Virtual special issue of Health and Place on Space, Place and Tobacco – Professor Graham Moon

Virtual special issue of Health and Place on Space, Place and Tobacco – Professor Graham Moon


Professor Graham Moon and Professor Jamie Pearce (University of Edinburgh) have assembled and curated a virtual special of the journal Health and Place devoted to papers focussing on how space, place and health geography impact on the tobacco epidemic. Professor Moon led a co-authored commissioned paper introducing the special issue. This assessed the role of place in understanding the idea of the tobacco endgame – the notion that a world free from tobacco smoking is now conceivable and an explicit governmental goal in many countries.

For the past 25 years, Health & Place has been the leading outlet for work on the role of place in understanding the most pressing global public health challenges, including the consumption of tobacco. With around one billion smokers worldwide and tobacco being complicit in around 18% of all deaths, tobacco remains high on the global health research agenda. Papers in the special issue consider tobacco from various disciplinary perspectives, as an epidemiological topic and also sociological and cultural practice. Methods range from archival and ethnographic research to quantitative modelling, and GPS and GIS approaches.

The Virtual Special is available at