Public engagement

Public engagement

We get involved with public engagement activities so we can raise awareness to members of the public, of all ages, about hearing loss, cochlear implants, brain health and so on!

Science and Engineering Festival 2023: Saturday 18th March

Several members of ALL_EARS volunteered their time to run our exhibit about hearing and cochlear implants.

The world of hearing and cochlear implants
We had some great freebies for the kids provided by Cochlear.
Koala’s with a dummy cochlear implant!
We had a cochlear implant kit from MEDEL to show visitors the different part of a cochlear implant.

Raising awareness

We had play dough and cookie cutters in the shape of a hearing aid and cochlear implant.

Neil and Margaret talking to visitors about the parts of a cochlear implant.

Kate enjoyed teaching visitors about how we hear and why we must protect our hair cells.

An exhibit at the New Forest and Hampshire County Show

Tuesday 25th July 2023

We had an exhibit called ‘The world of hearing and cochlear implants’ in the Wessex Medical Research tent at the New Forest Show. Alongside researchers Kate and Tracey, three members of ALL_EARS@UoS volunteered their time to talk to members of the public about their experience and knowledge of hearing and cochlear implants.

Our play dough and cookie cutters in the shape of an ear with a hearing aid and the components of a cochlear implant went down well with our young visitors!
Many people know what a hearing aid is but less so for cochlear implants. We made sure everyone who visited the tent left knowing what they are and what they can do!
QR code stickers to sign post people to our website and also to the Alzheimer’s Research UK Brain Health Check-In website which teaches ways you could improve your brain health – including by having your hearing tested!

Chris and Carol explaining how a cochlear implant works.

Sarah playing the ‘How loud is too loud?’ game with a young visitor.

In our interactive poster game, people have to decide how loud different sounds are .. from a ticking watch to a rock concert and jet engine.

Science and Engineering Day 2024: Saturday 16th March 2024

Take a look at this video to see what we had in our exhibit this year!

This year the theme of British Science Week was ‘Time‘. We had key messages we wanted to get across to people across all ages of the lifespan.

For young children our aim was to raise awareness of hearing interventions such as hearing aids and cochlear implants to reduce stigma associated with hearing inventions from an early age- change mindsets!

For teenagersour aim was to raise awareness of safe listening! Limiting unsafe noise exposure through personal headphones/airpods when listening to music and gaming. Key message: Set safe listening levels on your devices!

For adults – our aim was to raise awareness of the importance of regular hearing tests and the importance of this for brain health.

Thank you to members of ALL_EARS@UoS for running the exhibit!

This year we had a second exhibit where visitors could try out the free online RNID hearing check.

RNID have a free hearing check which takes just 3 minutes and can indicate whether you may need to book for a full hearing test. We had queues of visitors throughout the day wanting to have a go.

If you type in your name and email address when you do the online hearing check, you will be sent a copy of your results to your email. You can take these results to your GP if you think you might need a full hearing test.