Arts Ambassador Reflection: Hannah Teague

Arts Ambassador Hannah reflects on her time in the role, and how it has provided her with many opportunities to get behind the scenes in the creative industries, and also where she sees herself in the future. Continue reading Arts Ambassador Reflection: Hannah Teague

Arts Ambassador Reflection: Ben McQuigg

The Arts Ambassador so nice, he worked here twice! Ben McQuigg reflects on his second term working as an Arts Ambassador with Arts at University of Southampton.

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Arts Ambassador Reflection: Annette Warner

BA Fine Art student Annette Warner looks back on her time as an Arts Ambassador, and how it has shaped her understanding in the fields advocating the arts.

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Thriving and Surviving as an Artist – Highlights from Chapel Arts Studio Careers Talk

Have you ever wondered what opportunities lie beyond a degree in the arts or humanities? Arts Ambassador and Fine Art Student Annette Warner shares her insight from a talk held at Winchester School of Art (WSA) by accomplished artist and curator Rosalind Davis, organised by Chapel Arts Studios .

Continue reading Thriving and Surviving as an Artist – Highlights from Chapel Arts Studio Careers Talk

My Thoughts on Olivia Chaney at Turner Sims

Jennifer Banful and Olivia Chaney standing in the foyer area in Turner Sims.

Arts Ambassador Jennifer Banful reflects on her encounter at concert hall Turner Sims with the work of musician and performer Olivia Chaney, in celebration of International Women’s Day.

Continue reading My Thoughts on Olivia Chaney at Turner Sims