Our partnerships

Our partnerships

We are aiming for a diverse representation of the different types of people with lived experience of hearing loss and/or cochlear implants and their families. It is important that we engage with a broad range of people including different ages, ethnicities, and life experiences. We are working with our group to explore ways in which we can engage with the wider community.

Please get in touch with us if you would like to get involved. We would really value your unique perspective and ideas. 

Our connections:

Our community partner – Steve Beal

Steve, alongside his wife Chris, have been working to raise awareness for hearing loss and deafness in the local community for the last 17 years. They have been running a Hard of Hearing support group called Let’s Communicate for 10 years in Southampton. Steve is profoundly deaf and has a lovely hearing dog called Jemma. Kate and Steve met in November 2022 and since then have formed a strong partnership due to their joint mission to raise awareness and improve lives for people who are living with hearing challenges. Steve is now a community partner for our research group. We will work alongside Steve going forward.