Interdisciplinary blog

Web Science Research Week

January 11, 2014
by Lisa Harris via Digital Economy USRG

The Web Science Institute and the Doctoral Training Centre at the University of Southampton are running a Web Science Research Week (24-28th February 2014) to influence research into how the web is changing the world and the world is changing the web. The inaugural research week will undertake a programme of short term projects for […]

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Out with the old…?

January 10, 2014
by Josephine Corsi via Work Thought Blog

This month’s Work Thought blog post is provided by WFRC Chair Professor Pauline Leonard.   As we leave the trappings of seasonal celebrations behind us and tip headlong into another ‘new’ year, I find myself pausing to think:  just what was achieved last year in terms of improving issues of gender equality at work?  In […]

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Reflecting on the Web Science MOOC

December 11, 2013
by Josephine Corsi

There has been a lot of excitement recently about the University’s first MOOC (massive open online course) in Web Science, run in partnership with Future Learn. I signed up to the MOOC several months ago, when it was first announced, and I was working in the Student Recruitment and Outreach Team. The use of MOOCs to promote Higher Education, and Higher Education Institutions to prospective students is an interesting idea, and I was determined to have first-hand experience of this type of course when promoting it to students. Since then, I have moved roles within the University and now find myself looking after a number of University Strategic Research Groups, including the Digital Economy group (which has close links to the Web Science MOOC).

I have found the MOOC to be interesting and informative, but have probably not been the most dedicated student on the course. I’m not sure that matters, however, as I have still taken quite a bit of new information away from the experience. There is a small group of us within the team who are currently enrolled on the MOOC, and we have enjoyed quite a few discussions about the various topics over the past few weeks. I have even seen how some of the topics have informed people’s working – after week 2 quite a few network diagrams appeared around the office.

The latest instalment of the Web Science MOOC focuses on the Digital Economy and so is closely related to my daily duties. Even so, I have found the material to be interesting, engaging, informative, and above all thought-provoking. Lisa Harris describes the use of social media to build a professional profile. This is something I’ve never really done before, as I’ve moved around the University using contacts that I’ve made over the years, with changes in role that suit my changing skillset. I hadn’t really considered the idea that a complete absence of information would be a bad thing, and have spent quite a lot of time locking down information that appears on my own social profiles (and cringing at the types of updates my parents put on Facebook). A quick play with some of the tools provided on the course (mainly proves that there is very little information about me (from social media) in the public domain. Information does get returned though, and interestingly it’s information about other people. I’m fortunate to have an unusual name, so we don’t share names but I still found some of the returned information to be quite alarming. So there is a lesson for me: I can’t stop information being associated with my name, but I can influence what kind of information comes back by putting more of my own details out there.

My journey through the MOOC so far has been really interesting. I’ve thought about several things that I hadn’t considered before. I’ve especially enjoyed the relaxed way of learning: bite-sized chunks of information, the ability to grab a few minutes here and there, the variety of topics and the extended reading for people who are especially interested in a particular topic. I would certainly recommend a MOOC to anyone interested in finding out a bit more about something that is new to them – it’s a good starting point. Does it signal the end of traditional Higher Education? That’s something I’m not so sure about…

Holiday balancing acts: misogyny, work and leadership

December 9, 2013
by Josephine Corsi via Work Thought Blog

    This month’s post is a review of Anne Summers’ TheMisogyny Factor by WFRC director Professor Catherine Pope     The directors of the Work Futures Research Centre like the idea of work-life balance  even if the demands of our working lives sometimes seem to get in the way.  One of the ways I […]

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sotonDH Small Grants: Investigation into Synthesizer Parameter Mapping and Interaction for Sound Design Purposes – Post 3

November 24, 2013
by Darrell Gibson via Digital Humanities | Digital Humanities

sotonDH Small Grants: Investigation into Synthesizer Parameter Mapping and Interaction for Sound Design Purposes – Post 3 by Darrell Gibson Research Group: Composition and Music Technology Introduction In the previous blog posts three research questions and supporting literature were presented in relationship to how synthesizers are used for sound design. With these in mind the next stage has been to …

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sotonDH Small Grants: Medieval Palaeography and the Digital World – Post 3

November 21, 2013
by Jacopo Mazzeo via Digital Humanities | Digital Humanities

sotonDH Small Grants: Medieval Palaeography and the Digital World – Post 3 by Jacopo Mazzeo In my second post I examined the contents of the workshop about managing events through digital tools I attended last February in Cambridge. As I said in my first post, the relation between my studies and digital tools mainly involves high quality digital reproductions of …

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sotonDH Small Grants: Visualising intertextual dimensions of the Gothic itinerary in George Sand’s Consuelo and La Comtesse de Rudolstadt – Post 3

November 18, 2013
by Marilyn Mallia via Digital Humanities | Digital Humanities

sotonDH Small Grants: Visualising intertextual dimensions of the Gothic itinerary in George Sand’s Consuelo (1842) and La Comtesse de Rudolstadt (1843) – Post 3 by Marilyn Mallia and Neville Grech The final product The home page In order to enable the general user to follow and understand our main section of Consuelo’s gothic itinerary, we provided further contextualisation through the addition of other sections leading …

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#SXSC3 Speaker profile: Ben Mawson

November 18, 2013
by Lisa Harris via Digital Economy USRG

By Merel van Dijke In his own words: Benjamin Louis Mawson, Composer and Virtual Performance Developer‏. Working to make music composed in the digital studio come alive through motion-tracked real-time interactivity, using 3DBARE. Ben’s most recent work has included sound effects for a London stage production of Bulgakov’s “Heart of a Dog” (simulating Moscow 1920s […]

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#SXSC3 Speaker Profile: Sally Jane Norman

November 18, 2013
by Lisa Harris via Digital Economy USRG

By Merel van Dijke One of the speakers who highlights the scientific side of value during the Creative Digifest 2013 is Professor Sally Jane Norman. She will be giving a lecture on the link between digitisation and critical arts. What role have artists played in the forging and questioning of values? And, what role do […]

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