
October 16th, 2023


Prof Soon Xin Ng (Michael) [S’99-M’03-SM’08] received the B.Eng. degree (First class) in electronic engineering and the Ph.D. degree in telecommunications from the University of Southampton, U.K., in 1999 and 2002, respectively. From 2003 to 2006, he was a postdoctoral research fellow working on collaborative European research projects known as SCOUT, NEWCOM and PHOENIX. Since August 2006, he has been a member of academic staff in the School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton. He was involved in the OPTIMIX and CONCERTO European projects as well as the IU-ATC and UC4G projects. He was the principal investigator of an EPSRC project on “Cooperative Classical and Quantum Communications Systems“. He is currently a Professor of Next Generation Communications at the University of Southampton.

His research interests include adaptive coded modulation, coded modulation, channel coding, space-time coding, joint source and channel coding, iterative detection, OFDM, MIMO, cooperative communications, distributed coding, quantum communications, quantum error correction codes, joint wireless-and-optical-fibre communications, wireless sensor networks, game theory, artificial intelligence and machine learning. He has published over 290 papers and co-authored two John Wiley/IEEE Press books in this field.

He is a Senior Member of the IEEE, a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in the UK, a Chartered Engineer and a Fellow of the IET. He acted as TPC/track/workshop chairs for various conferences. He serves as an editor of Quantum Engineering. He was a guest editor for the special issues in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communication as well as editors in the IEEE Access and the KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems. He is one of the Founders and Officers of the IEEE Quantum Communications & Information Technology Emerging Technical Subcommittee (QCIT-ETC). He was the IEEE ComSoc Representative at the IEEE Nanotechnology Council (NTC) during 2020-2021. He was the programme leader of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) during 2018 – 2021 and has been the ECS Doctoral Programme Director since 2021, at the University of Southampton.



黄嵩钧博士教授 简介: 电子工程学士学位 (于1999); 无线通信博士学位 (于2002); 博士后研究员 (2003-2006); 南安普敦大学 无线通信 讲师 (自2006); 南安普敦大学 无线通信 副教授 (2012-2020); 南安普敦大学 新一代通信 教授 (自2020); 电气电子工程师联合会 高级会员 (SMIEEE); 高等教育学院 院士 (FHEA); 特许工程师 (CEng); 英国工程技术学会 院士(FIET)。主要研究兴趣包括 自适应编码调制,信道编码,空时编码,联合信源和信道编码,正交频分复用(OFDM) 和 多输入多输出(MIMO) 技术,合作通讯和分布式编码,无线传感器网络、博弈论、人工智能,机器学习 以及 量子编码和量子通信。

Biografi Prof Ng Soon Xin: Sarjana jurutera elektronik (1999); doktor falsafah telekomunikasi (2002); penyelidik selepas kedoktoran (2003-2006); pensyarah telekomunikasi Universiti Southampton (sejak 2006); Profesor Madya telekomunikasi Universiti Southampton (2012-2020); Profesor  Komunikasi Generasi Baru Universiti Southampton (sejak 2020); Ahli Senior IEEE (SMIEEE); Fellow Academi Pendidikan Tinggi (FHEA); Jurutera Bertauliah (CEng); Fellow Institut Kejuruteraan dan Teknologi (FIET). Kajian utama meliputi modulasi terkod adaptif, pengekodan saluran, pengekodan ruangan-waktu, pengekodan sejajar sumber dan saluran, OFDM, MIMO, komunikasi koperasi, pengekodan edaran, jaringan sensor tanpa wayar, teori permainan, kecerdasan buatan, pembelajaran mesin, kuantum kod dan kuantum komunikasi.


Current roles:

  1. ECS Doctoral Programme Director (ELEC)[2021-now]
  2. Well-being Champion [2019-now]
  3. University first aider [2006-now]
  4. Research group representative in
    • ECS PhD admission [2017-now]
    • ECS website management [2017-now]
    • ECS Health and Satety Committee [2017-now]
    • ECS Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Commitee [2016-now]

Previous roles:

  1. EEE Programme Leader [2018-2021]
  2. Assessment coordinator and liaison person between UoSM and ECS [2013-2021]
  3. Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Assessor [2018-2021]
  4. University Senate member [2017-2020]
  5. Associate Director of the ECS Graduate School [2007-2012]
  6. Admission tutor [2014-2016]

Personal webpage at University site

Public webpage

Personal webpage at ECS site

Research Group website

Research Group website: mobile; album

School of Electronic and Computer Science

Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences

University of Southampton (SUSSED)


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