete-Choice Experiment to Elicit Patients’ Preferences for Osteoporosis Drug Treatment.” Value in Health 17(7): A385.
38) Jarman, M., Fisk, C. M., Ntani, G., Crozier, S. R., Godfrey, K. M., Inskip, H. M., et al. (2014). “Assessing diets of 3-year-old children: evaluation of an FFQ.” Public Health Nutrition 17(5): 1069-1077.
39) Johansson, H., Oden, A., Kanis, J. A., McCloskey, E. V., Morris, H. A., Cooper, C., et al. (2014). “A meta-analysis of reference markers of bone turnover for prediction of fracture.” Calcified Tissue International 94(5): 560-567.
40) Jones, L. E., Roberts, L. C., Little, P. S., Mullee, M. A., Cleland, J. A. and Cooper, C. (2014). “Shared decision-making in back pain consultations: an illusion or reality?” European Spine Journal 23 Suppl 1: S13-19.
41) Judge, A., Batra, R. N., Thomas, G. E., Beard, D., Javaid, M. K., Murray, D. W., et al. (2014). “Body mass index is not a clinically meaningful predictor of patient reported outcomes of primary hip replacement surgery: prospective cohort study.” Osteoarthritis & Cartilage 22(3): 431-439.
42) Kanis, J. A., Johansson, H., Oden, A., Cooper, C., McCloskey, E. V. and Epidemiology and Quality of Life Working Group of IOF (2014). “Worldwide uptake of FRAX.” Archives of Osteoporosis 9: 166.
43) Kassebaum, N. J., Bertozzi-Villa, A., Coggeshall, M. S., Shackelford, K. A., Steiner, C., Heuton, K. R., et al. (2014). “Global, regional, and national levels and causes of maternal mortality during 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013.[Erratum appears in Lancet. 2014 Sep 13;384(9947):956].” Lancet 384(9947): 980-1004.
44) Kiran, A., Hunter, D. J., Judge, A., Field, R. E., Javaid, M. K., Cooper, C., et al. (2014). “A novel methodological approach for measuring symptomatic change following total joint arthroplasty.” Journal of Arthroplasty 29(11): 2140-2145.
45) Klop, C., Welsing, P. M., Cooper, C., Harvey, N. C., Elders, P. J., Bijlsma, J. W., et al. (2014). “Mortality in British hip fracture patients, 2000-2010: a population-based retrospective cohort study.” Bone 66: 171-177.
46) Kuh, D., Wills, A. K., Shah, I., Prentice, A., Hardy, R., Adams, J. E., et al. (2014). “Growth from birth to adulthood and bone phenotype in early old age: a British birth cohort study.” Journal of Bone & Mineral Research 29(1): 123-133.
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48) Metrustry, S. J., Edwards, M. H., Medland, S. E., Holloway, J. W., Montgomery, G. W., Martin, N. G., et al. (2014). “Variants close to NTRK2 gene are associated with birth weight in female twins.” Twin Research & Human Genetics: the Official Journal of the International Society for Twin Studies 17(4): 254-261.
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50) Moon, R. J., Gilbert, R. D., Page, A., Murphy, L., Taylor, P., Cooper, C., et al. (2014). “Children with nephrotic syndrome have greater bone area but similar volumetric bone mineral density to healthy controls.” Bone 58: 108-113.
51) Munoz-Ortego, J., Vestergaard, P., Rubio, J. B., Wordsworth, P., Judge, A., Javaid, M. K., et al. (2014). “Ankylosing spondylitis is associated with an increased risk of vertebral and nonvertebral clinical fractures: a population-based cohort study.” J Bone Miner Res 29: 1770-1776.
52) Murray, C. J., Ortblad, K. F., Guinovart, C., Lim, S. S., Wolock, T. M., Roberts, D. A., et al. (2014). “Global, regional, and national incidence and mortality for HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria during 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013.[Erratum appears in Lancet. 2014 Sep 13;384(9947):956], [Erratum appears in Lancet. 2014 Oct 25;384(9953):1504].” Lancet 384(9947): 1005-1070.
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56) Okubo, H., Crozier, S. R., Harvey, N. C., Godfrey, K. M., Inskip, H. M., Cooper, C., et al. (2014). “Maternal dietary glycemic index and glycemic load in early pregnancy are associated with offspring adiposity in childhood: the Southampton Women’s Survey.” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 100(2): 676-683.
58) Okubo, H., Syddall, H. E., Phillips, D. I., Sayer, A. A., Dennison, E. M., Cooper, C., et al. (2014). “Dietary total antioxidant capacity is related to glucose tolerance in older people: the Hertfordshire Cohort Study.” Nutrition Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases 24(3): 301-308.
59) Palmer, K. T., D’Angelo, S., Syddall, H., Griffin, M. J., Cooper, C. and Coggon, D. (2014). “Dupuytren’s contracture and occupational exposure to hand-transmitted vibration.” Occupational & Environmental Medicine 71(4): 241-245.
60) Panoutsopoulou, K., Metrustry, S., Doherty, S. A., Laslett, L. L., Maciewicz, R. A., Hart, D. J., et al. (2014). “The effect of FTO variation on increased osteoarthritis risk is mediated through body mass index: a Mendelian randomisation study.” Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73(12): 2082-2086.
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63) Piscitelli, P., Brandi, M., Cawston, H., Gauthier, A., Kanis, J. A., Compston, J., et al. (2014). “Epidemiological burden of postmenopausal osteoporosis in Italy from 2010 to 2020: estimations from a disease model.” Calcified Tissue International 95(5): 419-427.
64) Pouwels, S., de Boer, A., Leufkens, H. G., Weber, W. E., Cooper, C. and de Vries, F. (2014). “Risk of fracture in patients with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease.” Muscle & Nerve 50(6): 919-924.
