Journal of Sound and Vibration

Roche B., Bull J.M., Marin-Moreno H., Leighton T.G., Falcon-Suarez I.H., Tholen M., White P.R., Provenzano G., Lichtschlag A., Li J., Faggetter M.

This work was conducted in the North Sea in a water depth of 120 m during a control release of CO2 ( The experiment simulated the unlikely event of a marine carbon capture and storage facility leaking and gas bubbling from the sea floor.  In the experiment CO2 was released from a pipe drilled to 3 m below the sea bed.  We demonstrated that it is possible to monitor the movement of the gas through the upper sediments to the water using a sub-bottom profiler (a sonar system which “sees into” the sea floor) mounted on an autonomous underwater vehicle. 

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