Photo library

Photo library


Photo library.

A group meeting in action!

Our trip to Winchester Science Centre

Love your ears exhibition.

Group members gave their feedback and ideas on the Love your ears exhibition.

We had a great discussion where group members shared their feedback with Jo.

Kate on our stand at the Science and Engineering Day 2023 called The world of hearing and cochlear implants.

Click here to find out more about the University of Southampton free, family friendly event held every year.

Science and Engineering Festival 2023

Saturday 18th March.

Helen Cullington joined us to discuss a new grant proposal with the group.

Our group meeting on 11th July 2023

Just before the winners of the quiz were announced.

Our group meeting on 30th November 2023

We spent time discussing the UK Standards for Public Involvement. Group members ranked the six standards and statements which aligned with each of the standards.