65) Pouwels, S., de Boer, A., Leufkens, H. G., Weber, W. E., Cooper, C., van Onzenoort, H. A., et al. (2014). “Risk of fracture in patients with muscular dystrophies.” Osteoporosis International 25(2): 509-518.
66) Prieto-Alhambra, D., Guerri-Fernandez, R., De Vries, F., Lalmohamed, A., Bazelier, M., Starup-Linde, J., et al. (2014). “HIV infection and its association with an excess risk of clinical fractures: a nationwide case-control study.” Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes: JAIDS 66(1): 90-95.
67) Prieto-Alhambra, D., Judge, A., Arden, N. K., Cooper, C., Lyles, K. W. and Javaid, M. K. (2014). “Fracture prevention in patients with cognitive impairment presenting with a hip fracture: secondary analysis of data from the HORIZON Recurrent Fracture Trial.” Osteoporosis International 25(1): 77-83.
68) Prieto-Alhambra, D., Judge, A., Javaid, M. K., Cooper, C., Diez-Perez, A. and Arden, N. K. (2014). “Incidence and risk factors for clinically diagnosed knee, hip and hand osteoarthritis: influences of age, gender and osteoarthritis affecting other joints.” Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73(9): 1659-1664.
69) Prieto-Alhambra, D., Pages-Castella, A., Wallace, G., Javaid, M. K., Judge, A., Nogues, X., et al. (2014). “Predictors of fracture while on treatment with oral bisphosphonates: a population-based cohort study.” Journal of Bone & Mineral Research 29(1): 268-274.
70) Prieto-Alhambra, D., Premaor, M. O., Aviles, F. F., Castro, A. S., Javaid, M. K., Nogues, X., et al. (2014). “Relationship between mortality and BMI after fracture: a population-based study of men and women aged >40 years.” Journal of Bone & Mineral Research 29(8): 1737-1744.
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72) Reyes, C., Estrada, P., Nogues, X., Orozco, P., Cooper, C., Diez-Perez, A., et al. (2014). “The impact of common co-morbidities (as measured using the Charlson index) on hip fracture risk in elderly men: a population-based cohort study.[Erratum appears in Osteoporos Int. 2014 Sep;25(9):2333 Note: Macias, J G [corrected to Gonzalez-Macias, J]].” Osteoporosis International 25(6): 1751-1758.
73) Roberts, H. C., De Wet, S., Porter, K., Rood, G., Diaper, N., Robison, J., et al. (2014). “The feasibility and acceptability of training volunteer mealtime assistants to help older acute hospital inpatients: the Southampton Mealtime Assistance Study.” Journal of Clinical Nursing 23(21-22): 3240-3249.
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75) Simmonds, S. J., Syddall, H. E., Walsh, B., Evandrou, M., Dennison, E. M., Cooper, C., et al. (2014). “Understanding NHS hospital admissions in England: linkage of Hospital Episode Statistics to the Hertfordshire Cohort Study.” Age & Ageing 43(5): 653-660.
77) Vimaleswaran, K. S., Cavadino, A., Berry, D. J., LifeLines Cohort Study Investigators, Jorde, R., Dieffenbach, A. K., et al. (2014). “Association of vitamin D status with arterial blood pressure and hypertension risk: a mendelian randomisation study.” The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology 2(9): 719-729.
78) Walker-Bone, K., D’Angelo, S., Syddall, H. E., Palmer, K. T., Cooper, C., Coggon, D., et al. (2014). “Exposure to heavy physical occupational activities during working life and bone mineral density at the hip at retirement age.” Occupational & Environmental Medicine 71(5): 329-331.
79) Wallace, G., Judge, A., Prieto-Alhambra, D., de Vries, F., Arden, N. K. and Cooper, C. (2014). “The effect of body mass index on the risk of post-operative complications during the 6 months following total hip replacement or total knee replacement surgery.” Osteoarthritis & Cartilage 22(7): 918-927.
80) Witham, M. D., Syddall, H. E., Dennison, E., Cooper, C., McMurdo, M. E. and Sayer, A. A. (2014). “ACE inhibitors, statins and thiazides: no association with change in grip strength among community dwelling older men and women from the Hertfordshire Cohort Study.” Age & Ageing 43(5): 661-666.
81) Yaqub, M., Javaid, M. K., Cooper, C. and Noble, J. A. (2014). “Investigation of the role of feature selection and weighted voting in random forests for 3-D volumetric segmentation.” IEEE Trans Med Imaging 33(2): 258-271.
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17) Compston, J. E., Watts, N. B., Chapurlat, R., Cooper, C., Boonen, S., Greenspan, S., et al. (2011). “Obesity Is Not Protective against Fracture in Postmenopausal Women: GLOW.” Am.J.Med. 124: 1043-1050.
18) Cooper, C. and Arden, N. K. (2011). “Excess mortality in osteoarthritis (editorial).” BMJ 342: d1407.
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20) Cooper, C., Mitchell, P. and Kanis, J. A. (2011). “Breaking the fragility fracture cycle (editorial).” Osteoporos.Int 22: 2049-2050.
21) Cooper, R., Hardy, R., Aihie, S. A., Ben-Shlomo, Y., Birnie, K., Cooper, C., et al. (2011). “Age and Gender Differences in Physical Capability Levels from Mid-Life Onwards: The Harmonisation and Meta-Analysis of Data from Eight UK Cohort Studies.” PLoS.One. 6: e27899.
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32) Gale, C. R., Sayer, A. A., Cooper, C., Dennison, E. M., Starr, J. M., Whalley, L. J., et al. (2011). “Factors associated with symptoms of anxiety and depression in five cohorts of community-based older people: the HALCyon (Healthy Ageing across the Life Course) Programme.” Psychol.Med. 41: 2057-2073.
33) Gauthier, A., Kanis, J. A., Martin, M., Compston, J., Borgstrom, F., Cooper, C., et al. (2011). “Development and validation of a disease model for postmenopausal osteoporosis.” Osteoporos.Int 22: 771-780.
