British Association of South Asian Studies Annual conference

FAQ for speakers

Many thanks for offering a paper at BASAS 2022. We would be grateful if you could read through the following guidelines for presenters, especially given the online format.

  • Please arrive in the ‘room’ 15 minutes before the session is due to start in order to introduce yourself to the chair and technical host and confirm the running order and etiquette for the session.
  • There will be a technical host for each session who will ask you to test your sound/adjust volume and share any powerpoints/handouts to ensure that everything is working.
  • Speakers should have cameras on at the start of the session and while presenting and taking questions, but off during the presentations of other panellists to help internet connections remain strong. Please keep microphone muted unless you are speaking. The technical host will ensure that the audience is muted during the presentations.
  • Chairs will use the professional biography you provided to introduce you, but please let them know if you wish to make any changes.
  • You have a maximum of 20 minutes for your paper followed by 10 minutes of questions. The chair will indicate when five minutes and one minute are remaining in the chat. If you overrun, the chair will switch their camera on to indicate that you should conclude. It is important to keep to time so that everyone has the same opportunity to speak and respond to questions.
  • Please have your camera on for the questions. The chair will invite and manage questions.
  • If you have any questions, please contact the conference team (