Introducing Jen Harris, our new Coordinator

What is your role at Arts at University of Southampton? My role is Arts and Culture Coordinator, working with Louise Coysh, Associate Director (Arts and Culture), to help facilitate all the exciting things that Arts at University of Southampton has to offer. Iā€™ll be working with colleagues across the University and beyond to promote our … Continue reading Introducing Jen Harris, our new Coordinator

Apply NOW for a UoS Creative Internship

Are you looking to gain valuable experience and build your networks in a creative environment? Is your career ambition to work in the arts, cultural or creative industries? The University of Southamptonā€™s Careers Service have opened their new season of paid Internships with a brilliant range of opportunities in Southamptonā€™s cultural sector for enrolled UoS … Continue reading Apply NOW for a UoS Creative Internship

A Tale of Two Galleries

Arts Ambassador Molly Ellis shares her experience of attending two contrasting art exhibition launches in one week. Private views of Resist: be modern (again) at John Hansard Gallery (JHG) and Banana Split at the Alfred Arcade.