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36) Harvey, N. C., Inskip, H. M., Godfrey, K. M. and Cooper, C. (2011). “Similar maternal and paternal relationships with offspring bone mass do not exclude an intrauterine mechanism: evidence from Southampton Women’s Survey.” Osteoporos.Int. 22: 2899-2900.
37) Holroyd, C. R., Cooper, C. and Harvey, N. C. (2011). “Vitamin D and the postmenopausal population.” Menopause.Int. 17: 102-107.
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41) Judge, A., Cooper, C., Arden, N. K., Williams, S., Hobbs, N., Dixon, D., et al. (2011). “Pre-operative expectation predicts 12-month post-operative outcome among patients undergoing primary total hip replacement in European orthopaedic centres.” Osteoarthritis Cartilage 19: 659-667.
42) Kanis, J. A., Cooper, C., Hiligsmann, M., Rabenda, V., Reginster, J. Y. and Rizzoli, R. (2011). “Partial adherence: a new perspective on health economic assessment in osteoporosis.” Osteoporos.Int. 22: 2565-2573.
43) Kanis, J. A., Hans, D., Cooper, C., Baim, S., Bilezikian, J. P., Binkley, N., et al. (2011). “Interpretation and use of FRAX in clinical practice.” Osteoporos.Int. 22: 2395-2411.
44) Kerkhof, H. J., Doherty, M., Arden, N. K., Abramson, S. B., Attur, M., Bos, S. D., et al. (2011). “Large-scale meta-analysis of interleukin-1 beta and interleukin-1 receptor antagonist polymorphisms on risk of radiographic hip and knee osteoarthritis and severity of knee osteoarthritis.” Osteoarthritis Cartilage 19: 265-271.
45) Kerkhof, H. J., Meulenbelt, I., Akune, T., Arden, N. K., Aromaa, A., Bierma-Zeinstra, S. M., et al. (2011). “Recommendations for standardization and phenotype definitions in genetic studies of osteoarthritis: the TREAT-OA consortium.” Osteoarthritis Cartilage 19: 254-264.
46) Kilpelainen, T. O., den, H. M., Ong, K. K., Grontved, A., Brage, S., Jameson, K., et al. (2011). “Obesity-susceptibility loci have a limited influence on birth weight: a meta-analysis of up to 28,219 individuals.” Am.J Clin Nutr. 93: 851-860.
47) Lanham, S. A., Bertram, C., Cooper, C. and Oreffo, R. O. (2011). “Animal models of maternal nutrition and altered offspring bone structure – Bone development across the lifecourse.” Eur.Cell Mater. 22: 321-332.
48) Lanham, S. A., Fowden, A. L., Roberts, C., Cooper, C., Oreffo, R. O. and Forhead, A. J. (2011). “Effects of hypothyroidism on the structure and mechanical properties of bone in the ovine fetus.” J.Endocrinol. 210: 189-198.
49) Lanham-New, S. A., Buttriss, J. L., Miles, L. M., Ashwell, M., Berry, J. L., Boucher, B. J., et al. (2011). “Proceedings of the Rank Forum on Vitamin D.” Br.J Nutr. 105: 144-156.
50) Lawrence, W., Schlotz, W., Crozier, S., Skinner, T. C., Haslam, C., Robinson, S., et al. (2011). “Specific psychological variables predict quality of diet in women of lower, but not higher, educational attainment.” Appetite 56: 46-52.
51) Leib, E. S., Saag, K. G., Adachi, J. D., Geusens, P. P., Binkley, N., McCloskey, E. V., et al. (2011). “Official Positions for FRAX((R)) clinical regarding glucocorticoids: the impact of the use of glucocorticoids on the estimate by FRAX((R)) of the 10 year risk of fracture from Joint Official Positions Development Conference of the International Society for Clinical Densitometry and International Osteoporosis Foundation on FRAX((R)).” J.Clin.Densitom. 14: 212-219.
52) Lewiecki, E. M., Compston, J. E., Miller, P. D., Adachi, J. D., Adams, J. E., Leslie, W. D., et al. (2011). “FRAX((R)) Bone Mineral Density Task Force of the 2010 Joint International Society for Clinical Densitometry & International Osteoporosis Foundation Position Development Conference.” J.Clin.Densitom. 14: 223-225.
53) Lewiecki, E. M., Compston, J. E., Miller, P. D., Adachi, J. D., Adams, J. E., Leslie, W. D., et al. (2011). “Official Positions for FRAX(R) Bone Mineral Density and FRAX(R) simplification from Joint Official Positions Development Conference of the International Society for Clinical Densitometry and International Osteoporosis Foundation on FRAX(R).” J.Clin.Densitom. 14: 226-236.
54) Linaker, C., Harris, E. C., Cooper, C., Coggon, D. and Palmer, K. T. (2011). “The burden of sickness absence from musculoskeletal causes in Great Britain.” Occup.Med.(Lond) 61: 458-464.
55) Marsh, D., Akesson, K., Beaton, D. E., Bogoch, E. R., Boonen, S., Brandi, M. L., et al. (2011). “Coordinator-based systems for secondary prevention in fragility fracture patients.” Osteoporos.Int. 22: 2051-2065.
56) Martin, H., Aihie, S. A., Jameson, K., Syddall, H., Dennison, E. M., Cooper, C., et al. (2011). “Does diet influence physical performance in community-dwelling older people? Findings from the Hertfordshire Cohort Study.” Age Ageing 40: 181-186.
57) Masud, T., Binkley, N., Boonen, S., Hannan, M. T. and including Cooper, C. (2011). “Official Positions for FRAX(R) clinical regarding falls and frailty: can falls and frailty be used in FRAX(R)? From Joint Official Positions Development Conference of the International Society for Clinical Densitometry and International Osteoporosis Foundation on FRAX(R).” J.Clin.Densitom. 14: 194-204.
