Looking back at everything I’ve gained as an Arts Ambassador: Gabriela Gurycz

BA English and History student Gabriela Gurycz reflects on her amazing experiences as an Arts Ambassador and the skills that she has been able to develop. Continue reading Looking back at everything I’ve gained as an Arts Ambassador: Gabriela Gurycz

Leap into the mind of Nicole: Reflections on the Arts Ambassador Internship

BA Geography student Nicole Wong looks back on her time as one of the University’s first Arts Ambassadors and consider how the internship will help shape her future (Nicole pictured centre). Continue reading Leap into the mind of Nicole: Reflections on the Arts Ambassador Internship

Entropics: Southampton’s emerging poetry night

Elspeth Williams, writer and curator, reflects on visiting Southampton’s free experimental poetry series Entropics and interviews its creator Dr Sarah Hayden.

Continue reading Entropics: Southampton’s emerging poetry night