Congratulations to Chrysia and Mariana, and thank you for letting me be part of this collaboration! Read more here:
Author: Katrin Deinhardt
Congratulations to Connor on passing his viva!

Aleks passed her viva!
Congratulations, Dr Pitera, well done!

SoCoBio PhD positions now advertised!
PhD positions with the new SoCoBio DTP are now open. Come work with us, investigating how the nervous system is wired up!

Aleks and Connor have submitted!
After three and a bit years, both Aleks and Connor have submitted their theses. Well done both!

We are recruiting!
Alzheimer’s Society funded PhD Studentship – Investigating the role of tauopathy-induced activating transcription factor 3: a transcriptional hub to modulate neurodegeneration.
Fully funded PhD position available to study the role of ATF3 in tau-mediated neurodegeneration. We have previously identified an upregulation of the transcription factor ATF3 in mouse models of neurodegeneration. While ATF3 has been shown to have a protective role in motor neurons, little is known about its function within the brain. This studentship will use cell biological and biochemical approaches to investigate the effects of ATF3 expression in primary neurons at early stages of tauopathy. Understanding the mechanisms that underlie the neurodegeneration found in dementias is an important route to finding therapies for these diseases.
For more information click here
Detangling the knots
Grace’s work gets attention
Grace’s work gets featured in Neuronline, EurekAlert and WessexScene

our paper on tau propagation is out!
Congratulation Grace and team, our work just got accepted in JNeurosci!
Hannah and Mariana’s paper is out!
Congratulations Hannah and Mariana, and very happy that we could contribute to this exciting work!