58) McCloskey, E. V., Binkley, N. and including Cooper, C. (2011). “FRAX((R)) Clinical Task Force of the 2010 Joint International Society for Clinical Densitometry & International Osteoporosis Foundation Position Development Conference.” J.Clin.Densitom. 14: 181-183.
59) McCloskey, E. V., Vasikaran, S. and Cooper, C. (2011). “Official Positions for FRAX(R) clinical regarding biochemical markers from Joint Official Positions Development Conference of the International Society for Clinical Densitometry and International Osteoporosis Foundation on FRAX(R).” J.Clin.Densitom. 14: 220-222.
60) Mishra, G. D., Gale, C. R., Sayer, A. A., Cooper, C., Dennison, E. M., Whalley, L. J., et al. (2011). “How useful are the SF-36 sub-scales in older people? Mokken scaling of data from the HALCyon programme.” Qual.Life Res. 20: 1005-1010.
61) Muraki, S., Dennison, E., Jameson, K., Boucher, B. J., Akune, T., Yoshimura, N., et al. (2011). “Association of vitamin D status with knee pain and radiographic knee osteoarthritis.” Osteoarthritis.Cartilage. 19: 1301-1306.
62) Palmer, K., Coggon, D., Cooper, C., Harris, E. C. and Linaker, C. (2011). Improving the diagnostic criteria for work-related upper limb disorders for use in prevention and patient care. HSE Contract Research Report 869/2011. Sudbury.
63) Patel, H., Syddall, H. E., Martin, H. J., Cooper, C., Stewart, C. and Sayer, A. A. (2011). “The feasibility and acceptability of muscle biopsy in epidemiological studies: findings from the Hertfordshire sarcopenia study (HSS).” J Nutr.Health Aging 15: 10-15.
64) Pazianas, M., Cooper, C., Wang, Y., Lange, J. L. and Russell, R. G. (2011). “Atrial fibrillation and the use of oral bisphosphonates.” Ther.Clin Risk Manag. 7: 131-144.
65) Pouwels, S., Lalmohamed, A., Souverein, P., Cooper, C., Veldt, B. J., Leufkens, H. G., et al. (2011). “Use of proton pump inhibitors and risk of hip/femur fracture: a population-based case-control study.” Osteoporos.Int 22: 903-910.
66) Prieto-Alhambra, D., Javaid, M. K., Judge, A., Maskell, J., Kiran, A., Cooper, C., et al. (2011). “Bisphosphonate use and risk of post-operative fracture among patients undergoing a total knee replacement for knee osteoarthritis: a propensity score analysis.” Osteoporos.Int 22: 1555-1571.
67) Prieto-Alhambra, D., Javaid, M. K., Judge, A., Maskell, J., Kiran, A., de Vries, F., et al. (2011). “Fracture risk before and after total hip replacement in patients with osteoarthritis: potential benefits of bisphosphonate use.” Arthritis Rheum. 63: 992-1001.
68) Prieto-Alhambra, D., Javaid, M. K., Judge, A., Murray, D., Carr, A., Cooper, C., et al. (2011). “Association between bisphosphonate use and implant survival after primary total arthroplasty of the knee or hip: population based retrospective cohort study.” BMJ 343: d7222.
69) Prieto-Alhambra, D., Javaid, M. K., Maskell, J., Judge, A., Nevitt, M., Cooper, C., et al. (2011). “Changes in hip fracture rate before and after total knee replacement due to osteoarthritis: a population-based cohort study.” Ann.Rheum.Dis. 70: 134-138.
70) Rizzoli, R., Akesson, K., Bouxsein, M., Kanis, J. A., Napoli, N., Papapoulos, S., et al. (2011). “Subtrochanteric fractures after long-term treatment with bisphosphonates: a European Society on Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis, and International Osteoporosis Foundation Working Group Report.” Osteoporos.Int 22: 373-390.
71) Rizzoli, R., Reginster, J. Y., Boonen, S., Breart, G., Diez-Perez, A., Felsenberg, D., et al. (2011). “Adverse reactions and drug-drug interactions in the management of women with postmenopausal osteoporosis.” Calcif.Tissue Int. 89: 91-104.
72) Roberts, H. C., Denison, H. J., Martin, H. J., Patel, H. P., Syddall, H., Cooper, C., et al. (2011). “A review of the measurement of grip strength in clinical and epidemiological studies: towards a standardised approach.” Age Ageing 40: 423-429.
73) Roux, C., Cooper, C., ez-Perez, A., Martinez, L., Ortolani, S., Gitlin, M., et al. (2011). “Prevalence of osteoporosis and fractures among women prescribed osteoporosis medication in five European countries: the POSSIBLE EU((R)) study.” Osteoporos.Int 22: 1227-1236.
74) Sambrook, P. N., Flahive, J., Hooven, F. H., Boonen, S., Chapurlat, R., Lindsay, R., et al. (2011). “Predicting fractures in an international cohort using risk factor algorithms without BMD.” J.Bone Miner.Res. 26: 2770-2777.
75) Shaheen, S. O., Jameson, K. A., Robinson, S. M., Boucher, B. J., Syddall, H. E., Aihie, S. A., et al. (2011). “Relationship of vitamin D status to adult lung function and COPD.” Thorax 66: 692-698.
76) Siris, E. S., Gehlbach, S., Adachi, J. D., Boonen, S., Chapurlat, R. D., Compston, J. E., et al. (2011). “Failure to perceive increased risk of fracture in women 55 years and older: the Global Longitudinal Study of Osteoporosis in Women (GLOW).” Osteoporos.Int 22: 27-35.
77) Soler, A. M., Loth, D. W., Wain, L. V., Gharib, S. A., Obeidat, M., Tang, W., et al. (2011). “Genome-wide association and large-scale follow up identifies 16 new loci influencing lung function.” Nat.Genet. 43: 1082-1090.
