Interdisciplinary blog


‘The Internship’ : Precarious Work Futures #2

July 25, 2013
by Pauline Leonard via Work Thought Blog

  The smiling faces of Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson currently decorating the sides of many local buses are advertising a new film called ‘The Internship’. Their cheerful demeanor informs us that the film is a comedy-but the rising number of internships appearing in the UK and European youth labour markets is far from a […]

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Gender and Digital Culture

July 22, 2013
by Jim Osborne via Digital Humanities | Digital Humanities

The Gender and Digital Culture Project is currently running its inaugural survey, and we need your help to enable us to understand how gender informs the ways people use digital communication in their professional lives. You can go to the survey right away by clicking here, or continue reading to find out more about the project itself. Part of the …

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Monday’s DE lunch postponed

July 19, 2013
by Lisa Harris via Digital Economy USRG

Please note that Ben Mawson’s talk advertised for Monday 22nd July has been postponed until 14th October. A full list of Digital Economy Autumn events will be available from this site shortly. On Monday you may wish to attend this Web Science DTC event instead: Our next guest lecture is on Monday (22nd July) in […]

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Latest Insights: Digital technology, learner identities and school-to-work transition project

July 15, 2013
by Alison Simmance via Work Thought Blog

Latest Insights into the Digital technology, learner identities and school-to-work transition project by Michaela Brockmann.   We are an interdisciplinary working group at the Work Futures Research Centre at Southampton University. Funded through SIRDF (Strategic Interdisciplinary Research Development Fund), our aim is to explore the role of digital technology in the formation of learner identities […]

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So what do the digichamps actually do?

July 10, 2013
by Lisa Harris via Digital Economy USRG

With many thanks to the film-making wizardry of Simon Morice, the interviewing skills of Flo Broderick and contributions from Gareth Beeston, Renaldo Bernard and Eamonn Walls…this is what the #digichamps do 🙂 See more on the Digichamps blog. It’s been a busy week for the digichamps. Here are Simon Morice and Flo Broderick preparing video […]

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Mapping Libel Performance in Early Modern Devon: Results

July 8, 2013
by Clare Egan via Digital Humanities | Digital Humanities

The pilot resource mapping a sample of the performance-based libel cases from early-modern Devon is now complete. Its layers include the locations used for performance in all ten libel cases with attribute tables associated giving information about each case – these are plotted on a modern map of Devon showing geographical features such as county boundaries, elevation and rivers. The …

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Using social media to present about social media…

July 4, 2013
by Lisa Harris via Digital Economy USRG

Making the most of social media preso with @graemeearl & @flobroderick to @multisoton #digichamps #sotonde — Lisa Harris (@lisaharris) July 4, 2013 As @lisaharris @GraemeEarl @FloBroderick are speaking about social media, I thought I should tweet about it! #usrg — Rikki Prince (@rikkiprince) July 4, 2013 @GraemeEarl is live at the USRG Chairs […]

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Mapping 17th century libel performance: a geodatabase of Early Modern Devon

July 3, 2013
by Philip Riris via Digital Humanities | Digital Humanities

This brief post aims to communicate and evaluate the outcomes of my participation on Clare Egan’s project within the sotonDH framework. I will characterize the spatial data produced as a result, as well as offer a reflective account of my experiences collaborating with another researcher in a different Humanities discipline. Clare has previously detailed the raison d’etre of the project …

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Precarious work futures?

July 3, 2013
by Catherine Pope via Work Thought Blog

Amongst all the fuss about the recent Great British Class Survey (GBCS), a collaboration between social scientists Professor Mike Savage and Professor Fiona Devine of LSE and University of Manchester, and the BBC was the interesting observation that the group at the bottom of the social class structure are what the survey’s authors call  the […]

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sotonDH Small Grants: Introducing ‘Mapping Libel Performance in Early Modern Devon’

June 30, 2013
by Clare Egan via Digital Humanities | Digital Humanities

Accounts of early modern libel survive in the Star Chamber records, from which I have transcribed the Devon cases; these libels, I argue, should be seen as public performances and analysed in light of this. Having received a SotonDH grant, work has begun on a digital mapping resource which aims to present instances of performance-based libel from the county of …

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