Activity: The Culture Card Game
To experience and reflect on the feeling of entering a new culture, and discussing strategies to cope with or overcome these situations.
This is a taught session of approx. 45mins-1hour, which can either be run as part of normal teaching or as a special event. Student learn the rules to a new card game in small groups, and each group is given a slightly different rule set. Student experience entering a new ‘culture’ when they are asked to move tables and discover the different rulesets. At University of Southampton it was run by the Intercultural Connections Southampton (ICS) project on 2nd December, and was designed and conducted by students and delivered to a mixture of home and international students outside of teaching hours.
The session aims to point of ways in which everyday encounters might be seen as intercultural. Students might therefore want to follow this session up by looking out for an intercultural encounter in their daily lives and reflecting on it either in writing or as a discussion.
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