78) Soler, A. M., Wain, L. V., Repapi, E., Obeidat, M., Sayers, I., Burton, P. R., et al. (2011). “Effect of Five Genetic Variants Associated with Lung Function on the Risk of Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease, and Their Joint Effects on Lung Function.” Am.J.Respir.Crit Care Med. 184: 786-795.
79) Speliotes, E. K., Yerges-Armstrong, L. M., Wu, J., Hernaez, R., Kim, L. J., Palmer, C. D., et al. (2011). “Genome-wide association analysis identifies variants associated with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease that have distinct effects on metabolic traits.” PLoS.Genet. 7: e1001324.
80) Strawbridge, R. J., Dupuis, J., Prokopenko, I., Barker, A., Ahlqvist, E., Rybin, D., et al. (2011). “Genome-Wide Association Identifies Nine Common Variants Associated With Fasting Proinsulin Levels and Provides New Insights Into the Pathophysiology of Type 2 Diabetes.” Diabetes 60: 2624-2634.
81) Valdes, A. M., Arden, N. K., Vaughn, F. L., Doherty, S. A., Leaverton, P. E., Zhang, W., et al. (2011). “Role of the Nav1.7 R1150W amino acid change in susceptibility to symptomatic knee osteoarthritis and multiple regional pain.” Arthritis Care Res.(Hoboken.) 63: 440-444.
82) Valdes, A. M., De Wilde, G., Doherty, S. A., Lories, R. J., Vaughn, F. L., Laslett, L. L., et al. (2011). “The Ile585Val TRPV1 variant is involved in risk of painful knee osteoarthritis.” Ann.Rheum.Dis. 70: 1556-1561.
83) Valdes, A. M., Evangelou, E., Kerkhof, H. J., Tamm, A., Doherty, S. A., Kisand, K., et al. (2011). “The GDF5 rs143383 polymorphism is associated with osteoarthritis of the knee with genome-wide statistical significance (letter).” Ann.Rheum.Dis. 70: 873-875.
84) Valdes, A. M., Styrkarsdottir, U., Doherty, M., Morris, D. L., Mangino, M., Tamm, A., et al. (2011). “Large Scale Replication Study of the Association between HLA Class II/BTNL2 Variants and Osteoarthritis of the Knee in European-Descent Populations.” PLoS.One. 6: e23371.
85) Varanasi, S. S., Tuck, S. P., Mastana, S. S., Dennison, E., Cooper, C., Vila, J., et al. (2011). “Lack of association of bone morphogenetic protein 2 gene haplotypes with bone mineral density, bone loss, or risk of fractures in men.” J.Osteoporos. 2011: 243465.
86) Vasikaran, S., Cooper, C., Eastell, R., Griesmacher, A., Morris, H. A., Trenti, T., et al. (2011). “International Osteoporosis Foundation and International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine Position on bone marker standards in osteoporosis.” Clin.Chem.Lab Med. 49: 1271-1274.
87) Vasikaran, S., Eastell, R., Bruyere, O., Foldes, A. J., Garnero, P., Griesmacher, A., et al. (2011). “Markers of bone turnover for the prediction of fracture risk and monitoring of osteoporosis treatment: a need for international reference standards.” Osteoporos.Int 22: 391-420.
88) Vasikaran, S. D., Cooper, C. and Kanis, J. A. (2011). “Recommendations for bone marker standards in osteoporosis: what, why and where to now? (editorial).” Ann.Clin Biochem. 48: 91-92.
89) Vasikaran, S. D., Morris, H. A., Cooper, C. and Kanis, J. A. (2011). “Standardising biochemical assessment of bone turnover in osteoporosis (editorial).” Clin.Biochem. 44: 1033-1034.
90) Wahl, D. A., Cooper, C. and Boonen, S. (2011). “Clinicians need to treat underlying osteoporosis (letter).” BMJ 343: d5040.
91) Williams, F. M., Popham, M., Hart, D. J., de Schepper, E., Bierma-Zeinstra, S., Hofman, A., et al. (2011). “GDF5 single-nucleotide polymorphism rs143383 is associated with lumbar disc degeneration in Northern European women.” Arthritis Rheum. 63: 708-712.
92) Zhu, H., Shyh-Chang, N., Segre, A. V., Shinoda, G., Shah, S. P., Einhorn, W. S., et al. (2011). “The Lin28/let-7 axis regulates glucose metabolism.” Cell 147: 81-94.
1) Abrahamsen, B., Masud, T., Avenell, A., Anderson, F., Meyer, H. E., Cooper, C., et al. (2010). “Patient level pooled analysis of 68 500 patients from seven major vitamin D fracture trials in US and Europexen,K.;.” BMJ 340: b5463.
2) Adachi, J. D., Adami, S., Gehlbach, S., Anderson, F. A., Jr., Boonen, S., Chapurlat, R. D., et al. (2010). “Impact of prevalent fractures on quality of life: baseline results from the global longitudinal study of osteoporosis in women.” Mayo Clin Proc. 85: 806-813.
3) Adams, J., Mullee, M., Burridge, J., Hammond, A. and Cooper, C. (2010). “Responsiveness of self-report and therapist-rated upper extremity structural impairment and functional outcome measures in early rheumatoid arthritis.” Arthritis Care Res.(Hoboken.) 62: 274-278.
4) Ashfield, T. A., Syddall, H. E., Martin, H. J., Dennison, E. M., Cooper, C. and Aihie, S. A. (2010). “Grip strength and cardiovascular drug use in older people: findings from the Hertfordshire Cohort Study.” Age Ageing 39: 185-191.
5) Breart, G., Cooper, C., Meyer, O., Speirs, C., Deltour, N. and Reginster, J. Y. (2010). “Osteoporosis and venous thromboembolism: a retrospective cohort study in the UK General Practice Research Database.” Osteoporos.Int 21: 1181-1187.
6) Cooper, C. (2010). “Osteoporosis: disease severity and consequent fracture management.” Osteoporos.Int 21 Suppl 2: S425-S429.
