Southampton Feedback Champions Blog Post #3: Bullet Pointless: Using Articulate to help Students Learn.

It’s the sixth week of my involvement in the Southampton Feedback Champions project. So far, we’ve established the tenets of the project: the key messages that we want to share with the University’s learning community. These messages will help lecturers to teach more effectively, as well as allow students to use feedback and assessment to drive their learning and ultimately achieve the degree class that they need and deserve.  The implications of the project for staff and students are obviously beneficial. However, we’re still facing the issue of how best to inform students and staff about it. With a relatively large amount of information to express, it’s becoming clearer and clearer that we can’t convey the messages of the project on posters without ending up with an A1 full of headache-inducing bullet-pointed lists of small print.

Fortunately, I believe that there is a solution to this problem. Over the past month, Laurence and I have been involved in a series of e-learning Special Interest Group (SIG) meetings. Through these, we have discovered Articulate Storyline 2: a powerful learning tool which could transform our crude lists of bullet points into a series of engaging didactic activities. We plan to repurpose the posters; making them image-heavy and text-light, to be used as tools to signpost the Articulate course wherein the brunt of students’ learning will take place. I’m excited about creating the Articulate course; I feel like it is the key to reaching students and really making a difference to learning at the University of Southampton for the Feedback Champions project.

by James Tepper

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