What’s that dark spot in the sky?
Is it a bird? Is it a plane?
I doubt it’s Superman.
Wait, don’t tell me it’s a…UFO?
Nah, it’s just dirt on my window.
It has been more than a month since I’ve arrived in Southampton and I’d have to say, I have seen more flying discs here than I’ve ever did in Malaysia.
And by flying discs I meant Frisbees.
Joining the Ultimate Frisbee Club at the University of Southampton (UoS) was one of the things I was most looking forward to coming to the UK campus and it was a decision well made.

The club has training several times throughout the week for the whole club, men’s teams, women’s teams as well as the mixed teams.
There’s no such thing as too much Frisbee.
As compared to the Malaysian campus, there is much more space here to play a game or just run around in general. I almost teared up after seeing The Common and the Wide Lane fields. What’s great here is that there’s even indoor Ultimate Frisbee!
It is ridiculously cold outside at the moment.
The club had it’s annual beginners tournament a bit more than a week ago which was open to other universities as well. There were two leagues running at the same time, one for Freshers and one for experienced players. The beginner teams had to have one experienced player in the game at any one time.

Oh boy was it exciting. No sarcasm intended.
I got to play 8 games in total over 2 days and got to watch the professionals in action.

Although my team was ranked first from last last out of all the beginner teams, we managed to improve after each match and more importantly, had loads of fun. I’d say we made a pretty good team.
Tournament aside, every Skunk I’ve met had been really nice and welcoming. Club training are also pretty chill (unless you’re going for team training of course) and you’re free to choose to attend or not. I need more. But you should probably make the membership fee you paid for worth it.
A number of club members I’ve spoken to have said that they only started playing Ultimate when they started university and so some have only played for a year, but they’re skills show otherwise (as in they’re real good). They are even in the first teams!
So here’s to me improving my game and becoming the Ultimate Frisbee Master.