7) Cooper, C. (2010). “Osteoporosis research thrives: IOF WCO-ECCEO10.” Expert.Rev.Pharmacoecon.Outcomes.Res. 10: 367-370.
8) Cooper, C., Goodfellow, L., Harvey, N., Earl, S., Holroyd, C., Cole, Z., et al. (2010). Placental function and later risk of osteoporosis. The placenta and human developmental programming. G. J. Burton, D. J. P. Barker, A. Moffett and K. Thornburg, Cambridge University Press.
9) Cooper, C., Steinbuch, M., Stevenson, R., Miday, R. and Watts, N. B. (2010). “The epidemiology of osteonecrosis: findings from the GPRD and THIN databases in the UK.” Osteoporos.Int 21: 569-577.
10) Cooper, R., Kuh, D., Hardy, R. and Mortality Review Group (including Cooper, C., Aihie Sayer,A.,Gale,C.R.,Syddall,H.E.) (2010). “Objectively measured physical capability levels and mortality: systematic review and meta-analysis.” BMJ 341: c4467.
11) Crozier, S. R., Inskip, H. M., Barker, M. E., Lawrence, W. T., Cooper, C. and Robinson, S. M. (2010). “Development of a 20-item food frequency questionnaire to assess a ‘prudent’ dietary pattern among young women in Southampton.” Eur.J Clin Nutr. 64: 99-104.
12) Crozier, S. R., Inskip, H. M., Godfrey, K. M., Cooper, C., Harvey, N. C., Cole, Z. A., et al. (2010). “Weight gain in pregnancy and childhood body composition: findings from the Southampton Women’s Survey.” Am.J Clin Nutr. 91: 1745-1751.
13) De Lucia, R. E., Sleigh, A., Finucane, F. M., Brage, S., Stolk, R. P., Cooper, C., et al. (2010). “Ultrasound measurements of visceral and subcutaneous abdominal thickness to predict abdominal adiposity among older men and women.” Obesity.(Silver.Spring) 18: 625-631.
14) Dennison, E. M., Cooper, C. and Cole, Z. A. (2010). “Early development and osteoporosis and bone health.” Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease 1: 142-149.
15) Dennison, E. M., Jameson, K. A., Syddall, H. E., Martin, H. J., Cushnaghan, J., Aihie, S. A., et al. (2010). “Bone health and deterioration in quality of life among participants from the Hertfordshire cohort study.” Osteoporos.Int 21: 1817-1824.
16) Dhanwal, D. K., Cooper, C. and Dennison, E. M. (2010). “Geographic variation in osteoporotic hip fracture incidence: the growing importance of asian influences in coming decades.” J Osteoporos. 2010: 757102.
17) Dhanwal, D. K., Kochupillai, N., Gupta, N., Cooper, C. and Dennison, E. M. (2010). “Hypovitaminosis D and bone mineral metabolism and bone density in hyperthyroidism.” J Clin Densitom. 13: 462-466.
18) Dupuis, J., Langenberg, C., Prokopenko, I., Saxena, R., Soranzo, N., Jackson, A. U., et al. (2010). “New genetic loci implicated in fasting glucose homeostasis and their impact on type 2 diabetes risk.” Nat.Genet. 42: 105-116.
19) Earl, S., Cole, Z. A., Holroyd, C., Cooper, C. and Harvey, N. C. (2010). “Session 2: Other diseases: Dietary management of osteoporosis throughout the life course.” Proc.Nutr.Soc. 69: 25-33.
20) Finucane, F. M., Sharp, S. J., Purslow, L. R., Horton, K., Horton, J., Savage, D. B., et al. (2010). “The effects of aerobic exercise on metabolic risk, insulin sensitivity and intrahepatic lipid in healthy older people from the Hertfordshire Cohort Study: a randomised controlled trial.” Diabetologia 53: 624-631.
21) Freemantle, N., Cooper, C., Roux, C., Diez-Perez, A., Guillemin, F., Jonsson, B., et al. (2010). “Baseline observations from the POSSIBLE EU(R) study: characteristics of postmenopausal women receiving bone loss medications.” Arch.Osteoporos. 5: 61-72.
22) Gale, C. R., Allerhand, M., Sayer, A. A., Cooper, C., Dennison, E. M., Starr, J. M., et al. (2010). “The structure of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale in four cohorts of community-based, healthy older people: the HALCyon program.” Int Psychogeriatr. 22: 559-571.
23) Gale, C. R., Marriott, L. D., Martyn, C. N., Limond, J., Inskip, H. M., Godfrey, K. M., et al. (2010). “Breastfeeding, the use of docosahexaenoic acid-fortified formulas in infancy and neuropsychological function in childhood.” Arch.Dis.Child 95: 174-179.
24) Goodfellow, L. R., Earl, S., Cooper, C. and Harvey, N. C. (2010). “Maternal diet, behaviour and offspring skeletal health.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 7(4): 1760-1772.
25) Harvey, N., Dennison, E. and Cooper, C. (2010). “Osteoporosis: impact on health and economics.” Nat.Rev.Rheumatol 6: 99-105.
26) Harvey, N. C., Javaid, M. K., Arden, N. K., Poole, J. R., Crozier, S. R., Robinson, S. M., et al. (2010). “Maternal predictors of neonatal bone size and geometry: the Southampton Women’s Survey.” Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease 1: 35-41.
27) Harvey, N. C., Mahon, P. A., Robinson, S. M., Nisbet, C. E., Javaid, M. K., Crozier, S. R., et al. (2010). “Different indices of fetal growth predict bone size and volumetric density at 4 years of age.” J Bone Miner.Res. 25: 920-927.
28) Hassan, B., Maxwell, J. R., Hyrich, K. L., Barton, A., Worthington, J., Isaacs, J. D., et al. (2010). “Genotype at the sIL-6R A358C polymorphism does not influence response to anti-TNF therapy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.” Rheumatology (Oxford) 49: 43-47.
