Introducing our 2019/20 Arts Ambassadors: Molly Ellis

Molly Ellis (left) filming with SUSU TV

Third year Music student Molly Ellis tells of the impact the arts have had on her life here at University of Southampton and looks ahead to the next few months in her role as Arts Ambassador.

I had such a good time working as an Arts Ambassador last year that, when the opportunity came up again, I couldn’t not apply! Last year, I had a blast reviewing theatre, art exhibitions and concerts, attending events and networking with both my peers and professionals in the industry. This last year has really opened my eyes as to what kind of future could be possible in the arts beyond university.

This year I hope to continue working to promote the arts to both my fellow students and the local community. It’s so important for students to understand that the arts you’re involved with at university could pave the way to a career, regardless of your degree. Showing that the gap between the ‘student’ and ‘professional’ worlds is not that wide is something I’m really keen to do – exploring these possibilities and networking is what university is all about!

As a third year music student, the arts have shaped pretty much my entire time at University. I’ve been lucky enough to start shaping my passions for music, theatre and filmmaking into the beginnings of a future beyond graduation- something I’m incredibly excited about.

I’m a freelance filmmaker and photographer and have had the pleasure of working with some amazing groups, such as SÓN and SUSO, and on some cinematography passion projects- one of which has just been accepted for screening at the Canadian International Comedy Film Festival!

I am also a Musical Director for musical theatre society Showstoppers after joining last year (on the advice of previous Arts Ambassador Ben McQuigg). I soon found myself stuck in with nearly every show and my first as Musical Director, ‘I Love You Because’, is coming up at the beginning of February! Getting stuck in with all of these activities across a breadth of arts topics has been an incredible experience, and has really extended the scope of skills learnt during my degree. I encourage absolutely everyone to get involved with at least one arts passion they have during their degree!

Being an Arts Ambassador for me is about both being a role model for participation and engagement with the arts, but also being a gateway to helping others access the arts, particularly those that think ‘it’s not for me’. There’s a wealth of things out there to explore in Southampton and beyond!

Apply NOW for a UoS Creative Internship

Arts Ambassadors Shanelle, Nicole and Louise with Sir Nicholas Serota, Chair of Arts Council England at John Hansard Gallery. Photo Jon Banford

Are you looking to gain valuable experience and build your networks in a creative environment? Is your career ambition to work in the arts, cultural or creative industries?

The University of Southampton’s Careers Service have opened their new season of paid Internships with a brilliant range of opportunities in Southampton’s cultural sector for enrolled UoS students and graduates *.

Read on for details of the creative and cultural internships on offer and hurry, applications close on 27 October 2019.

Continue reading Apply NOW for a UoS Creative Internship

Rediscovering The King of Lampedusa: An Evening of Performance and Talks with the Parkes Institute

Katie Power and Abaigh McKee, PhD candidates in The Parkes Institute for the Study of Jewish/non-Jewish Relations at the University of Southampton, discuss Rediscovering ‘The King of Lampedusa’, a lecture-recital that took place at Nuffield Southampton Theatres City (NST City) in June.

Continue reading Rediscovering The King of Lampedusa: An Evening of Performance and Talks with the Parkes Institute

My UoS Journey: Nadia Daniel, Turner Sims Programming and Marketing Intern.

Nadia Daniel, University of Southampton Graduate and recent Programme and Marketing Intern at Turner Sims, marks the beginning and end of her internship with two reflective blogs.  Read on to learn about her #MyUoSJourney
Continue reading My UoS Journey: Nadia Daniel, Turner Sims Programming and Marketing Intern.

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Rosie Sewell, BA Music student and Programming and Marketing Intern at Turner Sims concert hall, shares her hopes for the role.

Continue reading Introducing Rosie Sewell: Turner Sims’ Programming and Marketing ‘Excel’ Intern