So you’ve decided that you’d like to do an internship, that’s great, but how can you go about actually securing that position?
Here at the Excel Southampton Internship Programme we offer lots of roles with a wide variety of organisations. However, some of these roles can be hotly contested, so how can you make yourself stand out from the crowd?
Here are a few hints and tips to make sure you submit the best application possible:
· Answer every question – It may sound obvious but you’d be surprised by the number of partially completed applications that are submitted. Each question is another chance for you to demonstrate that you have the skills and experience that the employer is looking for, don’t waste it!
· Tailor your application – No two positions are ever the same; therefore no two applications should be the same. Always tailor your application to the company/department and role to which you are applying. The employer wants you to demonstrate your enthusiasm and passion for their particular organisation/role.
· Do your research – Look up the organisation, visit their website or even talk to someone working in that particular sector. This way you can ensure that you are truly interested in the role and will sound more knowledgeable in your application and potential interview.
· Read the job description – This will give you hints as to the skills and experience required by the employer. You can then ensure that you include these in your application.
· Include your work experience! – Even if you do not have formal paid work experience, think about any voluntary or unpaid work, roles in clubs and societies or even projects you have done as part of your studies. All of these can count as work experience if they are relevant to the role!
· Check, check and re-check! – Always ensure that you re-read your application, checking for accurate grammar and spelling. You may have all the experience in the world but if your application reads poorly, it can put employers off. Ask a friend or a relative to proof-read before submitting.
Ready to search and apply? Check out our website for more details and to find out about all of our current opportunities.
More help and advice is available on our Careers website.
Good luck with your application!