Research Aim

The aim of the research was to examine the potential of integrated logistics solutions involving Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles (UAVs, commonly known as drones) operating alongside traditional and sustainable last-mile delivery solutions (e.g., vans, bicycle couriers), in terms of the effects on energy consumption, emissions, costs and transit times, adopting a case study approach based on transportation of medical payloads (e.g., patient pathology specimens, pharmacy products, blood for transfusion) within the UK National Health Service (NHS), involving both simulated and real-world trials.

Apain drones

Introduction to using drones for deliveries.

Drone technology in everyday life.

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Measurable objectives

Investigate the collective impacts of current business-as-usual (BAU) NHS logistics involving transportation of patient pathology specimens, pharmacy products and blood for transfusion across the Solent region.

Develop new simulation tools to quantify the effects (e.g., energy consumption, emissions, costs, transit times) on drones and land logistics systems resulting from: i) potential new types of traffic regulation for shared airspace; ii) drone collision and dynamic automated path re-planning stipulations; iii) in-flight conflict-resolution rules; iv) types of permitted coordination; and v) the availability and positioning of ground logistics systems and infrastructure to effectively interact with and service drones.

Using the simulation tools and live drone flight trials, evaluate the impact on air space, energy consumption, emissions, costs and transit times of a large scale uptake of drones for medical logistics across the Solent region.

Develop fundamental new understandings of stakeholder concerns and the regulatory and governance needs associated with interventions that can realise the potential benefits of drone logistics.

Research Areas

The aims and objectives of the project were achieved through research in a number of different areas:

  1. Current National Health Service Logistics Practices: the E-Drone project used interviews, observations, and analysis of secondary data to analyse current NHS logistics practices.
  2. Stakeholder Concerns – Virtual Reality: the E-Drone project used virtual reality to bring logistics drones into places that are familiar to people, inviting passing members of the public to experience the drones flying over the location where they were sitting to give an idea of how logistics drones might look and sound, followed by a survey which considered the acceptability of drone overflights.
  3. Stakeholder Concerns – Serious Games: the E-Drone project has developed a novel board game, called ‘Game of (Delivery) Drones’, to engage with stakeholders, and further debate and understanding regarding drone logistics, enabling players to reflect on the use of delivery drones in a local context, providing an effective format for undertaking focus group activities. The project has also developed a tablet-based digital game, allowing players to gain a better appreciation of the implications for drone energy consumption of taking longer, less risky flightpaths that avoid areas with higher population densities.
  4. Stakeholder Concerns – QSort: the E-Drone project used the Q-sort approach (also known as Q-methodology) to understand how different stakeholders understood the benefits, risks and challenges of introducing drones for logistics.
  5. Drones in Shared Airspace: the E-Drone project ran two UK national workshops for (i) the General Aviation community, and (ii) the drone industry to understand stakeholder concerns and issues regarding the integration of drones in shared airspace, involving the UAV Traffic Management concept. The project has also developed and trialled a 4D airspace booking system to facilitate the implementation of shared airspace.
  6. Dangerous Goods Regulations and Drones: the E-Drone project conducted a comprehensive review of how the current dangerous goods (DG) regulations can be interpreted and adhered to by drone operators. The project has also contributed to the consultation with the authorities on developing a procedure for approving Crash Protected Containers for the carriage of DG by drones in the UK, and has conducted some of the first real-world drop-testing of industry-standard medical containers.
  7. Effects of Drone Flight on Payload Quality: the E-Drone project has carried-out a number of real-world drone flight trials to investigate the effects of in-flight conditions (e.g., vibration) on payload quality, involving medicines flown in a variety of different drone platform types for various durations. Also see Drone Flight Trials.
  8. Ground and Air Risk Estimation: the E-Drone project has developed a ground risk model to quantify the probability of a drone malfunction causing a fatality to a third party on the ground, allowing for flight paths to be adjusted to re-route around high-risk areas, accounting for fluctuations in population density throughout the day. To mitigate air risk (i.e., the probability of in-flight collisions with other aircraft), the E-Drone project has developed and trialled a 4D airspace booking system that strategically deconflicts planned trajectories.
  9. Integrating Drones in Mixed-Mode Logistics Systems: the E-Drone project has developed a novel logistics planning tool known as ‘Freight Optimisation with RiSk, Energy and mixed-mode Transport Integration (FORSETI)’, designed to analyse a given situation regarding demand for transport of goods and determine how best to deploy and integrate transport resources to meet that demand. The logistics transport modes available in FORSETI are vans (diesel or electric), bicycle couriers, and drones.