Tchaikovsky Unwrapped at Turner Sims

Robin Browning, conductor of the SÓN orchestra talks Tchaikovsky, classical music, dress codes, iPad’s as instruments and more with Jamie Harris, pianist and arts coordinator at Arts at University of SouthamptonImage: Chris Christodoulou
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Discovering Southampton City Art Gallery

Elspeth Williams reflects on her first visit to Southampton City Art Gallery.
Elspeth Williams, MA Contemporary Curation, Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton. (Image © Thierry Bal, 2016

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Students Review British Art Show 8

Earlier in 2017 we said goodbye to British Art Show 8 after three months in the city at John Hansard Gallery, Southampton City Art Gallery and Bargate Monument. We teamed up with first year BA Hons English students at University of Southampton to review the exhibition. Continue reading Students Review British Art Show 8