Today, 24th November 2016, it is 157 years ago that Charles Darwin’s book, On the origins of Species, was published. Neil Gostling, Senior teaching fellow in Biological Sciences, has been busy celebrating this anniversary with a number of exciting events across the University and beyond. On 15th October, Neil gave a talk on the hopes and fears of evolution and development in the John Hansard gallery – this event, inspired by British Art Show 8, was part of the University’s Human Worlds Festival. Two days later, Neil travelled to Reading for the inaugural Post Grad group in biological sciences to deliver his Origin talk.

On the birthday of the origins of Species, 24th of November, an IfLS poster sessions will focus on the theme of Evolution and Development – Evo Devo. This evolution-themed poster session is an informal networking event where a number of colleagues in biological science will present their work. News FLASH: Neil is planning to bake an Origin of Species Cake next week to mark the birthday- Let’s hope he will find an appropriate tin for this cake. We cant wait for the result!

Neil is doing a great job to promote Evo-Devo in Biological Sciences and across the University—come and say hello between 15:30 – 17:30, 24 November 2016. Venue: Observatory, Level 7, Life Sciences Building 85, Highfield Campus.