The University of Southampton

How technology has allowed a man to walk again?

I have come across an article

A heart condition meant Ryan required a transplant at 18, however after suffering a cardiac arrest just a few days later, lack of blood flow to his legs caused his calf muscles to die and he needed amputation of both legs. Ryan was fitted with prosthetic limbs but walking with these new legs became too painful and he had to stop. He was then fitted with a spinal cord simulator which sends small electrical impulses to his spinal cord and blocks pain signals travelling back to his brain. Since this device was fitted Ryan says his life has changed. He is able to walk again and even enjoys nights out with his brother and friends 🙂

Extra Thumbs

Could having an extra set of thumbs boost our capabilities as humans?

While browsing the web, I stumbled across an article discussing and assessing the potential benefits of manufacturing and utilising extra limbs to help the public with work and home life. We already know the benefits of replacing previously lost body parts, but is it possible that adding additional limbs to typically functioning limbs could make humans more efficient. Could it be that waiters could carry more plates with an extra thumb, could a builder lay more bricks with an extra arm, could we run faster with an extra leg?

Instead of replacing limbs, scientists are looking at augmenting the remaining functioning limb.

When thinking about how an extra limb could improve the efficiency could improve my own life, the opportunities seem endless, as a biomedical science student, an thumb could mean that holding double the test tubes.

Bionic Limbs in Ukraine

As the war in Ukraine continues there has been reports of an increased need for limb amputation. Therefore, prosthetic limbs could be more important than ever in Ukraine. This interesting article describes how Aether Biomedical has partnered with the Ukraine based Superhuman Centre to increase the availability of prosthetics to those injured in Ukraine. So far they have raised over $7 million and successfully fitted patients in Ukraine with the company’s flagship product ‘Zeus hand’.

Super Human Strength

Muscle fiber consists of a bundle of myofibril (left). Bio-hybrid artificial muscle is composed of CNT fibe, PU fiber, and skeletal muscle fiber (right).

What does muscle look like?