29) Holroyd, C. R., Davies, J. H., Taylor, P., Jameson, K., Rivett, C., Cooper, C., et al. (2010). “Reduced cortical bone density with normal trabecular bone density in girls with Turner syndrome.” Osteoporos.Int 21: 2093-2099.
30) Ingelsson, E., Langenberg, C., Hivert, M. F., Prokopenko, I., Lyssenko, V., Dupuis, J., et al. (2010). “Detailed physiologic characterization reveals diverse mechanisms for novel genetic Loci regulating glucose and insulin metabolism in humans.” Diabetes 59: 1266-1275.
31) Judge, A., Cooper, C., Williams, S., Dreinhoefer, K. and Dieppe, P. (2010). “Patient-reported outcomes one year after primary hip replacement in a European Collaborative Cohort.” Arthritis Care Res.(Hoboken.) 62: 480-488.
32) Langston, A. L., Campbell, M. K., Fraser, W. D., MacLennan, G. S., Selby, P. L., Ralston, S. H., et al. (2010). “Randomized trial of intensive bisphosphonate treatment versus symptomatic management in Paget’s disease of bone.” J Bone Miner.Res. 25: 20-31.
33) Lewiecki, E. M., Cooper, C., Thompson, E., Hartl, F., Mehta, D. and Papapoulos, S. E. (2010). “Ibandronate does not increase risk of atrial fibrillation in analysis of pivotal clinical trials.” Int J Clin Pract. 64: 821-826.
34) Lewis, R. M., Greenwood, S. L., Cleal, J. K., Crozier, S. R., Verrall, L., Inskip, H. M., et al. (2010). “Maternal muscle mass may influence system A activity in human placenta.” Placenta 31: 418-422.
35) Lips, P., Jameson, K., Bianchi, M. L., Goemaere, S., Boonen, S., Reeve, J., et al. (2010). “Validation of the IOF quality of life questionnaire for patients with wrist fracture.” Osteoporos.Int 21: 61-70.
36) Lyritis, G., Marin, F., Barker, C., Pfeifer, M., Farrerons, J., Brixen, K., et al. (2010). “Back pain during different sequential treatment regimens of teriparatide: results from EUROFORS.” Curr.Med.Res.Opin. 26: 1799-1807.
37) Mahon, P., Harvey, N., Crozier, S., Inskip, H., Robinson, S., Arden, N., et al. (2010). “Low maternal vitamin D status and fetal bone development: cohort study.” J Bone Miner.Res. 25: 14-19.
38) McCloskey, E., Compston, J. and Cooper, C. (2010). “The US FRAX filter: avoiding confusion or hindering progress? (letter).” Osteoporos.Int 21: 885.
39) Nettleton, J. A., McKeown, N. M., Kanoni, S., Lemaitre, R. N., Hivert, M. F., Ngwa, J., et al. (2010). “Interactions of dietary whole-grain intake with fasting glucose- and insulin-related genetic loci in individuals of European descent: a meta-analysis of 14 cohort studies.” Diabetes Care 33: 2684-2691.
40) Palmer, K. and Cooper, C. (2010). Repeated movements and repeated trauma affecting the musculoskeletal system. Hunter’s Diseases of Occupations. P. Baxter, A. Tar-Ching, A. Cockcroft, P. Durrington and M. Harrington. London, Hodder Arnold Publishers Ltd: 687-712.
41) Patel, H. P., Syddall, H. E., Martin, H. J., Stewart, C. E., Cooper, C. and Sayer, A. A. (2010). “Hertfordshire sarcopenia study: design and methods.” BMC.Geriatr. 10: 43.
42) Pazianas, M., Cooper, C., Ebetino, F. H. and Russell, R. G. (2010). “Long-term treatment with bisphosphonates and their safety in postmenopausal osteoporosis.” Ther.Clin Risk Manag. 6: 325-343.
43) Pouwels, S., Lalmohamed, A., Leufkens, H. G., de Boer, A., Cooper, C., van Staa, T., et al. (2010). “Risk of fracture and bone mineral density in stroke response (letter).” Stroke 41(1): E60.
44) Pouwels, S., Lalmohamed, A., van Staa, T., Cooper, C., Souverein, P., Leufkens, H. G., et al. (2010). “Use of organic nitrates and the risk of hip fracture: a population-based case-control study.” J Clin Endocrinol.Metab 95: 1924-1931.
45) Price, A. J., Longino, D., Rees, J., Rout, R., Pandit, H., Javaid, K., et al. (2010). “Are pain and function better measures of outcome than revision rates after TKR in the younger patient?” Knee. 17: 196-199.
46) Repapi, E., Sayers, I., Wain, L. V., Burton, P. R., Johnson, T., Obeidat, M., et al. (2010). “Genome-wide association study identifies five loci associated with lung function.” Nat.Genet. 42: 36-44.
47) Saxena, R., Hivert, M. F., Langenberg, C., Tanaka, T., Pankow, J. S., Vollenweider, P., et al. (2010). “Genetic variation in GIPR influences the glucose and insulin responses to an oral glucose challenge.” Nat.Genet. 42: 142-148.
48) Sayer, A. A., Stewart, C., Patel, H. and Cooper, C. (2010). “The developmental origins of sarcopenia: from epidemiological evidence to underlying mechanisms.” Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease 1(3): 150-157.
49) Shaheen, S. O., Jameson, K. A., Syddall, H. E., Aihie, S. A., Dennison, E. M., Cooper, C., et al. (2010). “The relationship of dietary patterns with adult lung function and COPD.” Eur.Respir.J 36: 277-284.
50) Strom, O., Leonard, C., Marsh, D. and Cooper, C. (2010). “Cost-effectiveness of balloon kyphoplasty in patients with symptomatic vertebral compression fractures in a UK setting.” Osteoporos.Int 21: 1599-1608.
