Name: Vicky Katon Position: Internship Coordinator How long have you worked in the Internship Team: 2 years Favourite thing about the Excel Southampton Internship Programme: Working with a fantastic team who are passionate about giving students valuable work experience. Favourite food: Anything involving cheese! Interesting fact: I have 6 godchildren
About Laura Messenger
Author Archive | Laura Messenger
Meet the Team – Laura
Name: Laura Messenger Position: Internship Administrator How long have you worked in the Internship Team: About 6 months Favourite thing about the Excel Southampton Internship Programme: Getting to hear about all the different exciting things students have been able to do during their internship Favourite food: Definitely chocolate Interesting fact: I used to volunteer in the zoo […]
My Summer as a Student Communications Assistant
This Summer I’ve been lucky enough to have the opportunity to work as a Student Communications Assistant (Editor) in the University’s Communications and Marketing department. Whilst a change from my previous work experience, the job has fitted me and the time has, sadly, flown by. I would always have said that my ‘trade’ was on […]
Seabird Shenanigans
Last year I spent a month with the local RSPB, Wez and Dawn based in Langstone Harbour. I returned this year and was able to link it up with my uni’s “Excel Placement” scheme so was paid which was nice. It’s been an interesting month; very different to last year, mostly down to the weather. […]
Interning at FX
I am currently undertaking an internship at FX Digital in Shoreditch, London where I have taken the role of a front-end web developer. My role is essentially to transform the website plans from the designers into fully-functioning websites for our clients. After the placement, I will hopefully complete my degree at Southampton reading BSc Web Science. […]
Virtual Learning Environments – and Why They’re Very Real
Southampton University uses Blackboard to provide a Virtual Learning Environment. This is a location for files, forums, and other course resources to be stored and accessed by students. It can also be used for assignment submission, communication between students and academics. News and events can also be scheduled, and grades tracked as feedback on assignments […]
Meet the Team – Charlie
Name: Charlie Barton Position: Work Experience Manager How long have you worked in the Internship Team: 18 months Favourite thing about the Excel Southampton Internship Programme: How the programme is mutually beneficial for all stakeholders; our employers gain great insight from enthusiastic students delivering fantastic outcomes, students enhance their employability skills and are prepared for graduate recruitment, and […]
Southampton Feedback Champions Blog Post #3: Bullet Pointless: Using Articulate to help Students Learn.
It’s the sixth week of my involvement in the Southampton Feedback Champions project. So far, we’ve established the tenets of the project: the key messages that we want to share with the University’s learning community. These messages will help lecturers to teach more effectively, as well as allow students to use feedback and assessment to […]
Southampton Feedback Champions: Blog Post #2: How to Become a Graphic Designer in 48 hours.
It’s the third week of my internship working with Laurence Georgin on the Southampton Feedback Champions project. Last week constituted days of plugging away at Excel spreadsheets full of qualitative interview data for both Laurence and me. The purpose of this exercise was to extract and compile examples of good feedback practice recorded in interviews […]
Southampton Feedback Champions Blog Post #1: The Other Side: Changing from Student to Staff Member
After many applications, several challenging interviews and a suspenseful period in limbo, I have been fortunate enough to be selected for one of the University of Southampton’s Excel internships. I am now a part of the Southampton Feedback Champions, which is the latest generation of a series of projects run by Laurence Georgin that have […]