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7) Bruyere, O., Burlet, N., Delmas, P. D., Rizzoli, R., Cooper, C. and Reginster, J. Y. (2008). “Evaluation of symptomatic slow-acting drugs in osteoarthritis using the GRADE system.” BMC.Musculoskelet.Disord. 9: 165.
8) Cole, Z., Dennison, E. and Cooper, C. (2008). “Update on the treatment of post-menopausal osteoporosis.” Br.Med Bull. 86: 129-143.
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12) Costello, P. M., Rowlerson, A., Astaman, N. A., Anthony, F. E., Sayer, A. A., Cooper, C., et al. (2008). “Peri-implantation and late gestation maternal undernutrition differentially affect fetal sheep skeletal muscle development.” J Physiol 586: 2371-2379.
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15) Earl, S., Cooper, C. and Arden, N. (2008). “Osteoarthritis: ‘programming’ by the early environment.” Rheumatology in Practice 6: 4-7.
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40) Phillips, D. I., Syddall, H. E., Cooper, C. and Hanson, M. A. (2008). “Association of adult height and leg length with fasting plasma cortisol concentrations: evidence for an effect of normal variation in adrenocortical activity on growth.” Am J Hum.Biol. 20: 712-715.
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44) Sayer, A. A., Syddall, H., Martin, H., Patel, H., Baylis, D. and Cooper, C. (2008). “The developmental origins of sarcopenia.” J Nutr.Health Aging 12: 427-432.
45) Scott-Russell, A., Dennison, E., Taylor, P. and Cooper, C. (2008). “Comment on: Comparing morphometric X-ray absorptiometry and radiography in defining vertebral wedge fractures in patients with ankylosing spondylitis.” Rheumatology.(Oxford) 47: 1107-1108.
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12) Edwards, C. J., Cooper, C., Fisher, D., Field, M., van Staa, T. P. and Arden, N. K. (2007). “The importance of the disease process and disease-modifying antirheumatic drug treatment in the development of septic arthritis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.” Arthritis Rheum. 57(7): 1151-1157.
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16) Gale, C. R., Javaid, M. K., Robinson, S. M., Law, C. M., Godfrey, K. M. and Cooper, C. (2007). “Maternal size in pregnancy and body composition in children.” J Clin.Endocrinol.Metab 92(10): 3904-3911.
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21) Lips, M. A., Syddall, H. E., Gaunt, T. R., Rodriguez, S., Day, I. N., Cooper, C., et al. (2007). “Interaction between birthweight and polymorphism in the calcium-sensing receptor gene in determination of adult bone mass: the hertfordshire cohort study.” J Rheumatol. 34: 769-775.
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28) Schlotz, W., Ambery, P., Syddall, H. E., Crozier, S. R., Sayer, A. A., Cooper, C., et al. (2007). “Specific associations of insulin resistance with impaired health-related quality of life in the Hertfordshire Cohort Study.” Qual.Life Res. 16(3): 429-436.
29) Seeman, E., Compston, J., Adachi, J., Brandi, M. L., Cooper, C., wson-Hughes, B., et al. (2007). “Non-compliance: the Achilles’ heel of anti-fracture efficacy.” Osteoporos.Int. 18(6): 711-719.
30) Smith, H., Anderson, F., Raphael, H., Maslin, P., Crozier, S. and Cooper, C. (2007). “Effect of annual intramuscular vitamin D on fracture risk in elderly men and women–a population-based, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.” Rheumatology.(Oxford) 46(12): 1852-1857.
31) van Schoor, N. M., Dennison, E., Lips, P., Uitterlinden, A. G. and Cooper, C. (2007). “Serum fasting cortisol in relation to bone, and the role of genetic variations in the glucocorticoid receptor.” Clin.Endocrinol.(Oxf) 67(6): 871-878.
32) van Staa, T. P., Geusens, P., Zhang, B., Leufkens, H. G., Boonen, A. and Cooper, C. (2007). “Individual fracture risk and the cost-effectiveness of bisphosphonates in patients using oral glucocorticoids.” Rheumatology.(Oxford) 46(3): 460-466.
33) van Staa, T. P., Kanis, J. A., Geusens, P., Boonen, A., Leufkens, H. G. and Cooper, C. (2007). “The cost-effectiveness of bisphosphonates in postmenopausal women based on individual long-term fracture risks.” Value.Health 10(5): 348-357.
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36) Ye, S., Patodi, N., Walker-Bone, K., Reading, I., Cooper, C. and Dennison, E. (2007). “Variation in the matrix metalloproteinase-3, -7, -12 and -13 genes is associated with functional status in rheumatoid arthritis.” Int J Immunogenet. 34: 81-85.
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15) Dennison, E., Syddall, H., Fall, C., Brandi, M. L. and Cooper, C. (2005). “Evidence of sexual dimorphism in relationships between estrogen receptor polymorphisms and bone mass: the hertfordshire study.” J Rheumatol. 32: 2400-2404.
16) Dennison, E. M., Syddall, H. E., Sayer, A. A., Gilbody, H. J. and Cooper, C. (2005). “Birth Weight and Weight at 1 Year Are Independent Determinants of Bone Mass in the Seventh Decade: The Hertfordshire Cohort Study.” Pediatr.Res. 57: 582-586.
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19) Harvey, N. and Cooper, C. (2005). “Physiotherapy for neck and back pain.” BMJ 330: 53-54.
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26) Melton, L. J., III, Chrischilles, E. A., Cooper, C., Lane, A. W. and Riggs, B. L. (2005). “How many women have osteoporosis? JBMR Anniversary Classic. JBMR, Volume 7, Number 9, 1992.” J Bone Miner.Res. 20: 886-892.
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29) Patel, M. B., Arden, N. K., Masterson, L. M., Phillips, D. I., Swaminathan, R., Syddall, H. E., et al. (2005). “Investigating the role of the growth hormone-insulin-like growth factor (GH-IGF) axis as a determinant of male bone mineral density (BMD).” Bone 37: 833-841.
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